Status: I will be constantly changing and revising so hang in there.

Merry Go 'Round


Everything is old fashion in my town. We may live in the modern times, but we follow old values. For example every darn person in this small town can be seen in the chapel every Sunday morning for service. The whole town shuts down just for church. And If you don't show you better bet your buttons you will get at least ten different phone calls all asking if you are sick.

Shoot I bet half the people that walk into that chapel don't even believe in God, but they go any way in an attempt to keep up their image. After the service is over there is a little buffet set up down stairs and everyone goes down to socialize. You can see every one dressed in their nicest Sunday clothes all broke off into little groups. All the women in their beautiful dresses can often be seen making nasty faces and whispering back and forth, probably gossiping, but I wouldn't know because my mamma told me that I am not aloud to talk with the women until I am old enough to understand. Which trust me, I understand plenty.

I understand that Kate's husband is overly social with the strange woman named Marry that moved in a few months back, with three kids and no husband. The petty rumors that all her children have different fathers has spread to the high school, where Mary's eldest daughter Rose was shunned with out reason. I also understood that all the women in the circle talk dirty about each other when their backs are turned.

It's not like I really ever wanted to be part of their gossip circle anyway, but my mamma was talking to me one day a few weeks back about my eighteenth birthday and about all the wonderful things it would bring. How I would be legal to marry and how I could join their petty gossip circle. Yes I said marry. My mamma already has my husband picked out and the wedding is planned for the summer. My pa said that the earlier I wed the sooner I can produce perfect bouncing babies and do something with my life, because you know the only thing a woman is good for is producing children. Or at least that is how the people of my town see it.

Anyway this to be husband of mine, he is not so bad. I mean he is almost as smart as me and he isn't too bad to look at. I guess things wont be too bad when we get settled down, but right now it is odd because he and I have been trying to get to know each other except we just don't have anything to say to the other.

I know all this sounds odd to you, because hell I guess we live in an age where women don't have children until they are forty, but in my town men don't want to marry you or have kids with you if you are older then twenty-seven. The only thing they would want from you is nothing a lady is expected to do.

In this sorta worked out, perfect life of mine there is one problem. His name is Tyler.