Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 11

All in my mind was: "Babe, it's a promise..."

WHAT THE HELL DID THAT MEAN?! Did he have some top secret idea to get inside my head? God, I hope not.

"So, are you going to answer my question?" I looked up from my notebook to look at Nick.

"Nope." He replied, continuing to write.

I sighed. I was probably never going to get it out of him.

I glanced at the clock. 6:40 . Only 20 more minutes...

Nick sat up and stretched his arms out, putting one over my chair. It was the typical thing guys would do to girls at the movie theaters. But the only thing different was, Nick and I weren't going out, we weren't on a date, he doesn't like me, and I don't like him.

And it was going to stay that way...

"So... what are you doing after you leave?" Nick asked.

"Going home."

"Don't you do anything fun? Go to movies, hang out with friends, something?!"

Come to think of it, I didn't. I was never that type of person to go to parties, hang out a lot, and get drunk (like some people). That wasn't the way for me.

"I like to read." I replied.

Nick sighed, "You seem like such a fun person if you let loose. C'mon, I'll show you how to have some real fun."

I raised one eyebrow, "Huh?"

"I'm taking you out." He said, like it was something he did every day.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. You might drive us into a ditch and leave me." I said, quickly putting my books into my bag and heading for the door.

And just like it happened before, I was up against the wall with Nick's hands gripping my shoulders. Talk about deja vu.

"Why can't you trust me? I'm a fun guy. I'll show you a good time."

I rolled my eyes, "You know, if I didn't know any better, I would think you're flirting with me. But that's impossible and would never happen."

Nick stepped closer, closing any space between us. His face was so close to mine that it was almost intimidating.

"And what if I am? Then is it impossible?" he smirked that famous 'Jonas smirk'.

I pushed him away and put my hand on the door knob, "No, it's just stupid. I'm me and you're you. We're just two teenagers stuck in this screwed up world with high school cliques, puppy love, and people who think with their sexual organs rather than their brain. So if you want to go have fun with them, go. Who am I to stop you? But it's one thing I'm not going to be a part of."

This time, Nick didn't stop me from walking out of the door.

A block away from house, I found myself regretting what I had said. Maybe he wasn't flirting with me; maybe he was just being the insensitive jerk he is.

Okay, that isn't such an improvement.

I sighed and turned around, ready to go back to Nick's house. As I walked, I stared at my feet and not what was in front of me. My guess was that I'd probably walk into a tree and land on my ass. With my luck, I walked into something, or someone else.

"Oh, I'm so sor --- Nick? What are you doing?" I looked up and saw Nick standing in front of me.

"Well, about five minutes after you left, I decided that I wanted to have the last word. So I followed you; but when I saw you stop and turn around and... stare at your feet as you walked, I kept walking towards you. And now I'm here."

"Wow. Great story. Now, if you'll excuse me." I turned around and headed up the block again.

"Not this again..." I heard Nick groan and mumble. "Why can't you accept the fact I want to friends with you?!"

I stopped dead in my tracks. Nick Jonas wants to be friends... with me. The non-preppy, non-popular brainiac that has no social life?! WHAT WAS THIS WORLD COMING TO?

I turned around again and faced him, "You want to be friends with me?"

He nodded and put his hands in his pockets.


He shrugged, "I figured you could use more friends."

"I'm happy with the ones I've got."

"Fine," Nick put his hands up, like he was surrendering, "I give up. But, at least let me take you out tonight as a thanks for helping me with school. Would that be okay or do you have some show on the Discovery Channel to tape?" He grinned.

I glared, "Do you want me to come with you or not?"

He nodded. "Fine. Um, what time should I be ready?"

"Seven; eight; nine. Whatever floats your boat." He winked. Wow, poor guy thinks he's clever.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, mumbling un-pleasant things about Nick.

"WEAR SOMETHING SEXY!" I heard Nick shout. I had a sense that he was smirking again.

Man, what did I just get myself into...