Status: Active as of 2/22/13

Burn it Down


1 year later.

~Tyler's POV~

"Any plans for the weekend?" Luke asked me, leaning on the lockers next to mine.

"No, not really. I think Tiff wanted to go see a movie on Saturday, but she'll have to wait until after I get off work." I spun the dial on the lock until I could open it. I didn't look up to see Luke.

Nodding Luke just smiled. "Sounds like fun. Afterwards we should go on a mission."

My head shot up. We hadn't gone on a mission in some time.

Our missions were more like us sneaking around the neighborhoods vandalizing and damaging property. Not any property. Usually the property of the people who made our lives hell on earth. We'd had too many close calls to be comfortable with and we decided it'd be better to just quit before we really ended up getting our asses kicked.

"A mission? Dude it's been--"

Luke cut me off. "Forever, I know."

"Who were you wanting to hit?" I asked. I opened the locker finally, having been so into the idea of a mission that I completely forgot what I was doing. A ton of garbage, which I would guess came from the cafeteria, came spilling out. I'd have to change my lock again. Neither Luke, nor I were phased by it. I simply cleared the rest of it out, put my book back and slammed the locker shut again. Leaving the pile on the floor.

"Foley, Bauer, and Bradshaw."

"Ah." I had known why. It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out. Jonathan Foley, Michael Bauer, and Rick Bradshaw had ganged up on Luke not too long ago. It was October now, and back in February we had an ice storm that pelted most of Denver in a thick layer of ice that just fucking refused to melt. Our first day back to school after that storm, patches of ice still kept the sidewalks slick as shit, and Jonathan Foley, leader of this particular group of fuckboys, bum rushed Luke thinking it would be funny. While his two cronies sat and laughed, Luke had fallen and broken his arm. Not even a little broken either. A compound fracture, where the bone actually ripped through the skin. It was disturbing and left Luke with a scar on his arm that bothered him to look at.

For that, Megan nearly castrated the three boys. Megan was always a good listener and one day in class, she had heard Jonathan's then girlfriend in near hysterics over a gonorrhea diagnosis from her doctor. Supposedly the only man she had sex with was Jonathan and Megan was more than happy to hit the ground running with the information.

Once he'd passed her and bumped into her shoulder, by accident or not and she made a huge scene over how she'd now have the clap because he simply touched her. Having the clap at all flustered and embarrassed him so much, he simply bolted from her. Luke and I had laughed. In Speech class, Megan had given a very clinical Speech about gonorrhea which made Jonathan so pissed he stormed out of the class. When the teacher tried to stop him, he punched the teacher and was suspended for 2 weeks. Even Jonathan's own friends had laughed at him, and almost all of his credibility with anyone was ruined. He couldn't get dates anymore. He merely kept hanging around with the same 2 people because they were the only ones who would come around him anymore. His now ex girlfriend, backed Megan up, to our surprise. Megan had single handedly ruined Jonathan Foley.

"Dude you know covering that one up is gonna be tough." I told Luke.

"They live on the same street. Two next to each other and then one a house down. It'd be easy. We'd have to move fast and hit like 5 houses total. Make it look random."

"Versus us just targeting the three houses. I got you. We've never got to more than two. We could do a third between the two of us, but we're gonna need more people."

"Would Tiff go?" Luke asked.

"Oh sure, offer up my girlfriend. What about yours?"

Luke's face soured.

"No," I said. "You don't get to have that face. If my girlfriend is on the line, so is yours."

"I don't think she's...petty enough. Megan would be the one in an execution to rip out your fucking intestines and burn them in front of you while you're still alive. She likes to be there to see what she did."

I shrugged my eyebrows. That was true. Megan wasn't for secret planning. She could destroy somebody and they could do nothing but watch. It was magical to see, but the other three of us found ourselves incapable. She had learned a lot in a year, and psychological warfare was where she excelled.

"Ask her anyways." I said. "She might still want to go for the fun of it."

Luke sighed. "Alright. She'll come. But you'd better be sure Tiffany is there too."

"You answer for Megan, now?" I asked.

"I can almost always get her to agree, yes."

"Why don't you do that more?"

"Make her agree? Because what I do becomes fake and phony and I don't want her feeling like I'm a lying sack of shit just so I can get her to do things."

"Oh fuck, what things?" I slung my bookbag over my shoulder and Luke and I walked out of the building. It was the end of the day. I wanted to go home and relax before tonight's short shift.

"Just don't even ask." Luke laughed.

Eventually I found out that it was pretty mild and nothing sexual. Megan liked talking about the future. About getting married and moving away, and having children. Luke could butter her up with the right words.

"That's not even bad." We got into my car and I turned the heat on a little because there was a chill in the air and I was having none of it.

"I feel like a lying sack of shit when I do that."

"Are you lying?"

"No, but I--"

"Then how are you a lying sack of shit?" I pursed my lips and looked at him like he was fucking retarded.

"Because I don't want her to feel like I don't mean them and that I only say them to get her to do things."

"Shut up, Luke. If that's how she gets excited, fucking do it. We're gonna take a shit on the fucktard trio's neighborhood tomorrow night and she needs to be there."

Whatever exactly Luke said to her, I don't know. I never asked for the exact fucking dialogue, because Tiffany and I never talked about having kids. I loved Tiffany, but something in my gut told me I'd never have kids. I don't know why Tiffany kept her mouth shut about it, but she did. Long story short, Megan showed up and I don't know what I was expecting from her. But it wasn't what I got.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I've taken so long to get this up. I'm a very thorough person and I hate putting out something I feel is shitty, so I don't like to write until I have something solid in my head.

But here is a chapter, and there will be more added to this event. But maybe tomorrow, lol. I took some sleeping medicine and it's time for me to lay down and sleep.

I hope you enjoy and are ready for a secret mission soon.