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I Was Saving Myself For You

You Died In California By The Sulfur And The Sea

It was noon already when we decided to leave with Vic so he could warm up and hang out before the shows. Vic was pacing back and forth in our hotel room, talking on the phone. "Hey.. no I'm fine.. yeah i-.. no!.. yeah.. okay..Im coming.. bye" I only heard his side of the conversation. "Everything okay?" I asked as he sat down and put his head between his hands. "Yeah, that was Mike. He was just wondering if I was okay, if I found a place to stay and when I was coming back." he told me. "Oh.. okay." I said. "Hey, can I get your number?" he asked me. "Uh, yeah." I typed it into his phone.VIC FUENTES ASKED FOR MY NUMBER. I'M DREAMING. I hid my excitement from him. "So,are we going to leave now ..or?" I waited for an answer. "Yeah," he turned to Grace "you ready?" She nodded and walked towards the door. "Did you walk to that club? or did you drive there?" Grace asked him as we walked out. "No, I walked. The boys and I have a hotel down the opposite way of here." he answered. "Okay, I guess I'll drive then!" I said excitedly.
We all rode in my truck. Vic in the passenger seat, me driving, and Grace in the middle seat in the back. She was going on about how excited she was to finally be going to Warped Tour, let alone, with Vic Fuentes. I was too busy thinking I didn't even realized she was talking to me. "Huh?" I asked, confused of what was going. "I asked if you were excited also. And if you're okay.. you seem so out of it lately." I looked from the road to her, then to Vic. "Oh..uh.. yeah I'm fine." I told them, turning away and looking at
the road. They both shrugged and went back to talking while I drove. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me either. I feel so distracted and...almost empty. I don't really know how to describe it, I just felt it. I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, and looked at it long and hard, studying it. It looked exactly like our hotel, but a little more fancy. It was a hotel that had a glass entrance that layered up, meeting at the roof of the first floor and the floor of the second. It also had a few palm trees by the entrance, and behind them were glass windows showing the inside of the entire hotel.Okay, I under-exaggerated when I said it looked a little more fancy, it looked AMAZING. We were just about to walk in when Vic stopped and started patting his pockets. "Fuck," he patted his back pocket and looked around, "where's my phone?" He looked back towards the truck and told us he was going to look and I said I'd tag along. "I'll be right back," I told Grace, then sprinted off towards Vic and my truck. "Hey," I said to him, "need any help?"
"Yeah sure." and with saying that he started digging into the seats and under them. I did the same and watched as his muscles were showing intensely as he searched the car."wow," I breathed out. He looked around and then to me. "what?" he looked at me. I shook my head, "Huh? oh.. nothing" I said fastly and then continued to look. I could feel his eyes on me and I tried to not look but I failed. I looked up only to see his eyes looking straight into mine, and his face kind. He looked so innocent and even more beautiful in person, it was hard to look away.