
3RD JAN. 2008.

"You know what they do, up in Crawford?"

< Subject smiles. Leans closer to the camera. >

"Doctor Smith, oh what a boring name, oh what a boring man. You wouldn't believe the problems..."

< 3 second interval. >

"Little old Dr. Smith was very interested in my case. Said I was special. Said he wanted me all to himself. He said I was fascinating, different. Said he loved me."

< Low laughter. >

"You know what he said when I told Nurse Madeline what really happened in those sessions? He said he hated me. Fascinating me. Said I was a freak. Abnormal. He said he never wanted to see me again."

< 4 second interval >

"Where he's going, I don't doubt he'll have to."

< Session ended: 02:03 >