Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 12

"So, sexy, huh? Trust me, babe. We'll make you sexy. You're going to be so sexy that he's going to need a damn muzzle to keep his jaw closed." Gina grinned as she scanned through my closet.

"Gina, I don't want him to think that I'm listening to him! And besides, I don't want to look like a tramp." I sighed and laid flat on my back on my bed.

"Not everything sexy has to look trampy, Hun." She replied.

"Whatever..." I quietly mumbled.

"UGH! YOU HAVE NOTHING! Do you go shopping with a nun?! What's up with all the long ankle skirts and sweaters?!" Gina exclaimed.

"I'm not into fashion." I shrugged. I didn't understand why she made such a big deal about this.

"My God..." she mumbled.

She grabbed my hand and forcibly dragged me downstairs and out to her car.

"Why am I always getting kidnapped?" I asked to no one in particular as Gina shoved me into the car.

"Because you deserve it. Now, buckle up. It's gonna be a tough ride."

"I really hate this..." I said loud enough, hoping Gina would hear me.

"I don't care, you need to be here! LOOK AT YOUR CLOSET! Those types of things shouldn't be in an 18-year-old's closet! Now... this is what you need."

She came inside the dressing room holding pink and black baby doll top, a black vest, and black skinny jeans.

"You're going to look so hot in this!" she exclaimed and hung everything.

"Um..." I stared at it.

She looked at me and frowned, "What?"

"I don't know if I can wear that."

"Why not?! Jeez, Aurora. Do you actually think I'd make you look stupid and slutty? You're my best friend. Trust me, please?"

Great. Now I felt guilty.

"Okay. Here goes nothing..."

"OH MY GOD! YOU LOOK SO HOT! Nick's going to DIE! AH!" Gina grinned and turned me around.

"Are you sure it's okay?" I asked, looking in the mirror.

"Positive. You look absolutely terrific. But now that your outfit for tonight is done. We need to buy you more stuff! And you need accessories! We need more money!"

"Gina, please! This is a ONE time thing. He's only taking me out because he wants to thank me for tutoring him. We're not going out."

"Yet..." she mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. She wouldn't believe me or accept the fact that it was just a 'Thank You' date than a 'I'm Into You' date.

Whichever date it was, I wasn't ready for it.

"So, honey, I heard you were going on a date..." my mother greeted me as I walked inside the house.

"Um... it's not a date..." I replied, heading for the stairs.

"That's not what Aiden told us."

"Yeah, Double A, who's the lucky guy to be going out with my daughter?" my dad asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"No one. It's not a date. Aiden lied. And he's just a stupid boy that I'm tutoring in Journalism!" I snapped.

"But Aurora! This is your first date with a boy! You don't have to be ashamed!" my mother yelled as I ran up the stairs, trying to get away from them.

I slammed my door shut and landed on my bed with a heavy thud.

"So, going on a date, huh? About time." I heard a voice from the left.

I opened my eyes to see my sister standing there in the doorway.

"Not now, Lana." I snapped.

She rolled her eyes and sat on my bed, next to me.

"As much as I'm happy for you for getting a date, I'm also disappointed. You're changing yourself for this one guy and for what? So he can like your body and clothes and not your values or personality."

"I'm not changing myself, Lana. You're being ridiculous." I stated and got up to get my clothes to take a shower.

"Who's your date with anyways?" She asked.

"IT'S NOT A DATE!" I shouted it loud and clear.

"FINE! Who's your NON-DATE with?"

I turned around and whispered as quietly as I could, "Nick Jonas."

"Excuse me?"

"Nick... Jonas." I said louder and turned to face her.

Her jaw dropped and she stood up. "Nick Jonas. As in, the younger brother to the most egotistical, self-absorbed, vain human being they call Joseph Jonas?"

I bit my lip and nodded.

Lana shook her head in a disapproving way, "Out of all the nice guys in your school, you go out with Nick Jonas. I thought you would learn something from what happened to me, but I guess you didn't."

"Did you come up here to give me a lecture or to say hello from your seven months of being away at college?" I retorted.

"Whatever, Aurora. When Nick breaks your heart or does something worse to you, don't come running home and expecting me to take care of you. I'm trying to make you see and realize that all the Jonas boys are the same. They'll never change. So, have fun on your date."

Lana walked out and slammed my door shut.

I sat on my bed, thinking about all the things Lana went through with Joe. Did I want the same relationship she had?

My thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone ringing. I looked on the caller ID and it flashed Nick.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Listen to her and cancel the date? Or just let her talk and go?