Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 20

Around 8 o'clock, I put Elliot to bed and changed into overly large, dark blue baby-doll shirt and matching cotton shorts. While excitedly waiting for Nick's "surprise visit", I kept glancing at my phone, wondering whether or not I should call Gina and apologize for everything.

I took a deep breath, picked up my phone, and dialed her number.

"Hello?" Gina answered happily. Oh Gina, perky as usual.

"... Gina?"

I heard her sigh, "Hi Aurora."

"Gina, look, I'm absolutely sorry for everything. I didn't mean to yell at you and just walk away like that. You've been my only best friend besides Aiden and I completely screwed it up. God, Gina, you've been nothing but nice and I totally blew you off for Ni ---"

"Whoa, whoa. Slow your roll, Aurora." She interrupted. "To tell you the truth, I knew you were just blowing off steam so after a while, I wasn't mad at you anymore. I figured I let you sweat it out a little and make you worry." She laughed.

A wide smile spread across my face, "Ugh, Gina! You're such a..."

"C'mon, you know you love me. I'm your BFF." I could tell she was smirking.

"Of course you are. Have you talked to Aiden? Since all this Nick stuff has been happening, I've lost contact with him."

She sighed, "He's worried about you, Aurora. I am too. With all the risks out there, it's scary to do un-protected sex nowadays."

"Please, Gina, no lectures. My sister already gave me one; I know the risks. But, I'm willing to just let my worries go and live life. We've only got one."

"You really have changed, Aurora. But whatever, I'm here for you. So, wanna come over and have a sleep over. We can talk about boys, order pizza..."

I frowned. I really wanted to go, but wanted to spend time with Nick also. "Actually... um, I kind of already have plans..."

"Oh... let me guess. Nick, right?"


She giggled, "Typical. I have to admit, you guys are cute together. Just remember to use protection, kay?"

"GINA!" I yelled, trying not to burst into laughter that might wake Elliot up.

A sudden loud bang against my window made me jump off my bed in fright. "What was that?!" Gina asked frantically.

I walked over and opened my window. Peering out, I saw Nick stumbling up to my porch. "Is it looooovverr boy?" Gina taunted.

"God, I think he's drunk. Gina, I'll have to call you back."

"Sure, babe. Later."

"Bye!" I hung up and rushed downstairs to open the door for him before any of the neighbors could see him.

"Hello Aurora." Nick said, making his way into my house.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, trying to guide him away from the crashing into the hall closet.

"Of course not, baby." He said and collapsed on my couch.

I sighed and rubbed his head, "Why would you go out and drink stupidly if you knew you were coming here?"

He looked at me like a lost puppy, "Um... I don't know."

I shook my head and put my head in my hands, "God, Nick. Why do you do this to yourself?"

"I gotta get outta here..." Nick said, making an attempt to try and get off the couch.

"Oh no you don't," I got up and pulled on his arm before he got to the door, "you're staying here till you're sober. There's no way you're going out there like this."

Nick smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist, "You loovee me, dontcha?"

I pushed him away from me, with a disgusted look on my face. "You're breath is horrible. How much did you drink?!"

"Just a little." He made a sign with his fingers.

"I'm sure." I nodded like I believed him.

Nick tried to stand up but I pushed him back down, "Sit and don't go anywhere."

I walked into my kitchen and closed the door, but out of a little hole, I peeked through to just keep an eye on him.

Through the hole, I saw Nick pick up a magazine off the coffee table and try to read it. Problem was: it was upside down.

"Oh, God..." I started to pace back and forth.

I have a drunken boy in my house... I have a hot, drunken boy in my house... I have a hot, drunken boy that I'm sleeping with, in my house...

If my parents walked in right now and saw him there, do you think I would be positively screwed over? You bet.

I took a deep breath and walked back out. "Do you want anything?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "you."

Obviously delirious. "No, seriously, what do you want?"

"You!" He poked me in the side.

I looked at him, clearly confused. Nick sighed, stood up, and began digging into his pocket for something. I just stared the entire time.

Finally, he pulled out a pink box. He opened it and to my surprise, it was a ring. And a gorgeous one at that. Silver and engraved on it were hearts. Inside the hearts, were little pieces of cubic zirconia.

"I bought this for you." Nick said.

I looked at him in complete shock. A ring?! For what?!

"Why are you giving this to me?"I asked.

Nick frowned, "You don't want it?"

"No, I do. It's magnificent. I'm just confused on why you bought such an expensive thing like this for me."

"Ugh! And I thought you were the smart one!" He set the box on the table and pulled me off the couch. He tightly planted his hands on my hips so that way, I couldn't move not even an inch. "This is why I got drunk. I needed to get my feelings out."

"Then just say them!" I snapped. In a way, seeing Nick this aggressive scared me. But I knew it was only his drunkenness talking. He wasn't like this.

"I want you. I want you so badly. To just be mine and that's it! I'm tired doing this stupid game where we have to hide! It's annoying!"

It's definitely the drunkenness...

"No, "I shook my head, "you're not thinking straight; you're drunk."

"I'M FINE!" He barked. I shut my mouth and let him go on with his ranting of emotions.

"Prom. When is prom?" he asked.

"Um... 1 month from now." I whispered.

"Prom. That is night everyone is going to find out about me and you. I promise." He let go of my hips and grabbed the box. Taking the ring out, he slipped it on my finger and kissed my hand.

Whether it was his drunkenness talking or he was actually sane, I had a major urge to just push him up against the hall closet and kiss him.

Well, it's time I make the first move. And I did just that.

Before I had the chance to pull back, Nick took over and picked me up, putting me over his shoulder. "Nick! Put me down!" I yelled, trying not to laugh. "Nope!" I could tell he was smirking. That famous Jonas smirk will never leave his face.

When we got to my room, he gently dropped me on the bed and crawled on top of me. Leaning down towards my ear, he whispered the forbidden three words that aren't meant to be said in a teenage relationship. "I love you."

I looked into his eyes, but sadly, couldn't read them.

"And I meant it. I'm fine now. I'm not drunk, or on drugs, or anything. I really mean it; I love you." Nick said, looking at me.

"I love you too, Nick." I replied. He smiled a sincere smile and leaned down to kiss me.

Well, I guess I went against my better judgment. But you know what? It felt pretty damn good.
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Comments please!!!