Status: Hopefully updating once a week or more.

Will You Be My King?

Meet Kellin

*buzz* *buzz* "Ugh shit" Kellin groaned as he reached his phone to shut off the annoying alarm. Sitting up and looking at the time on his phone he groaned once again. "6 AM on a damn Saturday. This should be against the law" he said to himself aloud.

He stood up groggily and grabbed some clothes out of his closet and went to take a shower, the last shower he would be taking in his own home.

"KELLIN" he heard his mother yell from the kitchen down stairs, he hopped out of the shower and slid on his black skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt, walking down the stairs to see what she wanted.

"Yeah mom?" He asked when he reached the kitchen, "Is all of your stuff packed? We have to leave in 20 minutes." "Yeah mom, its all packed, just like you told me." he shook out his wet hair and pushed it out of his face, grabbing the plate of food his mom had set for him.

"I still dont understand why I cant just go to a normal school, why do I have to go to a boarding school?" "Because. Your father and I think it would be a good idea." "My father and you? Or just my father?" She didnt answer. "thats what I thought." He finished his food, put his dishes in the sink and went back up stairs to his room.

He grabbed his bags, grabbed his phone, and put on his headphones. He was not looking forward to this car ride.


"Yo Vic what are you doing bro?"

Vic had just received the news he was getting a room mate and his room was a mess. "Dude, you've seen my room." "So, why are you cleaning it now?" "Room mate"

He didn't hear anything from the other side of the door so he figured they had left, finally. He grabbed some of his dirty clothes and threw them in a basket, 'i'll have to do those later' he thought to himself.

He finished cleaning and decided to put on some music and do his homework, his new room mate would be here any minute.


'room 143..lets see..' kellin looked at the numbers on the doors '135..135...137...' he walked a few more rooms down and finally reached his door. 'should I knock first or just walk in?' he thought. he decided to knock first, his room mate could be naked and that wouldnt be a good first impression. He knocked and then heard some movement in the room.

"Hey, are you Kellin?" A guy, he assumed to be his room mate, stood in the doorway. Kellin looked him up and down, in a bit of shock. "Uh, yeah thats me." He managed to get out those few words. "Well come in" Vic laughed. "I'm Vic by the way." He said as he moved out of the way for Kellin to walk in.