Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 13

"Wow... you look... hot!" was Nick's first reaction when I showed up at his doorstep.

I frowned, "Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for..."

Nick shrugged, "What? I'm a guy and that's how I compliment girls."

"You could be a little more romantic." I hinted.

"Oh, okay. Let's do this over." Nick shut the door and I stood there waiting.

He opened the door with an amazed expression, "Wow. Don't you look ravishing tonight, Aurora. I must say, that top really brings out your eyes. You look so lovely in bright colors! Shall we get going?" he stepped out and held out his arm for me to take.

I almost wanted to laugh at him at how stupid he was acting, but I held it in. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction that I was already having a good time.

"Um... that's a little much..." I said.

He sighed, "You are too difficult, Aurora. But like I said, I'm going to be the first person to figure you out."

"Keep thinking that." I winked.

He flashed a grin and opened the passenger door for me, "See, I do have manners."

I fake gasped, "You continue to surprise me, Nick Jonas."

I climbed in and before Nick shut door, he leaned in and replied, "Trust me, babe, you haven't seen anything yet."

He closed the door and I shuddered at his words. What did he mean...?


"YOU BROUGHT ME HERE?!" I screamed over the loud music.

Yep, he brought me to a party.

"WHAT?! I thought you'd be excited to be at your first real party. Especially with me." He grinned.

I glared, "I should've NEVER came with you! You're still and will always be the selfish, egotistical Nick Jonas just like my sister said! I'll find my own way home." I wrenched my hand out of Nick's and started walking down the street.

"AURORA! AURORA, STOP! PLEASE!" I heard Nick call from behind me.

We were away from the house, so at least it was easier to hear him. But I didn't stop.

"Why won't you stay with me?" he asked.

"Because. I know what guys like you do at parties like this!" I replied, still walking up an unknown block.

"Oh yeah? What?"

I turned around, "You drink. You drink all night and then try to pick up chicks, only they're wasted too. So, we have two, extremely wasted 18 year olds. Hm, what could happen? Oh, I know! You sleep together!" I shouted.

"BUT I'M NOT LIKE THAT!" Nick yelled back.

"Right." I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"At least let me take you home."

I stopped and turned around to look at him, "... fine."

I started walking back towards the house that held the party because Nick's car was parked right outside of it.

A few blocks away, we started seeing people running down the block where we once were.

We stopped and Nick pulled someone over to ask them, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Oh, dude, they like, burned down the place!" the drunken teenager replied.

My eyes widened, "Oh my God..."

Nick pulled my hand, "C'mon!"

"Nick! We can't leave! If it's a fire we have to call someone!" I said.

I took out my phone and called the police. They put me through the line to call paramedics and firefighters. After a few minutes, we heard the sirens. My heart was beating so fast that I felt it was about to bulge out of my chest.

Nick and I stood by the bushes outside and watched the paramedics take out a few teens on stretchers and pull them into the ambulance truck. I shivered from the cold and Nick put his arms around my waist.

A firefighter came over to us, "Which one of you called us?"

"Um... I did." I replied.

He looked at me, and then at Nick, "Your girlfriend did the right thing. If you hadn't called, this house would've burned to ashes and those kids wouldn't be alive. You made the right choice by not running away but taking action."

He walked away and everyone left, Nick turned me around, "So, girlfriend, you really did the right thing."

I took his hands off me, "I'm not your girlfriend. I don't know where he got that idea."

"Hmm, maybe because my hands were around your waist, like this," and once again, he put his hands around me, "We were standing close. You know, we do make a cute couple."

I pushed him away, "No! Not ever! Sorry to spoil your fun, but I made a promise to myself that I'd never fall for you."

"Well, looks like you're going to have to break that promise." He hid a smirk.

I kept a dead serious expression on my face, "Not a chance. If there's one thing I learned from my sister is to never trust a Jonas."

"Who's your sister? I've heard about her twice already and so far I'm coming to the conclusion that she must know me or one of my brothers."

Before I could say anything else and possibly spill out everything, I began to walk away like I did before.

"Oh, great! The chasing game again!" Nick groaned.

"You don't have to follow me." I told him.

"But that's not how the game works."

"Of course, everything is a game to you, isn't it?"

I heard Nick's footsteps getting faster and soon enough he was right next to me, "You won't let me take you to a party, you won't tell me who your mysterious Jonas-hating sister is, and now you won't let me take you home. Keep this up and this relationship won't go anywhere."

"Good. Then I better keep doing what I'm doing because I don't want a relationship with you. It's bad enough I have to continuously tutor you after school, everyday for the rest of the year."

He pulled my arm and stopped me from walking, "What do you want me to do, Aurora? Please, just give me one hint to as what you want me to do so we could atleast be friends."

I turned around. I felt almost a little bit of pity. "Just... stop trying so hard to impress me. You flirt, and flirt and I just want you to stop and be yourself."

"Okay. Friends?" he stuck out his hand.

"Friends." I shook his hand. And the deal was sealed. Being friends with Nick wasn't hard. Now the real challenge was... could we keep it that way?