Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 14

"I guess we should get you home now." Nick said.

I nodded and started walking towards the direction of my house. "So, we agreed to the no flirting, but does that mean I can't make comments in a joking manner?" Nick asked, slightly smirking.

"You most definitely can't do that." I grinned.

Nick sighed, "Alright. I give up."

"Good.'Cause you were never going to get your way in the first place." I mocked.

Just like clockwork, heavy rain began to pour down, soaking every inch of our bodies.

"I should have known..." I muttered to myself.


"C'mon, this is so typical! The boy walks the girl home, and it starts to rain. They huddle under a tree or something, kiss and fall in love, and happily ever after! God, why does my life have to be such a remake of movie that you would most likely see in the 80's?!" I exclaimed.

Nick began to laugh at me hysterically like I actually meant to say something funny. "Why are you laughing?!"

"Because, the fact that you make such a simple thing into this huge drama is hysterical! Would you relax once and a while? Live life; take risks. Be a regular 18 year old for once and do something spontaneous!" Damn it. Why does he always have to make a point?

"Fine. This is me, being spontaneous!" I replied. I spotted a giant gap filled with water and decided to run straight for it and jump into it. I felt like a little kid again; running into puddles. I looked back at Nick and noticed he was staring; just staring at me with a smile on his face.

"Is this better for you? That I'm being spontaneous and acting like an idiot?" I yelled to him, standing in the middle of the street.

He ran over to me and looked up and down at my now soaking wet body and smirked, "It's not really better, just more humorous. But hey, look on the bright side, you look hotter wet."

"You are the most annoying, arrogant, self-centered, two-faced, jerk I've even known! We're supposed to be acting like friends. No perverted comments, remember?" I snapped.

He shrugged, "Yeah, also remember I'm a teenage guy. This is what we do."

I rolled my eyes, "You'll never really change, will you?" I began to walk along the park, trying to get away from him.

"Aw, c'mon. Don't be like that!"

The heavy rain started to come down even harder and dark, grey clouds covered the sky. Thunder had even started to erupt. "Aurora, I'm not going to let you walk home alone in the rain." Nick said, coming up from behind me.

"Fine. Then walk next to me. But by no means does that give you the right to talk to me." I replied, keeping my eyes focused on what's in front of me.

"Oh, darn it. And I was hoping we could have an intellectual conversation." Nick said sarcastically.

"I'm even surprised you know what intellectual means." I retorted.

"AURORA! LOOK OUT!" Nick pushed me forward and jumped on top of me, shielding me with his body, as a car violently sped its way in our direction. If it weren't for Nick, that car would've hit me...

Our bodies were so close that the strong scent of his Abercrombie & Fitch cologne filled my nose. Much to my disappointment, Nick got off me and helped me up. "Nick..."

"Yeah?" he looked up at me.

"Thank you..." I said quietly. At that moment, I wished Nick and I were really friends so it wouldn't be awkward if I pulled him into a hug. But we were frenemies, and that didn't count.

"No problem. I mean, I couldn't let it hit you. You still have to help me pass Journalism." He laughed slightly.

I was so incredibly thankful for Nick saving me that all bad thoughts about him completely erased from mind, so I half-smiled and laughed.

Nick looked at his watch, "We really should get you home now."

I shook my head, "I don't want to go home."

"Then where to?" Nick asked.

"Wherever you want to go." I poked him in the shoulder as I said this. With running into the puddles and the near death experience thanks to some loser that was probably drunk, I felt like taking Nick's words into consideration and living life to the fullest.

"My house?" Nick suggested.

I nodded my head furiously and grabbed his hand, running toward his house.
"So, you really live alone. Don't you get lonely?" I asked Nick as we both sat down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn separating us.

"Nah," Nick replied, popping one in his mouth, "I'm barely home. Besides, I'm better off this way."

I simply nodded and stared at my hands. It was practically killing me how badly I wanted to know why Nick lived alone. Someday he would tell me; I just had to wait.

"I'm shocked. You're not asking me what happened?"

"It's your business. You tell me when you're ready."

I looked up at him and noticed he was staring at me intently. Like he was studying me; remembering every detail.

"Nick? What's wrong wi ---" My sentence got cut off by Nick's lips colliding with mine.

His kiss was so forceful, and so passionate that it knocked the popcorn bowl straight to the loud, causing a loud noise. But that didn't stop us. His hand slithered around my waist tightly as I lied down.

While we were kissing, I took a few minutes to scream at myself in my head, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU'RE KISSING NICK JONAS! YOUR ENEMY!"

Then again, who actually listens to those stupid voices in their head anyways?

His hands slowly crept up my shirt and the coldness of them made me tingle with goosebumps.

"Cold?" Nick asked, planting kisses along my jawline.

"No, I-I'm okay." I had to admit, even though this was the craziest, stupidest thing I could ever do, it excited me and frightened me at the same time.

Nick pulled away and looked at me, "Am I scaring you?"

My heart completely flipped at that moment. Maybe Nick did have a heart and actually had the ability to care about other people.

"No," I shook my head and pulled him back in.

"Wait, what to be a little more comfortable?" he asked, nodding towards the staircase that lead to his room.

I looked up and made a quick, yet, reasonable choice.

"Let's go." He got off me and grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs.

Was I really sure about what I was about to do?

Well, I had to be. After all, I was 'living life to the fullest.'

... Right?