Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 27

"Oh, honey, can you believe it?! Your graduation is next week! Aren't you excited?!" My mother squealed as she we walked around the mall, looking for a graduation dress.

"Uhm... yeah." Actually, I was dreading it. Not only was I not ready, I was worried about Nick and I's relationship. Where would it go after graduation? We haven't really discussed it... and frankly, I didn't even want to think about it.

"Sweetheart, you are going to Harvard with that Nicholas boy, correct?" My mother looked at me.

I avoided her gaze, "To tell you the truth, mom, I was actually thinking about not going to college so soon. You know, take some time off... travel, and write." My mother laughed, "Oh, dear, why on earth would you want to do that? You can't have a future without school!"

"But mom, I'm not saying I'm not going to college at all, I just don't want to go so soon." I replied.

She rolled her eyes, "Nonsense! You must go. Your father and I have been waiting for this since you were born!"

"Well looks like you're going to have to wait a little longer." I retorted and walked out of the store.

"AURORA! AURORA! AURORA, YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" My mother called. I ignored her cries and continued walking. The further away from her I was, the better.

- While walking along the mall with a Starbucks Vanilla frappuccino in my hand, I sighed and admitted to myself that my mother made a point. Where was I going in the future? What were my plans? And was Nick going to be included in any of them?

As you can see, I ask myself these questions a lot. But, it helps me think. I had to know his plans. What he wanted to do for the rest of his life. I sat on a bench and dialed his number on my phone.

"Hey, it's Nick."

By the soothing tone of his voice, I calmed down a little and the bombarding future questions erased from my mind.

"Hey... can you meet me somewhere? We really have to talk." I told him.

"Do we really have to talk? I mean, I'm out of the hospital and I'm back home, so I was kinda hoping we could..." He trailed off. I know where he was going with this.

"God, Nick, no! Why is it that every time I try to be serious, you have to get all ---" He cut me short, "Alright, woman! Geeze. I'm just playing. Where do you want to meet?"

"The park. By my house. I'll see you in five." I hung up and began walking towards the end of the mall to the exit. The park would be the perfect place. I remember going there when I was little and sit on the swings, hoping that one day I'll meet that boy with the 'Prince Charming' qualities and he'd sweep me off my feet. I'll admit, Nick was no Prince Charming, he was a million times better.

"Look who brought muffins!" Nick greeted me with a smile and box of muffins in his hands.

I laughed and looked at him, bewildered, "Why'd you bring that?"

"Mom's little present to you. You're one of her favorite people now." He said as he set the box down on the bench and wrapping his arms around my waist in a hug. I gave him a quick kiss and sat on the bench.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"The future. What are your plans after graduation?"

Nick bit his lip and ran his fingers through his hair, "Uhm... well I know I told your parents that I wanted to go to Harvard, but I've been thinking about football and my coach called me a few days ago and he thinks UCLA would be really good for me..."

I nodded in understanding.

"What about you? We could go together, get an apartment close the campus; it could be fun." Nick squeezed my hand and smiled.

Inside, having this talk kept ripping my heart little by little with each word. I knew my future. And sadly, Nick was not in it.

"I wanted to travel. Maybe visit Italy and England. You know, see the world." I explained.

"But what about school?"

I looked down at my hands that were in his, "That's just it, Nick, I'm not going to college. I mean, not yet anyways. Maybe I'll start later."

"Oh..." Nick frowned. "So, where does that leave us?"

I didn't know what to tell him. Nick was the first boy I've ever loved; how could I possibly tell him that we weren't going to be together after graduation.

"Uhm...well, Nick, you see, I didn't want ---" Thankfully, I was cut off by the sounds of my cell phone vibrating in my pocket.

Note to self: give praise to the person who is calling me right now...

"Uh, hold on," I said to Nick and looked at my phone. "Yeah, mom... alright... okay, okay! I'll be right home."

I looked back at him, "I'm so sorry. My mom is having a nervous breakdown because this fight we had at the mall. I'll call you later." I stood up to walk away but Nick grabbed my arm.


"Where have you been?! I've been worried sick! You leave me at the mall, no phone calls; I come home to find you not here! Aurora, this is seriously irresponsible behavior." My mother began complaining as soon as I walked into the door.

"Then ground me, or something, do whatever. Just leave me alone." I replied and went straight up into my room.

I flopped on my bed and looked through my cell phone contacts to see who I could talk to about the current situation that was making me miserable. I stopped on a name and hesitated before pressing the call button.


"...Aiden, how are you?"

"Wow, hey, Aurora. I'm good. I've been really good. Yourself?"

His voice was so calm and cool that I sighed in relief and smiled. I figured he would be angry that our friendship kind of broke off due to my actions of not returning his calls or spending time with him.

"I'm good too. Listen, I was wondering if we could hang out, like old times, you know? I've really missed you, Aiden, and I know it's all my fault that we grew apart, but, I really need all the help I can get right now. Ask Gina to come along too."

"Sure, we'd love too. We'll meet at the pizzeria down the block, sound good?"

"Great! See you later!" I hung up and slightly squealed in excitement. I was getting to hang out with my best friends again.

When I met up with Gina and Aiden at Ronny's Pizza-rific Palace, we immediately started to talk about everything that was happening in our lives. It felt great just to sit there and reconnect with them. I've missed a lot and I regret that, but in some way I really don't mind. I felt as if we got closer and I was going to make sure that nothing would ruin that again.

After explaining my story and what's been going on with me and Nick, I told them about the future issue. Of course, Aiden always has to be the logical thinker and give some long speech, and then Gina would slap him on the arm and tell him to stop being a smartass. God, I missed these people.

In the end, it turned out that nothing they said could really solve the problem. Only I could find the solution. And the solution was, I had to tell him.

"But, I love him, guys. Gina, if you were in my position, what would you tell Nick?" I asked them.

"I'd tell him the honest truth. Aurora, you and Nick are headed in separate directions and you can't help that. I understand you're in love, but we're talking about the rest of your life, here. Are you willing to give up your dreams of being an author to live in an apartment in California while Nick plays professional football?"

I looked between Aiden and her. Both were wearing empathic faces because they knew this would be a heavy impact on my decision making.

"I'm going to tell him, guys. Worst comes to worst, we break up, but I won't lose him forever. I'll make sure of it."