The Devil in the Flesh

Part One: God Won't Be Happy

Part One

Seven hundred forty-seven names.
Seven hundred forty-seven names on the wall.
All written in bloodl
All victims of Beel.
Well, Beel and myself. I have just a big role in this as she does. I’m the distraction, she’s the predator. I’m the GateKeeper to Hell, she’s the ruler.
And we’ve been waging war on innocent souls for centuries.
God has warned us many times, His threats fall upon deaf ears, however. Beel has no remorse.
She does as she wishes. And who am I to go against her? As her best friend it is my duty to see her through and carry out her diabolical plans.
No matter the outcome.
Who am I?
My name is Shadows. I’ve been GateKeeper of Hell since 1842 and I am the Devil’s right hand woman.

Case #427: Amelia Carson

Beel has no paper with blueprint details on who or when or how we do our evil deeds.
She picks a random person and decides their fate.
Amelia Carson, 15, Christian girl. God-fearing. Loyal to virtues and her parents’ rules and beliefs.
Not at all surprise, I still asked Beel, “Attacking a Child of God?”
She pulled her red hood up onto her head and faced me. “I care not what my brother thinks. I’ll attack all of his children if I so desire. He’ll never be strong enough to beat me.”
“Of course not, Beel. How could he ever be stronger than you?”
We set off to Amelia’s house. Standing in the dingy basement, Beel took a deep breath. “Let’s begin, shall we?”
I nodded and set off into action. In a whisper only she would hear, I chanted, “Amelia. Amelia, come to the basement. Amelia…Ameeeliaaa.”
The soft pat of footsteps echoed up from story two and soon climbed down to the stairs, and then over to the basement door. She walked quickly down the stairs and stopped when she saw Beel dressed all in red and myself in all black.
“Amelia,” I spoke softly. “We have a job for you. Don’t be afraid.”
She nodded meekly. Her eyes widened as I began to expand into the shadows and enclosed her. Beel smiled evilly as she began to transfer into Amelia, possessing her. Amelia’s body collapsed to the floor, writhing in pain, spazzing, fighting against Beel.
Amelia’s voice rang out, “GOD, NO! PLEASE, GOD, HELP ME--!” Her breathing fell short as Beel’s possession was completed. Amelia’s soul floated out of her body and she tried to scream for help.
“Keep screaming, Dear. No one can hear you. Not even God.” I looked to Beel who already began up the stairs. I followed behind her as we made our way up the stairs to her parents’ room.
Beel walked over to the father’s nightstand and opened the top drawer. She pulled the gun out.
Amelia’s spirit followed us up the stairs to the bedroom and as Beel cocked the gun, Amelia screamed, “DADDY! NO!”
Beel’s face broke into an evil satisfactory glee as she sweetly whispered, “Daddy?”
Amelia’s father opened his eyes. His gasps and pleas woke his wife. Before either could scream, two shots rang out and Amelia’s parents sank in pools of their blood.
Amelia’s spirit was screaming and Beel turned to her. “You’re next,” she said.
“No, no, please, no! Please!!” Amelia pleaded.
But Beel was already summoning Amelia’s spirit back to her body. And just before Beel completely evaded Amelia’s body, she cocked the gun one last time and made Amelia shoot herself in the head.
Beel laughed evilly as we dropped back down to Hell.
Upon reaching the throne room, Beel wrote “AMELIA CARSON” on the wall.
“Number four hundred twenty-seven, my dear old friend,” She said to me.
“Not bad, Boss. Not bad at all.” I replied back.
“We can only go up from here.”
“Very true, Beel.”
She handed me a small shot glass full of blood-most likely a mixture of the Carson family’s blood-and smirked at me. “Bottoms up.”
“Cheers.” I replied with the same smirk.
And it was very true. We could only go up from here…Even though God wouldn’t be too happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Look, I believe in God, so just because this is written about the Devil and possession and such, I'm not a Satanist.

God rocks, the Devil sucks.

But I wanted to see what I could do with a story like this!

Comments? :D