Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 21

After that night, Nick and I were closer than I ever thought we could be. In school, we would actually say hello and act civil towards each other. Gina didn't refer to Nick as the "horn-dog" anymore after telling her what happened. And Aiden and I were back to being the best friends we always were. It seemed as if everything fell into place.

Of course, Nick's friends became strongly suspicious of Nick's actions. But it wasn't only them; it was the entire senior class as well. After all, why wouldn't they be? It wasn't everyday you'd see the star football guy and the nerdy geek chick eating and talking to each other at the same lunch table. That's just not the way it works in high school. But did I care? Nope. Did Nick care? Nope.

Later on it the week, Nick promised to take me somewhere. Problem was: he didn't tell me where. He didn't even drop any hints. So, of course, that kept me wondering all day where he could possibly take me.

"Well, today's the day." Nick grinned, coming up to me.


"You get to find out where I'm taking you."

"Oh, aren't I lucky?" I said sarcastically.

"Hey, talk to me in that tone and maybe I'll re-think about it." He smirked and pressed his body closer to mine.

I blushed slightly and backed up into the lockers. "Well, what do we have here?"

We turned around to see Riley standing there, with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. "What do you want, Shaw?" Nick asked.

Riley rolled her eyes and flipped her natural straight blond hair, "Nothing. I just happened to be walking down the halls and then I see my ex-boyfriend and the world's first smart slut ready to bang each other in the school hallways. I must say, I'm impressed."

"You son-of-a ---" I was about to lunge at her if Nick didn't hold me back. Thankfully, there was no one in the hallway to witness this.

"Calm down, Aurora. She's not worth it." Nick said, holding me with his arms around my waist. He rubbed my thighs in order to calm me down. In a way, it was helping.


Riley laughed in an almost sinister way, "Please, Addison, you couldn't hit me if you tried."

"Want to bet?" I retorted.

She rolled her eyes and looked at her watch, "Would you look at that; I have a hair appointment to get to. Later, whores."

As she walked away, I stared at her with a cold, icy glare, hoping she'd feel it from the back of her head.

"One day, she's going to get some kind of disease, and I'm going to laugh." Nick said, chuckling at his attempt of a joke.

"That's not funny." I said, aggravated.

"Oh, c'mon," Nick grabbed my hips and placed his head on my shoulder, "it was kind of funny. Don't let her get to you, okay?" he kissed my check and let go.

I nodded and took his hand, as he led me to his car.

"Are you taking me to the 'secret' place now?" I asked.


My heart fluttered with excitement. Hopefully I wasn't going to get my hopes up.

"You brought me to a dress shop...?" I grimaced.

Nick grinned innocently, "What? I figured you could use a dress."

"You're a bastard." I told him, standing with my arms crossed in an annoyed manner.

"And you love me for it. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the shop.

"Oh, hello loves! How may I help you today?!" A short woman with dark brown hair in think curls, wearing a pink polka-dotted dress, said to us as we entered the store.

Nick smiled at her and I just gave a small wave.

"Hello, Lisa. How are you?" Nick asked.

The woman gasped, "Nicholas?! Darling! Sweetheart, I haven't seen you in months!" she gave Nick two kisses on the cheek and hugged him.

"Yeah, it's been a while. This is Aurora and she needs a prom dress." Nick said, introducing me.

The woman, who Nick called Lisa, looked at me and flashed her pure white teeth, "Let's go, hon. When I'm done with you, Nick's not going to be able to contain himself."

I gave Nick a look that begged for him to say something. But he just smiled at me and waved his fingers, "Have fun."

Lisa squealed and took my arm and I followed her around the store.