Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 25

As I entered the hospital, I looked around to see if I could find Nick anywhere. But no one looked familiar. I walked up to the desk and asked for his name. "Excuse me; I'm here to see Nicholas Jonas."

The woman looked up from her papers and squinted her eyes at me. "Who are you?"

"I'm his... girlfriend." I replied in a not-so-assuring way.

She nodded and typed something into her computer. "103."

I nodded and started walking, but I then turned back to ask her why he was here. "Uhm, I'm sorry for bothering you again, but do you happen to know why he's here?"

She looked at her computer screen once more, "Hypoglycemia."


"You don't know what that is, do you?" she asked me.

I shook my head.

"It means insulin shock."

My body froze. Why didn't I know this? Why didn't Nick tell me he had diabetes?

"Thank you..."

I walked slowly down the hall and everywhere I looked, I was surrounded by doctors, patients on stretchers, and families crying with their children. I gulped in nervousness and my heart began to beat faster. I felt sick to my stomach; and I had a feeling it was only about to get worse.

I looked ahead and an arrow on the wall in front of me pointed to the left where 103 was located. I turned the corner and spotted a family of 5 all the way at the end of the hallway.

I walked towards them slowly and took a good look at each of them. Mrs. Jonas, who was sitting down with Frankie on her lap, was crying silently and wiping her eyes. Frankie was laying his head on his mother's shoulders, looking up at the ceiling. Mr. Jonas sat in a chair next to his wife, and fiddled with his glasses. And then there was 2 boys leaning up against the wall: Kevin and Joseph.

Kevin kept running his hand through his curly brown hair and constantly looking at the clock. And then there was Joseph. I was somewhat nervous to speak to him. I had never actually said a word to him. Whenever Lana had him over, we would say casual 'Hey' to each other and I would go about my business. Come to think of it, the longest conversation we've ever had consisted of: "Hey." "Hey." "What's up?" "Nothing..." "So, is your sister here?" "Yeah... hold on..."

I never really liked Joe. There was just something about him that seemed wrong. Guess I wasn't wrong...

"Uhm... Hello, Mrs. Jonas. My name is Aurora; I go to school with your son." I said, as I walked up to her.

She wiped her eyes with a tissue and smiled at me, "Hello, sweetie. Thank you for coming."

She put Frankie down and gave me a tight hug, "Are you close friends with Nicholas?"

I laughed nervously, "Closer than you think."

She laughed, "From what Nicholas tells me, you sound like the perfect girl for him. I want to thank you for helping him in school."

I smiled, "It's not a problem. I'm happy to help."

She nodded and sat back down. I turned around to face Kevin and Joe. Kevin stared at his feet, but Joe seemed to have caught my gaze. He stared at me as if he knew who I was, but a clear picture wasn't coming into his mind. He came over to me, and pulled my arm. He dragged me over away from the family and whispered, "You're Lana Addison's little sister, right?"

"Right. And you're Nicholas' brother. The brother who got my sister pregnant."

Joe frowned and looked down, "I never wanted it to happen like that."

"Just because you don't want something to happen, doesn't mean it won't happen. You left her alone to raise him! She had to miss prom because Elliot shot up with a fever." I yelled, half whispered. I ready to tell him everything. I wanted him to know how much he really hurt my sister. I wanted to hurt him just as much.

"The kid's name is Elliot? Lana always liked that name for a boy..." He smirked.

My face was like stone, I showed no emotion, "He's not 'the kid', he's your kid. And I think it's about damn time you start realizing it."

Joe looked down at his shoes and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "God damn it, look at me." I tilted his head up with my index finger and made him look into my eyes.

"I don't know if you changed your ways, hell, I don't even care if you did, but my sister had a future and you ruined it for her. She'll never admit it, but I know that she needs you. She needs you to accept Elliot into your life. You helped bring him into this world."

I was about to go off on him more, but I stopped when I seen a doctor come out of Nick's room.

"Pardon me, are you Nicholas' family?"

"Yes, that's my son. Is everything okay?" Mrs. Jonas looked up and said.

"Everything's just fine. Your son just took too much insulin than he was supposed to. But he's fine now. I suggest he stay here for another day. You have a very brave boy, Mrs. Jonas. His main concern was a girl named Aurora. Is she her?"

Mrs. Jonas looked in the direction where I was standing with Joe, "Aurora, why don't you go and see Nick. I'm sure he'd love it."

I smiled and nodded. I turned my attention to Joe, "Take my advice, make things right. Not for me, not for Lana's sake, but for yourself. You were the best one for her; don't screw it up again. Deep down, I know you want to fix this; now is the perfect time."

I walked away and headed towards the room. As I set my hand on the doorknob, Joe cried out my name, "Hey, Aurora," I looked at him and he smiled, "You're right. About everything. Thank you."

I nodded and turned the knob.

Joe going to make things right with my sister was something that should have happened 2 years ago, but at least he was doing it. And I was happy. But whether Lana will accept his new leaf was a complete mystery to me. But I could worry about that later. Right now I had a boy to see. The boy who changed my life forever.