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I Was Saving Myself For You

I Could Die Right Now For Something Beautiful To Take Me Somewhere Else

We got about half way there when I became tired and Vic had to stop and throw up some of the alcohol he had put inside of him.I scrunched my nose up and rubbed his back slightly, trying to calm him down. He stood back up and I helped him walk, until we finally reached the hotel. I opened the door to the hotel and tried to walk him in while holding the door until one of the hotel's employees held it for me. I muttered a thanks before walking towards the elevator with Vic at my hip. The elevator dinged and the door opened and I stumbled into it with him. As we were waiting I was contemplating what was happening inside my head. 'Could this really be happening?''Vic is''With me?' 'Drunk?' 'Oh no,' I went on inside my head, "I'm going to have to explain to him how he ended up here and THEN deal with his hangov--' My thoughts were interrupted by the bell dinging once we reached our floor. I wrapped my arm around Vic underneath his and was nearly carrying his limp body over to our room. I pulled out the card and opened the door only to find Grace sitting on her bed with a worried look on her face.
The expression disappeared, however, when she saw who I was with. "Oh my god.." she whispered. "Is that.." I nodded in response and brought him over to the chair. "I wandered until I found a busy club," I told her, "I walked in and sat down, until someone shoved me, almost knocking me to the floor." I finished and looked over at Vic with concern and worry. She followed my gaze but the shocked expression never left her face.She finally sat down on her bed and I could tell she was processing what was happening, so I walked over and got some ginger ale I had brought for myself to drink and some crackers for the road. I placed them on the table next to Vic so he could have them when he woke up to ease his stomach and hopefully, help with his major hangover he was going to have in the morning. So, I sat and waited for Vic to wake up, occasionally looking at Grace to hopefully find a new, and different expression.But that didn't happen.'I can't believe this is happening' I thought to myself silently.
I guess I had dozed off to sleep while waiting for him to wake up, because when I woke up there was sun peeking through the curtains that blocked the view of the window. I got up and shut them completely and turned once I remembered what I had dozed off doing in the first place. I looked over to Grace, and she was still sleeping. Then to Vic, who had rolled onto the floor and had his mouth barely open, releasing little snores. I liked waking up to see this, it was different. Although, it didn't exactly happen the way I wanted to, it still happened and I was grateful for it.
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