So Long, Soldier

Why Not?

Katelyn’s Pov.

I was woke up four hours later by Harley shaking me awake. I quickly stood up and grabbed my things from the overhead compartment before making my way off the plane. The whole time we were walking, I couldn’t help but think back to what my dad had said.

“Ladies, things are going to be changing drastically here and not just here but also in Baltimore with Mackenzie, I mean your mother Katelyn and Harley"

I wondered what things would be changing but I feared it. I was scared of change. I didn’t want our family torn apart then it already was since this morning. I just hope nothing else changed.

We were going through security when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see my mom with a really tall guy looking guy. He had a chiseled chin with a cleft. He had on a pair of tight black ripped skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt under a white wife beater that showed off his six pack with a black leather jack over top. He had a silver chain link necklace that had a silver cross and a silver chain that had dog tags on them and his eyes were lined with a black eyeliner.

“He’s so not mom’s type I said as I looked at the black faux looking mop of hair on his head. “He’s honestly in a band but I don’t know if mom would date those type of guys” said Harley as they kept looking around. “They wouldn’t be able to find us since we dyed our hair” I laughed looking at my blonde hair with purple and green highlights. “Yeah I know” Harley laughed as she tugged on her blonde pigtails with read and black tips. “ Come on, they’re starting to worry now” I said as I grabbed Harley’s hand and walked towards them.

“Hi mommy “ Harley and I said as she looked at us. Her eyes widen as she looked at us, smiled and engulfed us in a hug. I was glad to be back home and get the warm hugs that she always gave. I’ve missed home and I missed my mom.

“How was your flight girls?” she asked. “It was great” we both said as she laughed. “Glad you two aren’t twins, you two are close enough as it is. Are you guys hungry?” mom asked. “Starved” I said as we walked out of the airport.


We were all eating at McDonalds, talking like we never left. We were even laughing together and mom still hasn’t told me who this mysterious man was. Or even why he was here wih us in the first place. Just from the looks Harley kept giving me, she really wanted to know as well but all I could do was shrug.

“Katelyn, did you so happen get a mysterious package in the mail in Florida?” mom asked as I nodded before swallowing bits of cheeseburger. “I did but dad took it away from me” I said as I raise a brow and looked at the mysterious man a he turned his head and looked at me.

I wanted to go and pull off his sunglasses but I didn’t want to be yelled, swore or smacked. It wouldn’t even be very nice of me and I wouldn’t really do that sort of thing but not knowing who he was was driving me crazy. I wanted to find out so bad and I want to know if he’s part of the secret or if he was the reason why our world would be changing.

“Does anyone want anything else to eat?” he asked. “Just get about Ten hamburgers and whatever you want. We’ll just eat them as left over” mom said as he laughed. “You don’t want to cook this week do you?” he asked. “No I don’t. I just want to spend time with the girls before they have to go back to school in a few weeks” my mom smiled as he laughed.

“Okay, I’ll cook but no more McDonalds Kenz” he laughed as he walked up to the counter. “Okay mom whose this guy? Are you dating him? How long have you’ve known him? Did you just meet him? Where did you meet him?” I asked as he was talking to the cashier. “Not gonna tell til laterm no, no, Thrity five years and at school” she said as he walked over and sat the drink tray on the table holding four Mcflurries. “Ready to go?” my mom asked as we picked up our trash and grabbed the try before heading out to the car.

Why can’t she just tell us already?