Status: im just testing something out... please give it a shot O_O <how can you say no to that face?

5 Months


It started when she was happy. She was a senior in high school without a care in the world. Why should she worry about the future when the here and now was so much more.... fascinating.

She went to bed that night with a smile on her face. She'd just gotten back from a movie with friends. It was late; the house was asleep but for her. She crept in quietly and locked the door behind her, trying her hardest not to wake anyone. She tip-toed down the stairs and darted into her room.

As she lay down to sleep there was a tap on her window making her sit back up. She waited, praying she'd imagined it and there wasn’t a psychopath outside her window. But the noise came again and she let out a shaky breath before standing beside her bed. She reached for the nearest weapon-like object which turned out to be her 18 inch ruler. Good for one hard blow, she thought tightening her grip around the smooth wood.

"Hello?" She whispered quietly as she walked towards the window, "who's there?" She heard voices whispering harshly, their words obscured by the glass as she inched closer. Her grip on the ruler tightened.

There was another tap, this one louder, more demanding, causing her to flinch. "W-who are you?" She whispered before taking the final step forward and reaching for the curtain. She yanked back the dark fabric to reveal...

Nothing. The ground around her window quiet and deserted, not even the wind disturbed the grass. "What the-" she whispered as she reached for the latch. Slowly she opened the window and poked her head out to look around. This is incredibly stupid, she thought as she crawled out of the window and looked around for any evidence that someone or something hand been there. But there was nothing, who ever had been outside her window was gone... or maybe they have never been there to begin with.