Status: I might be constantly re-editing and revising so please stick with me


Can this get any more awkward?

The bell for third period rang and guess who the new student was? Oh yeah. Christopher. My "fiance". And guess who he just decided to sit next to? Of course it had to be me. He smiled gracefully at me as he sat down beside me.

"Why are you here instead of whatever school you were at before?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "My parents wished to move so that we could be closer to each other. I am eighteen so as soon as you turn eighteen, which I understand will be two months from now, I guess we will be married."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I have a boyfriend and we"re completely in love so back the hell off okay?" He just smiled at me. His perfect glistening teeth were starting to shatter the perfect world I had. Something about it just really annoyed me. "Could you please just sit somewhere else?"

He kept his sapphire eyes on me the entire time. "Why? Does my prescence really bother you that much?"

For some reason, I had the feeling that if I told the truth it would just give him some sort of sick satisfaction. "No."

"Then I don't see why I should move." With that, he pulled out a spiral and pen from his bag and settled into the seat next to me. I kept feeling his eyes glancing at me, running over my body greedily. I tried to take a deep breath and ignore him. "Oh," he leaned in so close that I could see the tiny gray specks in his eyes, "and you can call me Chris."


"His new what?" Devon demanded as we sat at our usual lunch table.

"Yeah. That's what I said.The only reason is because they want me to marry a 'good greek boy'. Apparantly this has been arranged since my birth but I have never met him before in my life! I don't know how my parents could do this to me!" I threw my face into my hands and started to sob.

I felt Devon's hand on my back. "It's going to be alright my love. We will find a way. Okay? No matter what it takes."

"This is just so messed up," Sierra complained.

"You think that I don't know that?" I sighed as I leaned my head against the table. I finally glanced back up when the normal chaos of the room grew silent. Chris just walked through the lunch doors. I saw how the girls lusted after him and how the guys were jealous of the attention he was getting. Pleas don't come over here. For the love of God, if he comes over here I will absolutely perish of pure awkward-ness. I quickly put my hand back down and prayed he wouldn't see me.

"Hello Cassandra," a familiar, goosebump-inducing voice rang out.

Hoping I was having a nightmare, I slowly looked up. I sighed. "Hello Chris." He sat down next to me. "Please. Have a seat," I said sarcastically.

He smiled at me "Don't mind if I do."

"I guess sarcasm isn't something they teach you in Greece," Sierra mumbled.

"Actually, I've lived in the states my whole life. And I guess my future wife-to-be is just really good at sarcasm then."

Devon wrapped a possessive arm around my shoulder. He leaned down and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I swear to God I'm using all of my restraint right now." He raised his voice. "Dude, I'd really appreciate it if you left Cassie alone. We're together right now and I don't want you bothering her."

"I'm sorry. I'm not really all that comfortable with this either but it has all been arranged. We will be wed in two months whether any of us like it or not. And I really don't like you messing around with my future wife."

"If you call her your future wife one more time I swear I'll tear your throat out."

"If you continue to touch her, I swear I'll rip out yours." They continued to glare at each other from across the table. The tension between them was simmering.

"Okay, guys, Cassie doesn't need this right now," Sierra butt in.

"Yeah." I looked at Chris. "Look Chris, I don't want this and I know you don't either so can you just leave me alone? We'l talk to our parents about it and get the whole thing cancelled okay?"

"That's where you're wrong." His blue eyes narrowed as he glared at me. "I do want this, so if you think I'm going to cancel this, you're out of your pretty little mind. I'll see you later Cassie." With that, he got up and strutted away.

"Well the boy sure knows how to make an exit," Sierra retorted.

"Yeah," Devon agreed. I just wish that he would exit our lives."