Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 4

"AURORA! AURORA ADDISON?!" Someone called me.

I turned around quickly and looked in all different directions.

"There you are..."

I turned back around and saw the devil herself: Riley.

"I heard you were tutoring Nick. Look, don't waste your time. He's super smart and doesn't need you."

Just then, Angelina, a girl that I recognized from my writing class, stopped and turned to Riley, "Did you just call Nick Jonas smart?"

"Uh, DUH!" Riley replied.

"Yeah, that's why he's FAILING! Shows how smart you are for thinking someone like him is smart." Angelina said, laughing and pointing in Riley's face.

Riley glared at Angelina, "Oh yeah, well I'm plenty smart!"

I slapped my forehead, and looked down and Angelina turned to me and said, "Is it me? Or does she get slower by the minute?"

"UGH! I DON'T NEED THIS FROM YOU," Riley turned her attention to me, "Just so you know, Nick is smart, so he'll learn easily and then you won't have to tutor him anymore."

"You think I actually want to tutor someone like him?! Please, I'd rather tutor a convicted killer."

"Whatev." She said, and walked away, swinging her non-existent hips.

"Wow, that was sad." Angelina said.

I nodded in agreement, "You're in my class, right?" I asked her.

"Yep! Gina Del Rossi! You're Aurora Addison!" she said in a very hyper tone.

I laughed, "Yeah, I am. I'm also, as you could probably tell by now, Nick Jonas' tutor."

"Yeah... that must suck!" She said, and patted my on the shoulder. "But hey, look on the bright side!"

"How could there possibly be a bright side?!" I asked.

"He's hot." She shrugged.

I laughed again and started walking, "So, don't you hang around that Aiden kid?" she asked.

I nodded and looked around, "Oh yeah, I should probably go find him. It was nice talking to you..." I was about to walk away when she pulled on my arm, "Wait! You're just going to leave me here?!"

"Do you want to come?" I asked her. "SURE!" she replied excitedly and linked arms with me.

"AIDEN!" I yelled as I noticed him walking down the hallway.

He noticed me and ran towards me. "Where have you --- oh, hi." He said as he noticed Gina next to me.

"Hey! I'm Gina!" she said, shaking his hand, and kissing him on both cheeks.

Aiden stared at Gina in shock. No girl has ever greeted him this way.

"Hey! Let's go out! To the movies, the park! We're seniors! We're 18! Let's go have fun!" Gina said, grab-bing mine and Aiden's arms and dragging us towards the exit.

"ADDISON! WAIT UP!" Someone called.

Gina let go and spun around, "Is someone calling you?"

I looked around and sighed, "What do you want?"

Nick Jonas ran up to me with an agitated look on his face, "Look, I want to get tutored as fast as possible so if I have to cancel plans with my friends, you have to do the same."

"Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are talking to her like that?! You're lucky she's taking the time to tutor your stupid ass. She doesn't have to, but she does out of the kindness of her heart and you come over and tell her she has to cancel plans?! Ugh, I hate boys!" Gina exclaimed.

I looked at her in shock. No one has ever stuck up for me like that. At that moment, I learned something about Gina. We were going to be great friends.

Nick looked shocked as well, "Um... I..."

"Alright, look. I'll tutor you every day this week from after school to six-thirty. But if I see you're not making an effort to learn at all, then I quit. Got it?" I said.

"Whatever. Come to my house after you're done hanging out or whatever is it you... people do." He replied and walked away.

I clenched my fists. I wanted to hit him so badly, but I knew I couldn't. I was weak. I was 5' feet and 120 pounds and unusually light, so if I was ever in the situation where I had to defend myself physically, yeah, I'd lose.

"Thanks for sticking up for me." I said to Gina.

She smiled, "That's what friends do, right?"

I looked over at Aiden, who was still staring. "Um, Aiden..."

He shook his head and snapped out of his trance, "Uh, Aurora, I think you should go with Nick now. We can hang out another time."

"You actually want me to go over to Nick's house?!" I asked in disbelief.

"It's just, you been trying to avoid him for 4 years now, and now that this happens, trying to avoid him isn't going to help. So, might as well get it over now."



By the way, as you can probably tell, I like to emphasize on things.

"I... Since when have you become Mr. Words-of-Wisdom?!" I asked.

He shrugged, "Since I realized it's time for us to move on and try new things."

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away, "See you guys later, if I survive."

"It won't be that bad," Gina yelled, "you're tutoring NICK JONAS!"

Why did she have to remind me...