The Pros and Cons of Breathing

This is the 1st part in a series:

1. The Pros and Cons of Breathing
2. The Pros and Cons of Living
3. The Pros and Cons of Loving
4. The Pros and Cons of Growing Up

“Frankie, I…” I trailed off, looking into his beautiful green eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Gerard.”

“I’d do anything for you.” I continued.

Frank fell quiet and let go of my hands, then watched me expectantly.

“I’ve been thinking a lot lately…”

“Are you breaking up with me?”

His words caught me off guard. “I… No! No, Frank!”

“You’ve been acting weird all night, Gerard. Actually, the last few days.”

“Frank, let me finish.” I said, getting down on a knee.

His eyes widened almost three times their natural size. “Gerard…” he whispered.

“I love you so much, Frank, and I only want to be with you.” I said, my heart beating so fast I thought I would go into cardiac arrest. “Will you marry me?”