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I Was Saving Myself For You

I'll Be The Brightest Someday, I'll Be The Brightest You'll See

'I probably should act like a normal human being towards him when he-' my thoughts were interrupted when I heard him
stir on the floor. I got up from the chair he was once sitting in and helped him up. He opened his eyes a little and looked around, looking a bit confused. "W-where am I?" he asked me, rubbing the back of his neck slightly. I hesitated for a minute because I forgot how to act normal until I finally decided to give him the answer. "You're in my- our-" I said as I gazed over to Grace. He looked towards her also, then looked back to me, waiting for me to finish. "Hotel room," I said, "you were at this club I had wandered into and you accidentally pushed me," I continued, "I got upset and left and I guess.. you followed me out. You were trying to apologize and you did.. sort of. You kept slurring and then you fell onto the bench, so I helped you up and I knew you were drunk so I took you here to help you." I breathed out and sighed. He nodded, rubbing his head,then looked at me with sympathy. I gave him a small smile before handing him a bottle of ginger ale and some saltine crackers. "Here," I said, "this will help. You're probably in a lot of pain right now huh?" I asked him with a giggle. He just
nodded and drank some ginger ale, scrunching his nose up after each gulp he took. I'm guessing he didn't like ginger ale. 'Hey, that's something to put in your 'Big Book of Vic Fuentes' isn't it?' I joked to myself, laughing. He shot a look at me, "What are you laughing at?" he asked, giving me a confused look. "Oh, nothing. I was just joking to myself." I told him meekly. I didn't know how to start an actual conversation with him, that was, until he tried to start one with me.
"So," he said, "what's your name?" he asked while turning to me. "Uh.." I had to think to remember my own name. Wow. Good going. "Robin" I finally sputtered out. He held his hand out to me and I gladly shook it. "I'm-" he tried to finish but I cut him off telling him I knew who he was. He looked at me in surprise before saying, "well, thank you for taking me in and helping, Robin," he thanked me while saying my name with a little ring to it. I almost shuttered at him saying my name because I was so used to hearing him singing, not saying MY name. "No biggie," I told him. No biggie? Seriously Robin? Ugh, I'm blowing my chance. Before we could say anymore, Grace woke up.
She sat up and looked around with a confused look until she calmed down when she realized where she was and who was with her. "Good morning, Sleeping beauty," I joked with her. I heard Vic giggle under his breath. I smiled to myself and walked to the bedside table, handing her a brush, telling her to brush her hair a little. "This is Grace, Grace meet Vic" I said and laughed a little and so did she, Vic and her exchanged "Hi's" I then I sat back down across from Vic, looking at him. Oh my god. I just remembered. Today is the day we were supposed to go to Warped. I jumped up out of my seat, startling Vic."Shit, shit, shit, shit," I muttered to myself while fumbling to find my phone, checking the time. "What?" Vic and Grace asked at the same time. "What time are you supposed to be at your set Vic?" I asked urgently. "Um.." he pulled out his phone, "not until 4." I sighed in relief and sat down again. "Oh thank god." I breathed out. They both kind of laughed a little and then we sat in silence until Grace told us she was going to get dressed. She got up from her bed and walked fastly to the bathroom, grabbing the pile of clothes she had set out for her on the bags. I turned to Vic asking him if he wanted to get something to eat when she came back. He nodded and said thanks again and I waved him off. After Grace had got back, I changed and then we all left, down the elevator to get some of the breakfast that was put out for the guests of the hotel.
I walked over to the table with the different varieties of food and grabbed what I felt like eating. Grace and Vic did the same, then we all slowly walked to find a table and sat down. "So," Grace said, breaking the awkward silence, "how did you guys run into each other?" she asked us. Vic and I shared a look and then I told her what happened. She just nodded the entire time until I finished. "Wow," she commented taking a bite of her scrambled eggs, "we've actually met two people before going to Warped Tour, and I didn't even expect us to make friends there either." Vic's face lit up and he then asked,"You guys are going to Warped?" We both nodded while eating and he smiled at us. God, his smile is even more gorgeous in person. I can't believe this is happening. "I could get you guys in for free if you want?" he said smiling at Grace "it's the least I can do for you guys and your help you gave me." He then looked to me and I gave him a huge smile. "Are you serious?!" I almost shouted, clapping my hands excitedly. "That'd be amazing! Thank you so much!" Grace told him smiling back and forth between us. "It's really no problem. You could hang backstage with us and while we perform also!" he told us, his eyes lighting up."And I'm assuming you already know about the parties, so if you guys want, you could come with us too."I couldn't hide my excitement anymore and I didn't even bother to say anything more, I just stood up and hugged him tightly smiling, almost crying. I don't know how I got so lucky, just from taking a walk while one of my best friend's was taking a shower. I was so happy now I didn't know what to think anymore. Vic hugged back and was laughing so hard as Grace and I jumped up and were dancing around and hugging each other.Things were now even better than okay, they were perfect.