The Strength of a Family


The rest of the week went by quickly and soon enough, Casey and I were in the examination room of our doctor that delivered the twins and helped us through the miscarriages. He was a quaint old man who had three children of his own that are now long grown and having their own children.
“Elle, Casey, it is great to see you both. What can I do for you today?”
“The home pregnancy test was positive, Dr. Paul. But we know that entails too, we are prepared for anything this time around. Obviously hoping for the best, but we can handle anything,” I said and Casey nodded as he held my hand.
“Wonderful, when do you think conception was?” he pulled out a file and grabbed a pen to write notes.
“Late October, right before Halloween, I know we haven’t made it to the second trimester yet, but we are hopeful.”
“That would put a due date in late July, early August. May I say that you got the luck of the draw when you had your boys, starting your pregnancy in summer rather than ending. My patients always hate living in the Midwest and ending their pregnancy in the summer, especially in the July/August range of summer.” I just nodded and accepted the fact. If I was lucky enough to maintain the pregnancy the whole way through, I wouldn’t mind the weather. It would just be a miracle in itself.
“That would be okay, Dr. Paul.”
“After what you two have done to get pregnant again, I believe you. Would you like to try an ultrasound? Obviously it is too soon to go through the abdomen,” he hinted at the other option and I just nodded. He left us alone so I could change into the gown and the ultrasound tech could come in and get things set up before we did the pictures.
Soon enough he was pulling the screen up and showing us the first pictures of what was going on in my womb. With technology greatly improving since the twins, the office now had 3D sonograms.
“Well, I’ll be. I see triplets,” Doc said and I almost passed out. Our two miscarriages had only been one baby, not multiples. I knew that if we were to miscarry this time, it would take a really long time for us to try again, if ever. “I did warn you that once you have one set of multiples that you are more likely to have them again,” he chuckled softly to himself.
Casey squeezed my hand and kissed it reassuringly, knowing exactly what I was thinking.