Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 31

When I entered the shop, I walked towards the back of the room where my usual table was located. That was my table. The one table that was secluded in the back corner away from anyone. The best of my writing ability came out while I was sitting here.

I took out a pen and a notebook and began to write a response to Nick's letter. He needed to know how I felt about him. Truth is, I never stopped thinking about him as well.

Before the tip of the pen hit the paper, I was interrupted by someone asking, "May I take your order, Miss?"

I was about to reply with a, "Just a mocha frappaccino, please." , but that voice caught my attention. It was low, sexy, and one that I remembered so well.

I looked up and there before my eyes, was Nicholas Jonas standing there. Dressed in waiter attire.

It took about a mere second for it to click in my head that Nick was standing there in front of me, and I wasted no time rejoicing this moment. A large grin spread across my face as I jumped out of my seat on throw my arms around his neck. It was felt amazing as his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

I looked at his face and admired his features. Those flawless features I haven't seen in seven years.

"How could you possibly be here right now? Your letter said ---" "Now you got it?! I wrote that letter a week ago!"

I giggled at the thought of how stupid the mailing system between here and America was. But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that I was here, in the arms of the one person that truly made me feel safe and loved.

"So what brings you here away from your marvelous recording, Nicholas? Especially wearing that." I asked him, referring to his wardrobe choice.

He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Well, remember what I told you. You're sitting in a little Italian coffee shop, writing your first novel, well in this case your letter to me, and you spot an Italian waiter that catches your eye. You talk, get to know each other, get married, and have tons of little Italian babies. Now, I may not be 100% Italian with the accent and everything, but do you think I'll make the cut for the job as your love interest?" He smirked.

So, my friends, I ask you this: what's a girl to do when her one and only true love shows up suddenly in her favorite coffee shop dressed as a waiter? I'll tell you what to do. You grabbed his shirt by the collar and pull him in for the most passionate kiss with all the love you can muster.

We pulled away and as his dark brown eyes pour into my blue ones, I took a minute to think about the fact that I don't think I was ever truly happy inless I was in the arms of Nick. And at this very moment, I had a sense; I was finally truly happy.

"You really kept your promise." I whispered and twirled that one curl on his head that never seemed to flatten.

"I told you I would." Nick said, placing his lips on mine.

"So, Aurora, I have one thing to ask you. Was high school all that you hoped it would be?" Nick asked with that infamous Jonas smirk on his face.

"Absolutely, Nick," I pecked him on the lips, "And I wouldn't change it for the world."

Okay, so maybe my life wasn't as predictable as I thought it would be. But everything turned out great, am I right? I was living in Italy, I was a successful author, and I finally had Nick back all to myself.

Sure, they were some up's and down's, but it all turned right in the end.

After all, hey, it's high school; it's got to change your life somehow. In my case, it changed my life for the best. And I can't wait to experience the rest of it with Nick by my side.