
22ND JAN. 2008.

"Lisa gave me a list of things to tell you. She said they're nice things. Said everyone didn't like what I was saying."

< 10 second interval. >

"I like animals. They're pure. They don't do what humans do. We always... we always make it sound like a bad thing when someone is... when someone is like an animal. Aggressive. Loud. Fast. What about tender? Shy? Like a fawn. We never..."

< 5 second interval. >

"I hate eating animals. I stopped when I was 11. Daddy hated that."

< Subject pauses. >

"I'd eat human, though. Those fat cats with their money packs would go down so nice with some spices - don't you think?"

< Subject smiles. >

< 30 second interval. >

"My favourite colour... doesn't exist. It's this gorgeous hue us humans couldn't possibly..."

< 40 second interval. >

< Subject stares at his feet. >

"I hate how we need a name for everything."

< Subject looks up. >

"Can't we just... be?"

< Session ended: 4:04 >