‹ Prequel: Best Woman
Status: hiatus. (So sorry, will find inspirtation soon!)

Best Expectation


As they left the bistro, Evan making it clear once more that Laura needed to calm her motives, she just giggled and brushed his arm cheekily. Evan’s phone rang and he picked up, smiling as he heard her voice.

“Hey baby!” he chirped, Laura rolled her eyes at the realisation of Annabelle being on the phone.

“Whoa…whoa…stop panicking. I’ve got like fifteen minutes free, course I can…no problem baby, see you later.” Evan babbled and quickly hung up and looked to Laura apologetically.

“Can you do me a massive favour and run back to the office and tell Jim I’ve had a family emergency?” Evan begged pleadingly to Laura.

“Where are you going?” she asked curiously and Evan sighed:

“Annie’s in a fluster because she’d left her camera at her Dad’s and she has a client coming at two and apparently she’s messed them about before. She can’t leave the apartment and I need –”

“Go get her equipment…fine…fine…go!” Laura waved, laughing slightly and Evan grinned.

“Thanks Laura, I owe you!” he called, and began jogging down the street to his where he parked, leaving Laura to catch a cab.
As Evan pulled up to Eddie’s house, he noticed the car parked, not unusual but he realised Eddie would be inside. He jumped out and jogged to the door, knocking lightly before opening the door.

“Hey Eddie, it’s me!” he hollered through the house. He walked into the kitchen, looking for the camera which Annabelle said she left on the table.

When a sudden smash and a string of cuss words came from upstairs, Evan looked up suddenly worriedly, putting the camera down and Evan went to the bottom of the stairs.

“Eddie?” he called: “You okay?” he shouted up, listening carefully for a response.
With a bad feeling in his stomach, Evan jogged upstairs and looked for the source of the commotion, looking in Annabelle’s old room, Leo’s…Eddie’s and finally the bathroom.

There Eddie was standing at the sink, hovered over, and smashed glass was on the floor.
“Eddie?” he asked softly, startled the older man turned around, blood pouring from his wrist.

“Evan!” he gasped.

“Holy shit…Eddie…you’re bleeding!” he pointed out the obvious and rushed to his aid. Eddie was shaking and Evan looked at the man worriedly. Blood was pumping and Evan suspected Eddie had nicked a vein with the smashed glass. Pills were scattered over the sink and inside the porcelain bowl.

“We need to get you to the hospital…” Evan said urgently and Eddie shook his head.

“No!” he snapped out. “No…I can’t…” he gasped, but began to feel dizzy. He was never good with blood. Evan supported him quickly. He glanced around and grabbed a nearby towel and pressed it hard on Eddie’s arm.

“Press tight…” Evan ordered, and placed Eddie’s plan over it. Red strains over that hand too.

“Come on…” Evan said, arm around him and helped him downstairs as he shook with nerves and panic.

Eddie tried to protest as they left, but Evan adamantly put him in the car and locked up, soon rushing to the ER. His heart racing and he watched Eddie worriedly as they stopped at the traffic lights, Eddie had got pale.

“Hang in there, man – almost there.” Evan said reassuringly.

At the hospital, Evan soon caused a scene to be looked at. Eddie was rushed off to get stiches and
Evan began to fill out forms for Eddie, filling out what he knew.
About thirty minutes later, a doctor appeared, smiling kindly: “Are you the man who bought Mr Jacobs in?” he asked curiously. Evan stood up quickly and nodded, shaking hands with the doctor.

“Yeah….I’m Evan…I’m his…” he began and thought of how he could explain it.

“It’s okay, Mr Jacobs explained your relationship. If you’d like to follow me.” The doctor said, and
Evan did, followed closely until they went into a room. Eddie was lying on a hospital bed, an IV in his arm and his arm bandaged up. He looked so pale and weak.

“You okay, Eddie?” Evan asked worriedly. Eddie smiled weakly and nodded.

“I don’t do well with blood…” he tried to joke but Evan sensed something wrong. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Why was Eddie taking pills and what for? Why did he drop the glass?

“I’ll leave you guys be…Mr Jacobs, we’ll be keeping you for a while, for observation.” The doctor said, and Eddie nodded, thanking him quietly.

Evan pulled up a chair to the beside and looked at Eddie confused: “Why are they keeping you in? Seems strange…” Evan asked and Eddie suddenly looked nervous.

“Um…” he began, and glanced over at the window, than back to Evan, who looked so concerned that Eddie felt touched at the man’s kindness. He was such a good boy with his daughter.

“I…” he began, but the nurse soon walked in.

“Eddie…” she said lightly and he tried to smile but the nurse, with caramel skin and dark brown hair in tight curls looked at him worriedly.

“I thought I wasn’t going to see you next week for treatment?” she asked concerned.

“Um…Loretta…this is Evan…he’s Annie’s boyfriend…” Eddie introduced quickly, and Evan glanced between, confused as to why they were so friendly.

Loretta noticed and mouthed: “Oh…” and smiled widely at Evan, showing off her big white teeth.

“Nice to meet you…” she said, and Evan replied: “Likewise…” as they politely shook hands. Evan knew not to say anything until she left.

“Press the buzzer if you need me.” She said softly, and smiled warmly at them both before leaving. Eddie sighed, and sank into the bed, trying to relax.

“Eddie…what’s going on?” Evan asked worriedly, he asked slowly, trying to understand.

What did Eddie need treatment for?

Eddie sighed, contemplating to confess: “Evan, I’m dying.” He blurted out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm panicking slightly - I've got majors writer's block and I don't know what to do after this.

Worst thing also, I have a new story idea in my head! :(
