Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 28

"Can you believe it, guys?! We're at PROM!" Gina squealed and kissed Aiden.

I envied her excitement. I mean, it's not like I wasn't excited to be here, but a mix of other emotions crowded my head that excitement was pushed out.

Tonight was definitely going to be a night to remember.

"So, where's your looovverr boy?" Gina asked.

"I have no idea..." I replied and looked around the room.

I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist and kiss my neck. I quickly spun around and came face-to-face with Nick.

"You almost gave me a heart attack. I didn't know it was you." I said and poked him in the chest.

"Of course it's me. Who else would kiss you like this?" he leaned down and planted his lips on mine and pulled me closer to him.

Gina and Aiden stood in shock at our public displays of affection. I think I failed to mention Nick's "surprise" plan.

We pulled away and what do you know? There, standing with a look of disgust on her face, was the one and only, Riley Shaw.

"Ugh, you two are revolting. Must you do that in public where we can see?" Riley snapped.

"Must you show your face in public?" Aiden retorted. Poor kid, he just doesn't have the guts to tell her off.

"Haha," Riley said in monotone, "bite me, Ryan."

"Um, Riley, isn't that what the football team is for? Sure as hell you got around." Gina said.

Riley glared and looked at Nick, "So how have you been, Mr. Sellout? You fuck a nerd and then forget about your friends? I'm disappointed."

Riley was seriously pushing my last nerve. I could tell that Gina wanted to jump her and then Aiden wished she just go away. But I was going to do something different.

I took Nick's hand into mine and walked away from her.

Riley stood agape. See, let me tell you something about Riley. Riley Shaw is the type of person who could fight with you for hours and hours, every damn second of each day because she knows that sooner or later you'll give up and she'll win. But when you take a stand and just leave, she knows she's lost. After all, you can't win a fight when there's no fight to begin with. That, my friends, really ticks her off. And that's exactly what I wanted to.


"Uh, Riley, I think it is over." Hannah, one of Riley's lackeys said.

"Shut up, Hannah! Who's talking to you anyways?!" Riley snapped and walked away with the rest of her obedient minions behind her.

Gah. That made me sick.

"It's okay, Aiden. You did good." Gina patted his head and kissed him on the cheek.

I gave him a smile and Nick wrapped his arms around me, "You were great."

"I just realized she's not worth it. I'm here with my boyfriend, and my best friends and no fucking Riley Slut-Shaw is going to ruin this day for me." I said and aggressively pulled Nick by his collar and into a kiss.

"Whoa. Save it for later." Nick pulled away and winked.

I smiled and Nick took me on the dance floor to dance to multiple songs by Metro Station.

I must say, for my first experience at a school dance, I wasn't shy one bit. I felt free and untouchable.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please? It's time to announce the King and Queen of the Prom Ball." The principal, Mr. Kane, said into the microphone while standing on the stage with an envelope in his hand.

Everyone stopped dancing and gathered around to hear the winners. I bit my lip nervously. I knew who was going to win and share a dance together on the dance floor. Nick and Riley.

Mr. Kane smiled at the crowed and carefully ripped open the envelope. I hesitated with every breath as it killed me to watch him read the paper.

He leaned down and spoke into the microphone again, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the King and Queen of the Prom Ball of 2010... NICHOLAS JONAS AND RILEY SHAW!"

Well. Big shocker there, huh?

"RILEY! YOU WON! YOU WON!" Riley's friends exclaimed and jumped up and down.

"SHUT UP, YOU MORONS! I didn't want to win! I didn't want HIM to win!" Riley yelled and pointed to Nick.

Nick shrugged, "'You think I care anymore, Riley? Honestly, we're graduating TOMORROW; do you really think I want to spend my last day fighting with you?"

"UGH! THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS!" Riley cried. She picked-up the hem of her dress and marched to the stage. "Microphone, please." She held out her hand and Mr. Kane reluctantly handed it to her.

"I have a little announcement. Has anyone her noticed or wondered why Nick suddenly left the football team? Or why he's English grade went from a F to an A+ in a week? Or ---" Riley was cut off by Mr. Kane, "Where are you going with this, Ms. Shaw?"

"I think everyone knows damn well where I'm going with this. NICK IS SLEEPING WITH AURORA! I mean, that's the only logical explanation why Nick ditched his friends to be with her! It's all her fault!"

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Please tell me she did NOT just tell everyone.

I looked over at Nick and he was smiling.

Smiling. Not freaking out like I was. But actually smiling.

Nick walked up to Riley and took the microphone out of her hand, "Riley's right, guys. About everything. But one thing she's wrong about, I'm not just sleeping with her, Aurora's my girlfriend. And you know what, Riley? I don't give a damn about what you think, or anyone elses opinion for that matter. I love Aurora. She made me think about things and she made me a new person. She changed me for the better while you and everyone else was changing me for the worst. She's the reason I'm standing here today instead of sleeping with you in some hotel room upstairs."

Nick took a breath and looked at me, "Aurora, come here."

I looked around me and noticed everyone staring at intently, waiting for me to walk over to him. I walked over to him and Nick put his arm around my waist, "Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Aurora Addison. The girl who sits and reads in the back of every class. The one girl who taught me there's more to life than sports and girls like Riley." Nick smirked at Riley, who was standing there with a scowl on her face.

Nick looked out into the crowd and looked at everyone, "Guys, I know I'm the last one you want to hear this from, but we're graduating tomorrow. These stupid dating rules and cliques don't apply anymore. I mean, hey, it's high school. Who really gives a damn anyways?" Nick finished.

I watched as everyone looked at each other and the entire room erupted into cheers and applauses.

"GO NICK!" a bunch of Nick's old friends yelled.

Nick grinned and looked at me, "That was for you, baby. Everyone knows now."

I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. As we were kissing, I could hear Riley scream in frustration and I pulled away to watch her storm out of the room with all her friends following her. I guess they'll never change.

But I honestly didn't care anymore.

"C'mon, let's go somewhere." Nick took my hand and led me outside.

"Well, that was certainly a surprising reaction to winning Prom King. Well, everyone can go back to dancing now." Mr. Kane said and turned up the music.

"So, are you proud of me?" Nick grinned and pulled me into him.

"Mmhmm." I said and kissed him.

He placed his hands on my waist and guided me backwards into a wall. One hand reached to the zipper of my dress and the other rubbed up and down the side of my stomach. I giggled at the tickling sensation I was feeling from Nick's lips on my neck.

"Nick, stop. We're outside of a hotel." I said and put my hands on his chest.

"Then why don't we find somewhere more comfortable?" Nick said. His hot breath on my neck sent shivers through my body. I nodded and he took my hand again, leading me inside.

"Actually, Nick, I was wondering if we could talk." I stopped in my tracks and said.

He looked at me, "Uh, okay."

As we were about to go outside again, an intense bang from the janitorial closet made us stop and look at each other with lost expressions.

Nick walked up to the closet and opened the door.

"GINA?! AIDEN?! OH MY GOD!" I yelled in shock.

Oh my God! I just walked in as my two best friends were having sex! This is going to scare me forever.

"Wow," Nick said with wide eyes, "Nerd got game!"

"GET OUT!" Aiden yelled and shut the door.

Nick looked at me, "I didn't know ---" "Trust me, I didn't know either."

Nick chuckled and we walked outside again. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Nick sat on a bench and brought me down to sit on his lap.

"We're graduating tomorrow, Nick. Everything's going to change."

"Not really. I mean, we're still going to see each other every day. You're coming to live with me, right?"

I bit my lip hard and looked down, "That's what I wanted to talk about. We're heading into two separate directions. You want to play professional football in California and I want to become an author and travel the world after tomorrow. I didn't tell you this because I was scared. I didn't want to lose you." Tears were now slipping from my eyes and I could feel my mascara start to run.

"Shh," Nick held me and cooed, "That will never happen, baby. Never. If you didn't want to come with me you should have said something."

"How? You were so excited about the idea of us living together; I couldn't do that to you."

"Aurora, you're far more worth it. I love you, don't you know that?"

I nodded and looked him in the eyes. "If we do go our separate ways tomorrow, promise me somewhere down the road we'll see each other again."

"I promise." I whispered.

Nick pressed his lips to mine and I rested my head on his shoulder and listened to the words of Green Day.

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life."