Jonghyun’s Attitude Towards Life

Title: Jonghyun’s Attitude Towards Life
Pairing: OT5; Minho-centric
Rating: G
Notes: I do not own any of the real people that appear in this story, I wish
Word Count: 1,991

“But why is it ‘insignificant Choi Minho’?”

“Because you’re insignificant.”

Minho isn’t sure if he’s supposed to let that statement bother him as much as it really did. He knows Jonghyun could be tactless at best and heartless at worst. But is he honestly supposed to take that statement in stride? Nevertheless, the filming goes on, his thoughts and feelings buried deep under as he tries to keep the show as light and as funny as it possibly could be – for the sake of the viewers.

It’s when they’re in the car on the way back to the dorm after a full day of filming that his earlier thoughts come back to plague him.
