

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
- William Congreve

Nothing would’ve pleased me more than to see him burn; to see the flame envelop him, the crackle to cover his screams as he slowly burned to death. I would stand close, but not too close so that I would not also catch on fire, and cackle with laughter at the sight of his absolute misery. That’ll show him, won’t it?

He’ll never cheat on me, or anyone else again. No, not when I’m through with him; and when I am, he’ll wish for that I had just killed him, that it was just that easy. But no, nothing is ever that easy, especially death.

When I find him again, that perverted bastard… Oh, the ideas, the sweet ideas of all of the things I want to do to him, to ease the pain he made me feel. To see him burn, to see his skin become a conflagration. To watch the pain on his face, to cackle with the crackle of the flames…

Surely, nothing would please me more.