After All This Time and Always

Ch. 4

Lily glared angrily at Snape as he realized exactly what he had just said. “Lily!” he said, as she turned around, the tears already spilling down her cheeks. “Freak,” James hissed as he stormed off after Lily. Snape felt the weight of the world on his body as he crumpled to the ground, realizing the impact of exactly what he just said and who he just lost with one little word.
“Lily...” he whispered as the tears overflowed and soaked the ground beneath him, the same ground he slept on that night as he remained unmoving from that spot.
The boathouse was quiet as Snape sat, slumped over, against the wall. He held his hand to his neck, where the majority of the bites had landed, as he grunted and moaned in pain. He heard a soft rustling outside the door before it slammed open. In the doorway, there he stood, in all his infinite glory, with scratches all up and down his arms and face. Hermione and Ron looked just as beat up, if not more so, but Harry was all he saw.
He was the spitting image of his father, dark features, except for those eyes. Those mesmerizing eyes, the ones Snape had long ago memorized. Without saying a word, Harry made his way down to his level, kneeling down by Snape with a sad look in his eye.
Before he knew what was happening, the tears fell down his face. “Take them,” was all Snape could muster. He and Harry had their spats, but rivalry be damned, he knew he could never forgive himself without telling Harry the truth. He owed Lily that much.
“Look at me,” Snape said after what felt like forever, not entirely sure what kind of exchange he and Harry might have had. He could feel the poison slowly claiming his life, and as he looked into those eyes, those ocean blue eyes, the ones that had haunted him ever since that awful day under the tree.
As Snape left, the darkness taking over him, he knew Harry would finally know, he knew Harry would finally see. And with that he let himself go, he let himself leave this plane and fly to the next.
Finally he would be able to see her, after all this time. He was ready to go.
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