
12th JAN. 2008.

"Lisa is a bitch and a whore and I fucking hate her!"

< Subject grips the wrist of his left arm tightly. >

< 12 second interval. >

"She made me eat. She made me fucking..."

< Anguished, raw noise. >

< Subject drops his head to his hand. >

Oh we'll 'get you better', Jill. Just you wait, Jill! You'll be fucking fat soon enough, Jill! Jill! Jill! Jill! Up the fucking hill, fell because he's too fucking fat! Jack got crushed and little old mummy is all but dust."

< 5 second interval. >

< Subject is still. >

"Mummy, if you could see me now. Mummy, mummy, mummy... Daddy was so cruel. Is that why you left me, mummy? Why didn't you take me with you? Mummy, I miss you..."

< Subject looks to the ceiling. >

"I hope you don't see them, mummy. All the people who've sinned. I hope my knife drove them deep enough to the depths of hell. I did it for you, you know."

< 8 second interval. >

"All for you."

< Session ended: 08:32 >