Status: Keep or kill??

This Is Difficult

Chapter 2: Happy

I was at another one of Brads party’s, I sat on the couch. With some guy, leaning into me rubbing my thigh his hand go higher and higher each time. He was actually kinda cute so I smiled into his kiss, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. His hand finally reached my under wear and I gasped, smoothly I grabbed his wrist and pulled him away shaking my head.

“Uh uh, gotta pay up before you go there love”

He smiled , his teeth were so white his eyes so blue, he looked like a guy I would go for if I still dated.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out some cash. I frowned a little it was only a $50, but the hell with it! He was cute and it was rare for me to actually be turned on by a client, I leaned back and slipped the bill into my bra. He had payed up so now it was time for business, grabbing his hand I stood up while pulling down my skirt with the other hand. I led him through the crowd, making sure to sway my hips to the music a little as I walked. I led him up the stairs and into, the room I knew so well.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I didn't feel like calling a cab after I was done, so I just walked to the bus stop Brad's house was in the center of the city so it wasn't that far of a walk. When I got to the bus stop, there was no one sitting on the bench, but there was a group of people surrounding some guy. He sat on the ground leaned against a building , playing the guitar and singing some song.
His voice was perfect , I liked his look he was skinny and had messy dreads it was kinda hot. I stood there stunned , I leaned my head back and closed my eyes letting his song take me to another place where I was still young where I still had a chance. When I opened my eyes again, the people had gone but he was still there smiling at me ,I smirked. I'm just glad he didn't find me odd I mean I’m pretty sure I missed my bus . Which means I have been standing here for awhile with my head held back, eyes closed day dreaming. I would think that was pretty weird if for instances I found him doing that on the street in the middle of night. I walked close to him and smiled.

“I really liked your song..”

He smiled and started collecting money from his hat., then stood up.

“I could tell, I actually feel honored that someone as beautiful as you actually gave me the time of day.”

I hid a smiled behind my hand,

“That’s nice of you to say....?”

He held out his hand.

“Dave, my name is Dave and you?”

I took his hand and shook it.

“Becca, it's nice to meet you”

He nodded

“Yea for whats a girl like you doing out so late?”
A girl like me? Oh he really didn't know me.
I just smiled and shrugged.

“I don't know...”

I looked around to the bus stop.

“ Just missing my bus I suppose...... you?”
He smiled and shrugged putting his hands in his pockets.

“Just making a living”
I found myself raising an eyebrow.

“You don't have a job?”

He gestured around us.

“This is it, this is what I do”

“Do you have a house?”
He threw his head back in laughter , raising his hands defensively .

“Hey hey! Just because I look homeless with the dreads in all doesn't make me some's called being artistic”

I laughed a little, I was surprised because it was a real laugh not the fake one I use to lure people in when I choose to. It was the kinda laugh I hated it, I had no control on how much I showed, but the weirdest thing was I didn't really care for some reason I trusted him.

I bit my lip and looked down. I had to leave soon I was tired but I dreaded leaving him I wanted to see him again for sure.

“Sorry your right, hey I have to leave...can I have your number?”

He blinked twice, looking a little stunned . I smiled

“What do you not have a phone?”
When he chuckled, it reached his eyes he pulled out a piece of paper and pen then quickly wrote something down. He handed me the slip.

“Sorry about that, I’ve never had a girl ask for my number before...”

I smiled and held the slip in my hand.

“I'm not like most girls”

He nodded

“Yea I can tell, see ya around?”
There was a level of uncertainty in his voice, I quickly demolished it with a quick nod.

“Of course see ya around”

I gave him one more smile before turning around and started to head down the street.
I t was about a twenty minute walk back home. It was enough time for me to realize how stupid I was why would I drag him into my life? He deserved better than me , anyone did that’s why I didn't date. When I got home, Sara was in the kitchen on the phone she looked me up and down then rolled her eyes.

“Jessy wait one minute okay?”
She put the phone down and sneered

“Where were you?”
I shrugged as I took off my shoes.

“Where do you think I was?”

“Out fucking!”

she's such a bitch

I could hear, Jessy's loud laughter on the other side of the phone. I just rolled my eyes and headed up stairs.

“Then I was out fucking...”

I quickly took a shower, and laid down on my bed, I held Dave’s number in my hand. I unfolded the slip and read it a huge smile graced my lips. I drifted off to sleep happy.


From creepy homeless guy
♠ ♠ ♠
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