Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 9

We pulled up to a large white house that you would automatically assume that the people who lived there had money. And lots of it. It was crazy how my life related to a typical teenage movie. It wasn't only crazy; it was horrifying.

"Ready?" Nick asked.

"Um... sure..." I walked up the stairs with him and into the house. "Do you normally just walk into people's houses?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter who walks in. If you're a friend of Riley's or a friend of Riley's friend, you can walk in whenever you like. "He explained. Wow. I finally got the "popular people" code.

This made me strangely uncomfortable at the moment.

As we made our way passed the kitchen and foyer, while heading up the stairs to Riley's room, Nick's name was called by an older woman.

"Nicholas! Oh, darling! How are you, my dear?! Oh! Who is this?! Are you one of Riley's friends too?!" the lady said in an overly high-pitched voice.

"Um..." I looked down and stared at my feet.

"Um, no, Mrs. Shaw, Riley and Aurora don't exactly get along that well. Is Riley here?" Nick answered.

"She should be in her room. Just go on up." Mrs. Shaw walked away and into the kitchen.

Nick walked up the last few stairs and down the hall towards her room. I followed quietly, and slightly nervous about Riley's reaction when she sees me in her house.

Nick and I stood outside Riley's bedroom door, waiting impatiently for her to open it. I silently whispered to myself to calm down and not be worried. But it wasn't helping at all.

And just as I was starting to walk away because of her late response at opening the door, Riley had to grace us with her presence.

As soon as she saw me, her smile dropped and turned into a horrified scowl. "What are YOU doing HERE?!" she yelled.

"Nick dragged me here." I replied nonchalantly, pointing my finger at him.

She turned to his direction, "What the hell, Nick?! Did you just decide that it would be okay for you to bring people I hate into my house?!"

"Ugh, you know what, Riley. I brought Aurora with me for a reason and that reason is: I'm breaking up with you."

Riley's eyes widened and her jaw dropped like she has just seen a ghost. "WHAT?!"

Nick rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Oh, c'mon, Riley. Don't act like you actually care about me. I know what you've been doing behind my back. So, I think it's better this way. You can go do whatever, and so can I. In fact, considering we've been broken up a whole two minutes now, I can do this." And in a sudden movement, Nick's hand grasped my waist, pulling me into him, and his other hand on my check, smashing his lips onto mine.

Instantaneously, I kissed back, even though my mind bellowed at me to pull away. Nick pulled away and winked, before turning to look back at Riley. "And I can do this every day, any day, I want to, just like you can do the same to whoever your cold-heart desires. Nice being with you while it lasted, Riley."

Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs and straight out the front door, back to his car. "Aw, man! That was AWESOME! I've never had so much fun!" Nick exclaimed as he drove back to his house.

Still in shock by that unpredictable kiss, I remained quiet and simply nodded. I hated to admit that he was an amazing kisser. Yet, unfortunately, a stealer. He stole my first kiss for that one minute of pointless self-glorification.
