Salem Falls

Harry & Alexa

When Alexa made her way over to Maggie’s house for their weekly movie night, the only thing she could think about were her lessons with Harry and the fact that she had to keep them from Maggie. The two told each other everything – everything – and to Alexa it felt so strange to be keeping it from her. She knew she had to, though, as it was part of her and Harry’s agreement, and part of her knew that Maggie wouldn’t believe her if she did tell.

Alexa just hoped that she didn’t have the thoughts written all over her face, because Maggie would surely notice, even if she didn’t say anything. Michelle, on the other hand, would pick and prod until she got all of the dirt out of Alexa, so she knew, at the very least, she had to hide it from Michelle, or else come up with another really good lie.

As she pulled into Maggie’s driveway, Alexa found that Michelle had already beat her there, and immediately prepared herself with whatever word vomit Michelle was going to be spitting out when she walked through the door. Alexa loved Michelle – they’d been best friends for as long as she and Maggie had – but sometimes she got to be a little too much. Maggie and Alexa had agreed a long time ago that Michelle was better in small doses.

Alexa didn’t bother knocking on the door, as the Snow’s home had always been like her second one, and she just pushed through the door, finding Michelle and Maggie already sitting on the sofa with the popcorn popped.

“Late to the party, as always,” Michelle joked, tossing a piece of popcorn in Alexa’s direction. Alexa simply laughed and prayed that neither of them would ask where she had been. She’d already prepared a lie, because she knew she couldn’t tell them she was practicing with Harry, but she hoped that she wouldn’t have to tell it.

“I show up precisely when I mean to,” Alex cooed, as she plopped down between her two friends. They turned on the movie just as quickly as Alexa sat, and both Maggie and Alexa’s eyes shifted to Michelle through the entire film. The other girl had a habit of falling asleep, and they knew it was just a matter of time before she did, so they could talk freely.

Alexa still wasn’t quite sure what she was going to say to Maggie, but she knew she had to say something, and it was obvious by the look in Maggie’s eyes that she had something to say as well.

Around the halfway point, Alexa and Maggie were delighted with the sound of Michelle’s snoring, who was knocked out harder than an out of shape boxer. The two girls finally had their chance, and all it took was one look for them to hop off the couch and head straight for the Snow’s kitchen.

The two girls moved to the island and sat next to each other, turning their seats so they were facing.
Maggie’s eyes, just like Alexa’s, were lit up, and Alexa knew she was keeping a secret that was just as good as hers. Since Alexa hadn’t quite figured out what she was going to tell Maggie, she made an attempt to buy herself a few more minutes.

“You go first,” Alexa said, looking intently at her blonde friend. Maggie opened her mouth for a second, as if she was going to protest, but quickly shut it. She pushed her hair behind her ear, while her eyes moved to the floor, and a small smile fell to her face.

“I’ve met a boy,” Maggie said, looking back up at Alexa with rosy red cheeks. The last time Maggie had said that was before her date with Louis Tomlinson, which hadn’t ended very well, and Alexa almost smiled just at the thought of it. With her cheeks even redder, Maggie continued. “But I have no clue what’s going on. He seems to like me – at least I think he does – but he always pushed me away. I don’t know what it is. Now, you go.”

True to their tradition, Maggie and Alexa always spilled their secrets before either of them would give advice. Neither of them was sure when it happened, but they realized it was easier that way. Once both of them got everything out in the open, it all just made more sense.

“I met a boy too,” Alexa whispered, and she could practically hear the sound of Maggie’s jaw dropping. Alexa had never been the type to date, and the last time she’d gone out with a boy was their freshman year. “He’s strange, probably the oddest boy I’ve ever met, but he’s handsome. Very handsome. I think I like him.”

When Alexa finished, she met Maggie’s eyes, which were lit up with her smile. She knew immediately that Maggie was more than enthusiastic about her having met someone, and it was clear as day that she wanted to bombard her with questions. But Maggie, who was the exact opposite of Michelle, simply grinned as she waited for Alexa to say more.

Alexa didn’t know what to say, though, because she knew she couldn’t say anything else. She couldn’t give away who Harry was, because it was part of their deal. She knew she couldn’t tell her about them meeting in the woods, because it would break their vow. She couldn’t say anything to Maggie without it going against everything she had promised to Harry.

In an effort to get Maggie off her scent, Alexa smiled at her blonde friend, nudging her with her knee. “Well, tell me more.”

Maggie sighed, as a grin crept across her face. “He’s wonderful, Lex. He really is.” She paused, as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “He’s been through so much, but he’s still so kind. And he’s so secretive. He rarely tells me anything. I don’t know what’s going through his head half the time, and I guess that’s why he’s so confusing.”

“Every boy’s confusing,” Alexa joked, causing Maggie to let out a small laugh. “What’s his name?”

Maggie beamed, looking into her friend’s bright green eyes. “Zayn Malik.”

Alexa had heard the name before, but for a moment she didn’t know where. Maggie was still talking, rambling on about something he’d said, when Alexa put the pieces together. Zayn was one of Harry’s good friends, the one whose father had passed away a few weeks before. She knew little about Zayn outside of that, but she knew that him being friends with Harry could only mean one thing.

Zayn was a mage, too, and he was surely keeping it from Maggie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh, oh. Alexa knows Zayn's secret!