He Doesn't Understand; He Never Will.

Title: He Doesn’t Understand; He Never Will
Pairing: 2min (Minho x Taemin); implied!Ontae (Onew x Taemin)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: I do not own any of the real people that appear in this story, I wish. Lapslocked
Word Count: 3,691
Recommendation: Read while listening to ROMANTIC - SHINee


your unforgettable love, final tears
rip my whole heart apart, rip it apart

minho opens his eyes and watches as taemin moves across the dance floor, growing – always growing. one day, he knows taemin will catch up to him, and he doesn’t know – maybe it’s just him – but he feels as though he might just get left behind. it’s only been a little more than two years since they’ve debuted, and already, taemin can move freely on his own. he still remembers that young blood with the big innocent eyes and the all-too sweet smile.

without any thoughts
i walk to wherever my heart goes

he stands from where he’s sitting on the floor of the practice room and makes his way over to taemin – to fix the string hanging out of his shirt he tells himself. as soon as his hands touch the hem of taemin’s shirt, the latter turns in shock and stares up at him with wide eyes. minho can almost see their past in them but taemin steps back, away from him, and raises an eyebrow.

“what are you doing, hyung?”

i just stand in place

“i was just going to-“ he starts, pointing at the white thread that dangles from his shirt.

“i can do it.” taemin turns away from him and goes on to speak to kibum about something maybe important. he never touches the hem of his shirt.