The Strength of a Family


Today my beautiful wife hit the beginning of her third trimester of her pregnancy. She and I were doing everything by the book at this point, almost like first time parents, because we didn’t want anything to go wrong. It took us close to three years to conceive this time around and now to be blessed with triplets, the planets were aligning or something.
The weather in the Mid-West is beautiful in late April and the family was sitting outside, just enjoying it while it lasted and the rain started again. Tomorrow is Easter and the weather was supposed to turn sour again, so we, by we I mean me seeing that Elle can hardly get up from her seat much less bend over, set up an Easter egg hunt for the boys. I placed a trail, well two actually, around our yard and we let them go at it until they got bored.
I had just brought out our lunch, ham and cheese sandwiches, when the boys decided they needed a bathroom break. They headed inside and did their thing while I set up lunch on the outdoor table. Elle was seated in a chair around the table; her legs propped up on another chair, and looked absolutely stunning. Her red hair glistened in the sunlight, her freckles were starting to sprout up in places that I don’t remember seeing any prior to today, and her hands were folded neatly on top of her ever large belly. Her eyes were closed as she relaxed and enjoyed the weather, but I knew she didn’t fall asleep.
“Boys, lunch is ready. Eat now and you can finish the egg hunt later,” I swiftly instructed the boys. They grudgingly agreed and sat down. They gulped down their juice and sandwich faster than Elle could reposition herself in the chair to accommodate sitting, facing the table and than they were off playing again.
“This is the life,” was all my wife said before digging into her lunch while was the same sandwich I made the boys with some of her weird cravings as snacks. Overall, our day just lounging around was great and exactly what we needed before chaos struck.