Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 22

"Aurora... baby... c'mon, you know you can't ignore me for long." Nick said, following my trail as I left the shop.

I turned around to give an icy glare, "Wanna bet?"

"Save your money and just give me my prize now." He smirked and snaked his arms around me.

"I hate you..." I mumbled before his lips caught mine.

You would think I'd be used to this. Nick does something to get me aggravated, I walk out, he chases me, we make out, and go on. Yep, pretty predictable, I say.

"Do you want to come over?" I asked him, pulling away.

He shrugged, "We can't do much; aren't your parents like, always home?"

"Is sex the only thing that's on your mind 24/7?" I cross my arms.

"Erm... yeah." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. And for your information, no, they're not. Ever since my sister got a new boyfriend, they've decided to let me and her lead our own lives and let us do what we want. I could not come home for three days straight and they wouldn't even notice."

Nick frowned, "Well, you know you've got me, right?"

"Mmhmm." I pecked him on the lips and took his hand. "They may not care about us much, but I think it's time for the ever-so-popular meet the parents' scene."

"Oh no," Nick stopped short, "I don't do the 'meet the parents' scene. Sorry."

"Oh, please," I stomped my foot on the ground, "Riley's mom seemed to know you pretty well. "

"Riley's mom is a psycho! That woman had to know everyone's business and everything that had to do with Riley. You don't know how many times Riley and I would try to kiss and then her mom just barges in and asks for the '411'." Nick ranted.

I put my hand up to my mouth and tried to prevent my obnoxious laughter from coming out. "But I guess for you," he sighed, "I'll do it."

I smiled and kissed him. "Come to my house around 5. I'll go tell my parents you're coming over so that way they can cancel any plans. Dress, well, nice."

"Babe, I always dress nice." He smirked.

I shook my head and turned to walk home. "And Nick, one more thing," I turned to face him, "leave your egotistical, self-absorbed attitude at home, okay?"

He grinned and winked, then headed for home.


"Please, mom, dad, don't embarrass me. I really like Nick and I don't want him to get any regrets about going out with me." I said to my parents as I ran downstairs. It was five minutes to five and I had just enough time to give my parents the lecture.

"Oh, sweetie, you need to relax. I'm sure Nicholas is a fine boy and that his decisions won't be based on our actions. You just have to have faith, honey." My mother told me as she slipped in her ruby red earrings.

"In you? I don't think that's possible." I snapped and walked into the living room.

"How's Elliot?" I asked Lana, who was watching TV in her beige lounge pants and teal tank top.

"He's upstairs playing with his ninja turtles. Why? Don't want your boyfriend seeing him and questioning you?" she replied and walked past me into the kitchen.

"Is this how you're going to treat me now? Is this how you're going to treat Nick when he arrives? With disrespect and such a bitchy attitude?" I yelled.

She opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by the doorbell. "Excuse me; my boyfriend is waiting at the door." I walked out of the living room and opened the front door.

"Wow, Nick. I'm impressed." I said, looking up and down as his ensemble.

He wore a crisp light pink button down shirt, with rolled up sleeves, and black tie. On top of that, a black blazer. What really impressed me what how he could wear skinny jeans so well with formal clothing and not look weird.

He had style, he had manners, and he had curly hair (my mom has a thing for curly-headed guys); my parents were going to love him.

He looked up and down at me and took a glance at my outfit. My outfit consisted of: a red baby doll top that tended to slip off my shoulder, a denim vest, black skinny jeans, and red ballet flats. "I could say the same for you." Nick smirked and stepped in.

Nick looked to see if any of my parents were in sight, and when the coast was clear, he put his arms around me and leaned down to kiss me.


Nick looked up and smiled, "Hi, I'm Nick."

I turned around and looked. It was Lana. "Hi. I'm Lana, Aurora's older sister."

"Oh, so you're the famous Lana I've heard about. From what Aurora tells me, you and my brother, Joe, were pretty close."

Lana's expression turned cold. She looked at me and shook her head like she disapproved of me. She turned around and walked upstairs without saying a word.

"Did I say something wrong?"Nick asked me.

I looked down. I felt horrible. To make matters worse, Elliot ran down the stairs and grabbed Nick's leg. "Hi! I'm Elliot! I'm 2!"

"Hey Elliot, I'm Nick. You know, I have a little brother and he reminds me of you." Nick said, crouching down to Elliot's height.

Elliot gasped, "Is he 2 too?!"

"Nah, little man, he's 11. But I'm sure you guys would get along great." Nick smiled and ruffled Elliot's hair.

"Cool! Bye Aurora!" Elliot yelled and ran back upstairs.

Nick stood up full length and smiled at me, "I didn't know you had a little brother. He's adorable. Kinda looks like Joe."

I had to lie. There's no way I could tell Nick that Elliot was actually Lana's son. "Um, yeah. He's a handful."

"I know what you mean. When Frankie was 7, all he wanted to do was play and play and it was so annoying." Nick said.

I just nodded and prayed in my head that my mom would announce dinner was ready.

"DINNER'S READY!" my mother bellowed.

Wow, mom. Good timing.

I took Nick's hand and led him into the dining area. I sat down and Nick took a seat next to me. Lana lazily walked over to the table and sat down at the end which was far away from me.

"So, Nicholas, tell us about yourself. " My mother said to Nick, while putting salad on his plate.

"Um, okay. I'm 18, I'm a senior. Um... I am horrible at writing. That's kind of the way me and Aurora met. I'm captain of the football team. And I plan to go to Harvard."

Lana snorted subtly," Wow, Nicholas, you certainly have higher hopes than your brother did."

My eyes widened. I could just predict; this night was not going to end well.