Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 29

It was an extremely cold morning when I decided to wake up at six AM, rather than normally waking up at eight-thirty. I turned over in my bed and noticed my curtains being blown in all directions due to the open window.

That's funny. I don't remember opening it last night...

I got up out of bed and walked over to the window. I quickly pulled it down and shut it tightly closed. I walked over to my dresser and there was a note attached to a vase filled with red roses. I smiled and sniffed them, then read the note:


Sorry for breaking into your window, but I just had to see you. Sadly, you were sleeping. Which by the way, you look very cute doing. Haha!

After you read this, please meet me at the park.


I set the note down and rushed to my closet. I slipped on a pair of dark blue jeans, a pink T-shirt, and a jean jacket. After slipping on my black Converse, I was out the door.

"Hey." I said as I approached him slowly.

Nick looked up from playing with his iPod, and smiled, "Hey."

He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the ground as he placed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, savoring it. I wanted to get as much memory of it as possible before Nick and I go our separate ways tonight.

You guessed it. It was graduation day.

"Mm," Nick pulled away, "I'm going to miss doing this."

"Me too." I brushed away a curl from his eye.

"C'mon, sit down." Nick said, sitting on a swing and placing his hands on my waist to sit me on his lap.

He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder, "Are you scared?"

I nodded and looked at him, "To death."

He kissed me on the cheek and laced his fingers with mine. "This is really it, huh? Probably our last time together."

I looked down and wiped my eyes, "Maybe."

"Oh, baby, shhh..." Nick cooed in my ear and he swung back and forth. His hands left mine and went down to rubbing up and down my sides. "It's gonna be okay. Really, don't think of it as our relationship is ending; think of it as if it's just beginning. It's not over for us. Trust me, if I have to send out a swat time to find you, I will."

I laughed and looked up, "You always know what to say to make everything better."

Nick smirked, "Well, you know, it's a gift, what can I say?"

I grinned and cupped his face in my hands and brought my lips to his. Nick's humorous and may I add, sexy charm was going to help him along the road. Hopefully he'll use it for good and not for persuading girls. Then again, we're talking about Nick Jonas, here. Where getting girls to fall in love with him should be a professional sport, that way, he would win a vastly large Golden trophy with his name engraved for MVP.

But hey, who said being persuasive and utterly gorgeous would get you nowhere in life? Because sure as hell, it got me.

I pulled away and rested my head against his chest as he continued to sway back and forth on the swing.

"Are you ready for this?" Nick whispered in my ear.

I blinked twice for a second and looked at his face, admiring his features. I then replied, "As ready as I'll be."



With those final words said by Mr. Kane, everyone stood up and tossed their hats into the air, followed by loud cheers and applauses.

We were high school graduates now. And our lives were just about to start.

"AHHH!" I heard Gina yell as she jumped on Aiden's back and bringing him to the ground.

"Ugh, GINA!" Aiden groaned and tried to get her off.

I laughed at the sight of my two best friends and shook my head. They were numbers two and three on the list of people I was going to dearly miss. But like Nick and I, Gina and Aiden, and I decided that one day we were going to find each other again.

"Aurora!" I heard someone shout my name.

I turned around to see Lana and Joe walking towards me, hand in hand and Elliot on the other side of Joe.

"Congratulations, sis. I always knew you'd make it." Lana said, as she pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, Lana." I returned the hug and smiled at Joe and Elliot.

"And Aurora, thank you for that advice you gave me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here right now with my son, and well, the girl I should've never lost in the first place." Joe wrapped an arm around Lana's shoulder and she pecked him on the lips.

"I just needed to see everyone happy before I venture off into the world on a miraculous adventure." I joked.

Lana smiled, "You will, Aurora. Soon." She looked at her watch, "Oh, we have to go! Elliot has to be at Day Care right now! We'll see you at home, sweetie!"

I grinned a large smile and walked away.

"HEY!" Someone attacked me from behind and I fell to the ground.

"GOD! WHAT THE HE --- Ugh, NICHOLAS!" I screamed as I noticed it was him.

"Yes?" He innocently smiled.

"Get off me." I growled.

"Aw, do I have to? I mean, this is our last time we'll ever be in this position." He smirked.

I sighed and gave up. I wasn't going to win, and I accepted that. But secretly, I didn't mind that Nick and I were both in a very awkward position right now in front of 200 parents. I was making the best of the last moments I would have with Nick. And being mature, would just have to wait.

"Okay, okay, I'll get up." Nick stood up and stretched out his hand to help me up. I grabbed onto it and pulled myself off the ground, wiping the dirt of my light pink dress.

"Let's take a walk." Nick grabbed my hand and led me away everyone.

We walked to the end of the field and sat on a curb outside. "So, you know how you said you wanted to travel as soon as we graduate, right?"

I nodded and he went on, "Well," he pulled a long envelope from his pocket, "here."

I looked at him with a puzzled expression and opened the envelope. I gasped at the contents inside, "A ticket to Italy?! Nick---you---oh wow."

I was so entirely lost for words at the moment. It was like my brain has gone into shock.

"Think of it as a graduation present. Think about it, you're sitting in a little Italian coffee shop, writing your first novel, and you spot an Italian waiter that catches your eye. You talk, get to know each other, get married, and have tons of little Italian babies! It'll be great!" Nick smiled.

I looked up at him, "You're amazing." I leaned over and kissed him.

He pulled away and looked down at the ticket, "Well, better start packing. It leaves tomorrow."

I frowned, "So soon?"

Nick nodded, "It was the only flight they had till next year. I had to do it."

"So what are you planning to do now?" I asked him.

"Eh, I've been thinking. Maybe I won't go play professional football, maybe I'll be a musician or something."

I raised an eyebrow, "You can sing?"

Nick laughed, "Yeah, I'm pretty good. Check this out."

He pulled out a piece of paper and a few lines of lyrics were written on it.

And you know when the sun forgets to shine

I'll be there to hold you through the night

And we'll be running so fast we can fly, tonight

And even when we're miles and miles apart

You're still holding all of my heart

I promise it will never be dark

I know... we're inseparable

I let out a heavy sigh, "Wow. That's beautiful, Nick."

"It's about you. Even though you could be in Italy somewhere, having those babies with that Italian waiter, I'll always be thinking of you."

I folded the paper and slipped it into my purse, "I'm going to keep this for memory. Whenever I get lonely or sad, I'll put it out and remember you wrote this."

"Good," Nick tilted my head up with his index finger, "I love you, Aurora."

"I love you too, Nick. I always will." We stood up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, as tightly and gentle as possible.

Nick leaned down and gave me a passionate, loving kiss that will for sure last on my lips for a lifetime. After a few minutes, he pulled away and gave another kiss on my cheek, "Now, go. Your flight leaves tomorrow and girl, you have to go pack! You know you girls; you have decided which shoes to take and whether or not they'll match your 50 outfits, and your makeup, and yadda, yah."

I hit him playfully and held the ticket tightly in my hand.

Nick stuffed his hand into his pockets and looked at me, "Have a great life, Aurora."

A few tears began to slip from my eyes, "You too, Nick. You too."

We both smiled sincerely at each other and began to walk our separate ways.

"Remember that promise we made! About seeing each other again sometime down the road." Nick shouted.

I turned my head and shouted back, "I remember, Nick. I plan to see you soon."

He waved goodbye and turned to walk back towards the school, and I was headed straight for home.

"Hey, hey! Wait up!" I heard Aiden call, trying to catch up.

"Did everything go well with you and Nick?"

I nodded and smiled, "Everything's fine. I'm going to Italy tomorrow, Nick's thinking about becoming a musician; we're heading into new directions and we couldn't be happier."

Aiden grinned and draped an arm around me, "I'm really happy for you, Aurora. But are you sure you're okay with it just ending like this?"

As the cool breeze hit my face as we walked, I turned to him and replied, "Our life isn't ending, Aiden. That was high school, this is now. It's just the beginning."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapters 30-32 are the final chapters. I will post them in due time when I get enough feedback or Readers. :) Let me know what you all think. :)