Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 32 [Epilogue]

Dear Gina and Aiden, or shall I say 'Mr. and Mrs. Ryan'?

Haha, hello guys. It's Aurora. I know we've last seen each other two months ago, but I'm missing you both so much that I just had to write you!

I'm writing to you from Paris! It is absolutely beautiful here. I wish you were here. Both of you AND little Rory!

Gina, I have to thank you again for naming her after me. You and Aiden are truly the most wonderful friends I could ever ask for.

Well, to tell you a little bit about what's going on, Nick and I decided to visit France for a little while and then go off to England in the summer.

But before I get into that, GUESS WHAT!


Ah, it was almost too perfect to be real! There we were, having dinner and looking at a view that was magnificently gorgeous, when Nick comes over to me, goes down on one knee and asks me to marry him!

It was amazing.

We're planning to have our wedding back in California, so there's no worry about how you'll get over here. Make sure Rory's ready to be a flower girl. It will be next year, so Rory should be a beautiful 4 year old by the time the wedding rolls around.

Remember our plan, Gina, you're going to have a gorgeous daughter, and I'll have a handsome son, and they'll hit off!

C'mon, don't say it can't happen.

Oh, shoot. Nick's yelling at me for writing again. Obviously to him it's all I do. Oh, what would he know anyways? Haha!

But I should go, but expect another letter soon!

Before I go, I need to say to you, Aiden,

If it weren't for you to push me into going to Nick's and tell me that things have to change, I would've never got to known the wonderful guy that I would end up spending the rest of my life with. All thanks to you Aiden.

Give Rory hugs and kisses from Nick and I!

Love you dearly,

Aurora M. Jonas

P.S. yes, I am aware that we're not married yet, but I just love the sound of that name. Who would've known that this would happen? I certainly didn't, but I'm thankful it did.