To Say the Least I Thought I'd Seen It All

Chapter 2

He’s walking away again.

Away from the stage, away from the crowd.

Away from me.

I watch him walking down the hall.

He knows.

He always knows that I’m always watching.

The sway of his hips is exaggerated and when he stops to talk to Mikey, to Alicia, the tilt of his head, the fluttering of his eyelashes.

All for me.

The hallway is long and he talks to every person who lines the way.

He casts looks in my direction.

Turns his head.

His eyes meet mine.

The tendons in his neck, the column of his throat, his Adam’s apple.

All visible.

Bared to me.

He knows.

I know.

He knows how I long to run my tongue over the pulse in his neck, leave bite marks in the soft flesh of his throat. Run my fingers over the bruised skin…

He knows.

And I know how much he loves for me to do it.

He’s moving again.

Continuing on his way down the line of people. Everyone stopping to say just one thing. He talks to them all. Leaving me to follow behind, catching his eyes and catching those looks.

He pulls his shirt off while he’s talking to ray. Crosses his arms, grips the fabric at his waist and pulls it up over his head,

Each inch of exposed skin brings a memory to my mind.

His tattoos.

How I love to trace them with my fingers, my tongue. All the ink on his arms, the one that sits so tantalizingly low on his stomach.

The first time I tasted him, the way I thought the taste of the different colors might be different. Like flavors. All the same taste of salt.

The salt of his skin.

I see the door swing shut as Frank walks through. He emerges into the dark night on the other side.

I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Words spill from Mikey’s mouth and then he smiles.

That smile.

He knows where I go. Where I’m going.

He knows that I follow my love.

That my love is begging for me to follow.

I walk down the hall.

Every step that I take is a step that he took before.

I open the door.

His eyes meet mine yet again.

Green and hazel.

He touches my cheek. Takes my hand.

The long hallway has ended.