So Long, Soldier

Heaven's Calling

Jack's Pov.

It has been two days since what happened to Katelyn and people were still talking about it. Half of the school believe that she was bullied like Zack, Riley and I and there were people that believe that she did it on purpose to get attention like Alex and Lisa.

I haven't been able to go the the hospital yet since Katelyn's Mom didn't want no one but family there. I knew that Katelyn wasn't pulling a stunt and neither was her family but half the school thought they knew what they were talking about when they didnt.

The school was now running a campaign in Katelyn's honor to stop bullying and they had a prayer box where everyone could write letters. Some people even went to the point where they dropped off gifts but that had to be stopped after food went to waste.

Riey, Rian and I walked in the school and dropped off notes that our parents had wrote to Katelyn's family as well as ourselves. I looked up at the purple banner that said in pink lettering. "Send Katelyn Carter get well cards and messages as she recovers"

" Ugh, can you believe her family Alex. Trying to get money and gifts from everyone" scowled Lisa as she looked up at the Banner. "Jack, drop it. You don't want to be in a fight for causing trouble do you?" Riley whispered as I shook my head as all of us went to our classes.

When school was over, we all went home instead of going to band practice since everyone was basically upset except one person who kept saying all day "That's what she gets for hurting my brother" I got sick of him of always saying that that I ended up giving him a bloody nose.

" Have you heard of anything?" I asked my mom as she pulled into our driveway. "No I haven't, Jack. You're just going to have to wait to hear what happens like everyone else" my mom said as we got out of the car and headed into the house.

We were walking into the house when the phone started ringing. I ran through the house, into the kitchen and answered it as a voice spoke up. "Hello is this Jack?" a woman asked. " This is"" I said as my mom looked at me. "I just wanted to let you know that you, Rian, Zack,Alex and Riley and your families may come see Katelyn at the hospitalif you wish. It'd mean a lot if you would all show up. I already called Riley and in tied her" said Mrs. Carter.

" Thank you Mrs. Carter" I said as se hung up. I hung up the phone and headed into the living room to see my mom and my sister May sitting on the couch watching TV. I headed over to the couch and sat down as the movie on TV played. " Who was that?" My mom asked. "Katelyn's mom , she said we are all welcomed to come see her" I said as my mom got up. "We'll let's go see her then " she said as we headed out the door.

Katelyn's Pov.

I was in a building like out of an o those ol western movies. The pianosist played the piano as people all sat around talking, played poker or drinking with thei best mates in their western get ups.

The sound of horses were heard outside of the saloondoors as a tired old mn ran in. He took a few seconds to catch his breath before he started to speak. "Hide! He's here! Outlaw is here!" The man shouted. "Who's Outlaw?" I aske as everyone gasped " He's the baddest dude in the country. He's he only cowboy known to man to wear all black" said a woman as she held onto her infant. " They even say that his horse I black" the piaonoist said as he stood up. " He even wears bla I liner on his eyelids! His eyelids I tell you! " He's in a gang called The Wild Ones" the bar man said as it got quiet.

As boots crunches on the gravel, the silver spurs were heard as they walked. A group of cowboys walked through the saloon doors as the locals gasped in realization. " The Wild Ones" the bar man said as one of the men walked out of the group and walked around the saloon.

He was dressed in all black from his cowboy hat to his boost. His long hair reache the middle of his chest and his face looked to have scaratches and scars painted upon his face from the dust of coal from the nearby coal mines.

"Who are you?" I asked as he walked over and ripped open his shirt showing his tattoo over his navel. "I'm the Outlaw" said as he bent over and looked at me. That's when I noticed his brown eyes" Ashley?"
I said as the scene before me vanished and I was standing in front of giant white steps with clouds surrounded me. I heade up the stairs to see a boy around my age maybe a few years older looking over the clouds and down at the world below us.

I looked over at him and walked closer as he picked his he'd up and looked at me. "Tom? Tom where am I?" I asked. " In front of the pearly gates. I've been waiting for you Cheyanne" said Tom as w walked back and forth in front of the gates. " How do you know my real name?" I asked. "Never in that. There's something I need to talk you about.We've all been watching you struggle and we've sent someone to help you which you've already have met" said Tom as I bit my lip.

"Ashley?" I asked. "But what about Alex?" "One man's trash is another man's treasure. Cheyanne, don't worry about my brother. He'll realize one day that he messed up. If I know my brother as well as I do. He wants something he can't have. I have to go now but I'll always be watching over you" said Tom. " I love you Chey" " I love you too To "I miss you" " I miss you baby girl" he said and then he was gone.