Status: Just in the beginning stages... I`ll update as often as I can.



My father left me a lot of money. An obscene amount of money. Enough money for me to do whatever I please and not have to work a day in my life, but I enjoy working.

I went to University for business, and I run a fairly successful online company. It keeps me busy, and it`s something I can do anywhere.

I've traveled to various countries including, but not limited to; All of Europe, Kenya, Australia, the Philippines, Morocco, and the Bahamas. I live in North America, usually not staying in one city more than 4 or 5 months, and I currently live in Victoria, BC, Canada. I`m moving in two weeks, it`s beautiful here, but boring.

I imagine Toronto will be a lot like New York, just on a smaller scale, and probably filled with nicer people, but we`ll see.

I don`t bring much when I move, just my car, some clothes, and a few possessions I don`t want to leave behind. I figure I can buy new furniture, clothes, and anything else I need when I get to where I`m going. I don`t like holding on to too many things.

That includes women. I get bored of everything easily, and that includes people. At first a new girl excites me, but after a while she just gets boring like all the others, and I eventually leave her behind too.

This time I`m leaving Leah... a bartender in school studying law. Sure, she`s pretty, decently intelligent, and entertaining, but she`s nothing better then any other girl I've gone out with. I`m she`s "the one", but not to me. She belongs to somebody else. That`s why I broke up with her last night.

It didn't go well, but it almost never does. I hope she finds what she`s looking for... I`m hope she`s more successful than me.