Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 30

Nick's POV

"Thank you, Sir." I politely thanked the man that pointed me in the direction of Rosetta's Caf.

It was currently 3:05 here in Italy. That's right, I said Italy. Most of you are probably wondering why I was here. Well, let's just say, I needed to pay back a friend. A very special friend.

I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jeans and opened the door of the shop, and walked towards the counter.

"Uhm, excuse me, Miss, do you speak English?" I asked the girl that was making some type of espresso.

"Si, si," she nodded, "What can I do for you?"

"Do you know where I could find Rosetta?"

"Sono Rosetta." She said and poured the liquid into a cup.

"Excuse me?" I should have learned Italian before coming here.

"I am Rosetta. What is it that you want?" She said, looking up at me with her red think-rimmed glasses.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"Go on, boy. Out with it." She urged.

"See, I have this friend who always comes in here, and I was hoping maybe to surprise her." I smiled.

Her eyes lit up, "Ah, young love, eh? Si, I help you. Is it you have a plan?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." I leaned closer and whispered slowly, "It's going to happen like this..."


"Ms. Addison, Ms. Addison! Wait, please!" My assistant, Kyra, shouted in her heavy Italian accent and attempted to run after me wearing stiletto shoes.

I spun around and smiled, "Calm down, Kyra, I'm right here."

She walked up to me and handed me an envelope, "This came for you today and you weren't in your office so I tried looking for you everywhere. Then Marie said you were going home so I knew I had ---" "KYRA! Please, take a deep breath. The letter is in my hand now. You're doing a great job as my assistant, stop worrying." I reassured her.

She smiled and nodded, "Well, have a lovely day, Ms. Addison!" She scurried back into the office building, and I headed down the street with my crimson skirt blowing in the breeze.

It's been seven years since my high school graduation. I was 25, and currently living in Turin, Italy with a small apartment a block away from the office building I worked at. I had just published my first book in both English and Italian and making more money than I needed. But most importantly, I was happy.

I entered my apartment and flopped onto my beige paisley couch, kicking my shoes off. I turned over the envelope to look to see who sent the letter. My eyes widened and I was breathless.

Nicholas J. Jonas

c/o Holllywood records

500 So. Buena Vista St.

Burbank, CA, 91521


My breathing became heavier and I grazed the name with my fingers. I turned it over and opened it carefully. I took the letter out, took a deep breath, and began reading:

"Dear Aurora,

Wow. It's been a long time, huh? Guess you never thought you'd hear from me. I have to apologize, it is practically my fault. But I don't want to play any blame games right now, I'm writing to tell you that I miss you terribly, and hopefully, you'll write back a letter saying the same. So, how are you?

Tell me everything that's happening in your life. We need to catch up.

But first, I bet you're wondering how I got your address, well, let's just say, you're quite the celebrity here. Your novel is selling out like crazy. I must say, I'm disappointed that there is no character like me in your book. Ha-ha! But anyways, I asked a few friends and they mentioned you lived in Italy and across the street from a caf and your office building. My, what an amazing life you're living, Aurora. I'm so proud of you.

Sorry for always changing topics, you know writing was never my strong suite. This letter is mostly to tell you that I've been constantly thinking about you and that day we went our separate ways seven years ago. I'm currently writing a record with Hollywood Records and right about now, I'm in my studio, about to record a song that is probably written about you.

After seeing you walk away, I knew I had to do something to see you again. After all, I could not break that promise. So once again, I asked around and turns out, I found out that you go to that little coffee shop across the street every day at exactly five-thirty. Am I a genius or what? Ha-ha, small joke.

Alright, enough of my stupid humor; you got enough of that while we were dating.

Aurora, I know that we've been apart for a very long time now, and I know your feelings may have changed about me, or they may not, I don't know; but there's still this tiny, little empty spot inside of me that only you can fill. As corny as this sounds, it's the truth. I'm not sure if you're seeing someone, but if you are, I hope he is making you happy and is the perfect man for you. But even the perfect man, can't be as close to perfect as you are.

You've changed my life in so many ways, that I couldn't even imagine how much I owe to you. Someday I will repay you, but for now, I bid you adieu.

Farewell, Aurora. May you live with as much as happiness, joy, and love that the world can bring you.

I will see you again, soon.


Nicholas Jerry Jonas

P.S. - I Love You"

As soon as my eyes hit that last line of the letter, I quickly grabbed a tissue and dabbed my eyes to stop the tears from streaming out. The couch cushion that I had been leaning on was already soaked with my tears that I quickly hopped off and into my bedroom.

I grabbed my denim jacket, slipped on my shoes, and headed for the door. I checked the time. Five-thirty the clock read.

I needed coffee. I needed to clear my head.

I needed to write him back.