Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 7

Nick's POV
Look at her, laughing it up with that fag, Ryan. Nick, do us a favor and just ace the next test so you don't have to be tutored by that girl." Ron said to me, after taking a break from making out with Hazel.

"Man, you think it's so easy but it's not." I said to him.

"What's so hard about writing?" Hailey asked.

"Nothing. It's just, I don't write well."

"That Addison girl better teach you something. I don't want her around you too much." Riley said.


"Because, she could try and steal you away from me. Like she could!" Riley laughed and the rest of the girls joined in.

Was Aurora actually right about us?

"I got to go. Later." I said, walking away towards staircase.

"Nicholas, what are you doing in here early? Your lunch period doesn't end till 1:05." Mrs. Breton said as I entered Journalism class early.

I shrugged.

"How is your tutoring going with Miss Addison?"

"Not so good." I wasn't going to lie. What's the point?

"Why is that?"

"SHE HATES ME! She can't stand me! We're not compatible, Mrs. Breton." I exclaimed.

Mrs. Breton sighed, "You can't let different cliques decide how you think of a certain person, Nicholas. Miss Addison may not be as popular, but she's a brilliant writer and I think she could make you into one as well. That's why I assigned her to you. Also, I have a feeling that your relationship with her may grow stronger if allow her to teach you."

"She doesn't want a relationship with me! SHE DOESN'T LIKE ME!" I shouted. What did I have to do to get it through this lady's head that Aurora did not like me!

"Just give her time, Nicholas. She's going to have to learn."

I sighed, "Yeah, I wish."

The bell rang and everyone started to rush in and take their seats. I sat there and waited.

Aurora walked in with that Aiden guy and frowned when she saw me.

When everyone was seated, Mrs. Breton started the lesson and once again, I just sat there.

During the class, I would occasionally glance at Aurora, who looked as if she was in some kind of trance.

She found this class so interesting, yet, I found it boring.

After class I walked up to her desk, "Are you coming over today?"

"Yeah, I guess." She replied.

"So, I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah... bye." She quickly rushed out of the classroom. And I stood there, wondering why she was in such a rush. To get away from me? Probably.

Aurora's POV

"Did you tell Jonas yet?" Gina asked as I walked up to my locker.

"I couldn't. As much as I hate him, I can't tell him what I heard."

Gina sighed, "You're too nice. If I were you, I'd tell the mother fucker and have him deal with it. His fault."

I shifted my eyes to the direction of Nick's locker and saw him standing there, with Riley leaning on his shoulder.

"If I do decide to tell him, when should I?"

"You're going over to his place, right? Do it there."

I nodded and shut my locker. "Sock it to him, Aurora! And after you do, call me! Have fun!" she patted my shoulder and walked away.

Oh yeah. Fun. That's exactly what I'll have...