Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Torn and Frayed

Currently in a warehouse Samandriel is being held captive and being tortured for information, spiked drilled into his head. One to keep him from keeping in contact with the angels. He gets the power to remove it out of his forehead with his mind.

"Naomi, Naomi Crowley has me." He states, as someone walks in.

"Uh uh uh. Turn on Angel Radio have we?"


"Don't lie to me Alfie."

"I'm not lying. Please I wouldn't lie to you."

"Aww. Alfie after all these weeks together. How I wish that were so. Now we're going to have to turn off that signal...again."

"No. No! Noo! NOOOOOO!" He screams as the spike is inserted again.

Kermit, Texas

Dean and I went to find Sam. We find out he's in a motel, room 118. I pull up next to the Impala, and Dean gets out, coming over to my car.

"I want you to stay here. I'm only going in to talk to him."

"You sure? I mean I can come in if you want-"

"No. You stay here. Please."

"Alright." I nod.

With that, he goes and knocks on the door. It takes a while, but Sam opens it, not happy to see him.

"Who'd you expect?" Dean asks as he walks in.

"Long drive."

"Yeah well I wouldn't have had to make it if you hung up on me."

"Yeah well I heard all that I needed to hear."

"No you heard what you wanted to hear. I told you Benny wasn't killing. Hell I watched him and the fang banger that was."

"How about Martin? How did he end that?"

"Stupid. Just like I said it would. Crazy son of a bitch didn't give Benny a choice. It was self defense."

"Seriously? Dean? That's the story you're going with? That the vampire was the real victim here?"

"Hey, like it or not, that's the truth okay? Now there's a time when that actually meant something."

"Yeah..yeah no kidding."

"What does that mean?"

"You think this is just about Benny?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"What the hell do you think I'm talking about?"

"Amelia? Oh come on man, I sent you that text because I needed you to-"

"You needed for what? To tear ass to Texas? To be afraid that what happened to Jessica would happen to...everybody that we care about? Might've happened to her?"

"You were gonna kill Benny. What was I supposed to do?"

"Is that where we are? You save a vampire by making me believe that the woman I love might be dead?"

"What do you want to hear Sam? That I was wrong? Fine. I was wrong, okay? But if you would've just heard me out, would've just trusted me, all of this could've been avoided."

"You wanted me to trust you. You wanted me to trust Benny. And I can't do that."

"Right. Okay well, then what the hell do we do now?"

"That depends. It depends on you. On whether or not you're done with it."

"Well honestly I don't know. Glad I made the drive." He states before heading for the door.

I look up when I hear the door slam shut and Dean goes right to his car, getting in and he pulls out. I start my car and pull out after him. Hours later when it's the next day and daylight, children are playing the park. This woman and her baby were sitting on a bench and the baby kept crying.

"She's been crying for two days." Cas states, with a sad look on his face. "The doctors missed something. It's called an inguinal hernia. Very hard to detect." He adds, putting his fingers to the baby's forehead and she stops crying and he disappears...back to heaven.

"Castiel, we have a situation. Samandriel has been captured."

"I thought Samandriel was dead."

"He's been missing. And now we know. Crowley has him."


"His distress call cut out before I could pin point his exact location. But you will find him and you will bring him home."

"Crowley will have warded against angels this time. I'll need help getting in."

"Take whatever you need. But you will be certain Castiel. It was your idea to rescue Samandriel. Not mine, not heaven's. Do you understand?"

Dean and I last night drove to the safe house. After a long night we just crashed on the couch. He was laying on the couch, and I was laying on him, his arms wrapped around me, and a beer left in his hands. We didn't know Cas showed up and was watching us sleep. That is until Dean started to wake up and he jumped, causing me to fall to the floor with a thud.

"Ahh! Ow." I groan in pain.

"Brooke I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

"I'm good." I groan, getting up.

"Damn it Cas. How many times do I got to tell you, it's just creepy."

"And it causes pain." I add, getting to my feet.

"Dean, Brooke, I need your help. The angel Samandriel...he's been taken."

"You mean Alfie, the weiner on a stick kid."

"Yes. I....heard his distress call this morning."

"What, angel radio? I thought you shut that down."

"My penance is going well and I thought it was time to turn it back on. I've been helping people Dean."

"Well good for you."

"Dean." I give him a look, hitting him in the arm. "That's great Cas." I nod.

"Alright. So who snatched heaven's most adorable angel?"


"Crowley?" I ask in utter shock.

"We're listening."

"Samandriel's being held in the general vicinity of Hastings, Nebraska."

"General vicinity? That's the whole yacht?"

"Yes, which is why I need both you to help. Seems this is gonna involve...talking to people."

"Come on Cas, I thought you were a hunter now?" Dean asks, going over to his computer.

"Yeah well, I thought so too seems I...I lack a certain-"


Then we hear some weird sounds coming from his laptop. Once he sees the screen, he quickly closes it.

"You both saw nothing."

I raise my eyebrow.

"Really Dean? Porn again? Whatever pleases you." I shake my head amusedly. "You're just lucky I don't get mad at that stuff, because I know I'm better than all of them anyway." I scoff.

He opens it again and minimizes the window.

"Alright, what am I looking for?"

"Well when you torture an angel, it screams and that kind of pain, it causes a ripple effect of strange incidents. Where's Sam?"

"Sam's gone. It's alright, we'll uh...find Alfie ourselves."

Sam in the meantime is sitting in his hotel room, watching what was on TV, and then there's another knock on his door. He thinks it's Dean again, but when he opens the door it's Amelia.

"Look, last night at the bar, I just wanted to make sure it was you. You know...peeping in my window."

"Peeping? You make it sound so um..."



"Anyway, I ran out because he was leaving. He travels a lot since he's been back."

"Right. No I get it. You had some place-"

"-I had to be. Yeah. Are we gonna have a whole conversation of me finishing your sentences? So why are you here?"

"It's not what it looks like. I thought you were in trouble. That you had....doesn't matter. You're okay."

"I was okay. You know...settled in. Content. But here you are. What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Give me five seconds and I'll be gone. I didn't come here to make trouble for you. I came because-"

"-you cared? See that? I just did it again. Finished your sentence."

"Yeah I care."

"I care too."

And then they kiss. Alfie however is about to go through some really extreme torture.

"I told you it was an accident."

"Yes of course. But now there shall be no more accidents. No more angel radio."

"Stop this please."

"It's been weeks yes. We're almost there though. I'm certain of it."

"I'm begging you..."

"When we demons possess a human, we invade all of their....muscles. Their bones, their brains. I can't help but wonder if it isn't the same for angels."

With the special head piece with holes to put the spikes, he takes a spike and starts to drill it into Samandriel's head, and he screams out in pain. That causes a nearby beaker to explode. The demon doctor drills the spike farther in.

"Va tay cah ra. Va tay cah ra. Va tay cah ra. Sal voc tay. Va tay cah ra. Sal voc tay. Sal voc tay. Sal voc tay. Sal voc tay!" Samandriel chants, while somewhere else a bush bursts out into flames, burning a man's face off that got curious to see what he was hearing and where it was coming from.

Geneva, Nebraska

Dean, Cas and myself however after a long drive have made it to Nebraska. I left my car back at the safe house, and thought it would be easier to ride in the Impala with Cas and Dean. We were heading to the hospital to talk to the man who was burned by the bush. Cas told us what happened, because he was tuned in. We went in as members of the press, our fake press ids clipped to our clothes. We're told what room and Dean knocks.

"Mr. Hinkley? Hi we're from the Geneva Gazette. Want to ask you a few questions about your ambush."

"Yeah well, I'd laugh too if it didn't feel like the sun just ate my face."

"That's a metaphor." Cas tells us.

"Right." I nod.

"Sorry. in the police report it said the bush, it talked to you. Yeah?"

"Yeah I know it sounds crazy but yeah."

"What did it say?"

"No clue. Sounded like Klingon to me."

"Gonna need exact words."

"Are you serious?"

"That's his serious face, yes." Cas remarks.

"It would help the article." I add.

"Just as much as you can remember Mr. Hinkley."

"Sounded something like...sol vac. Yeah. Sol vac tay."

We all look at each other with weird looks.

"Um thank Mr. Hinkley, I think we have anything we need. Hope you have a speedy recovery."

Cas, Dean and myself leave the room, on our way out of the hospital.

"What do you think? Mean anything to you?"


"What is it? It doesn't sound like any Latin we've ever used." I ask.

"It's Anokian. It means obey."


"Obey what?" Dean asks.

"I don't know, but the amount of pain an angel must be in, not only to just manifest into a shrubbery, but to burn? Dean....Brooke, we have to find him before it's too late."

"Okay. Okay well look. A sign like that, Alfie can't be too far right? So we'll just start at the bush and work our way out."

"And look for what exactly? Crowley could have him anywhere."

"Well knowing Crowley the place will probably be swarming with demons. So we'll just drive until we see ugly."

"Well let's hope it doesn't take all day." I remark as we leave.

"Well it's official. I hate motels." Amelia says to Sam from the bathroom, wearing his shirt.

"Say something."

"What would you like me to say? That was great? That was...a mistake?"

"I don't know, both I guess."

"I understand."

"Do you? Do you understand I have a life here? A good man that loves me? A man that I don't want to hurt?"

"I know."

"And do you know you're the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning? And the last thing before I go to sleep? It's tough to let something like that go."


"Especially if you keep showing up here."

"You saying you want me to leave?"

"I'm telling you that if you stay, against everything I believe in, I would be with you. But if you leave, don't come back. I can't have you with one foot in my life and one foot out there doing whatever it is you do. That life of yours, I have no idea about."

"You don't want to know about it. Believe me. It's a big step."

"For me or you?"

"Both. I need to think about this. You need to think about this. Words will never cover what you mean to me, what you'll always mean to me. But we should-"

"-think about this. Okay. How about 2 days from now. Around 7:30, I'll be off work then. One of us will be here, and we'll know. Neither of us will be here, and we'll know. Or both of us will be here, and we'll know."

After hours and hours of searching, we find another warehouse, which Dean thinks is a dead end again.

"Don't tell me, another dead end?"

"Well would you look at that. A ninth abandoned factory. Ain't that America. Hey, we say this doesn't pan out, we head back to that beer and bacon happy hour about a mile back huh?"

"Wait a minute guys. Those men, they're demons. I can see their true faces."


"Crowley's got that many monkeys outside, he's got to have at least double inside."

"And angel warding. I can feel it."

"Well you, me, Brooke and the demon knife ain't gonna cut it."

"Okay. I'll get Sam."

"No. We don't need Sam."

"But you said-"

"-look if Sam wanted in, he'd be here. Okay? I got a better idea."

Dean pulls away and starts driving. It's a long drive but we end up by this boat.

"What're we doing here?" I ask.

" Garth's hideout."

"A boat? Wait...Kevin. You're gonna get the demon bomb recipe."

"Exactly. Cas, zap us in."

And with that we're in, standing in the room Kevin was in, trying to figure out the broken demon tablet.

"Slow read?" Dean gets Kevin's attention.


"Where's Garth?"

"Supply run? I don't know. Sort of lost track when he comes and goes. Guys need help with something? I'm working here."

"You look horrible." Cas states.

"Nice one Cas."

"Yeah, thanks."

"He's right. You okay Kevin?"

"I'm fine. I'm the middle of this."

"And? Any luck?"

"Interpreting half a demon tablet? No. I got nothing."

"Alright well buck up. Because we need some more of that demon tnt asap."

"Used it all?"


"Yeah, so let's whip up another batch."

"Sure. Witch Hazel, skull of Egyptian calf, the tail of some random ass new that may or may not be extinct-"

"-alright alright I get it. Ingredients are hard to come by huh?"

"Sounds like it Dean." I nod.

"That's just the first three ingredients."

"Give me the list, I'll get what we need." Cas speaks up.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you can zap yourself anywhere." I realize.

In the factory that we found to be the correct one where Samandriel was being torture, Crowley has now arrived.

"What on earth could you possibly need now? I've given you every torture instrument known to man. Short of a Neil Diamond album."

"I've found something sir, I need a translator."

"You're looking at him. Show me."

With that, he turns the screw a bit and Samandriel sits up.

"Zo ba lay ta."

"What have we here?"

"I think it's Anokian."

"Of course it's Anokian you pigeon. Question is, why is he speaking Anokian? What have you drilled into here?" Crowley asks, turning the screw.

"Zo ba lay ta. Sa tay voc lay."


"What is it sir?"

"Well, what our feathered friend was uttering essentially was, useless being created as an angel of the lord. You've got into his operating system. His factory settings."

"From who? God?"

"Who cares where it comes from. Let's find out what makes this flying monkey tick." Crowly states, turning the thing more.

"Sa tay voc lay."

So now Cas is gone, getting the ingredients, while Dean and I are left with Kevin. I offered to help Kevin, but he said only a prophet could do the work he was doing. So I just sit and relax, while Dean is pacing back and forth, getting impatient.

"Dean. Seriously just sit down."

Kevin gets annoyed at Dean's impatience and puts headphones over his ears to block out any noise.

"See what you did?"

"What? I mean come on. How long does it take to get a calf skull from Egypt?"

"Depends on if the calf is dead or alive."

"It's still taking forever. Kevin. Kevin. Your mom is hot. I'm serious. Your mom is one sexy-" Dean gets cut off by his phone ringing.

I give Dean a look before he answers.

"Hey, I thought I told you to go underground?"

"Hey. I'm so far under, I'm breathing through a straw brother. Look, what happened with you friend Martin back there, he wasn't supposed to go down in that way."

"I know. Your grand daughter told me."

"Dean you did this whole dog real solid, and the way you stood up for me.."

"Shoe on the other foot, you would've done the same."

"Yeah. I hate to ask for much else but I don't suppose there's any chance you're anywhere near the Catskills?"

"Working a case on the other side of the country. Why, what's up?"

"Yeah, just hitting a little rough patch I guess. You know, doing this whole solo thing."

"Benny, one day at a time man."

"You know what, cup of coffee sure would do me good."

"Alright, as soon as I'm done with this case I'll um...I'll be there okay?"

"Yeah. Alright brother. Thank you."

Dean comes back over and gets Kevin's attention.

"Hey, where is your mom?"

"Somewhere safe."

"You kicked your mom to the curb?"

"She was too distracting. I couldn't focus. Angels said I had to go to the desert to learn the word of god. This is my desert."

"Understandable." I nod.

"Yeah, but your mom's your mom."

"I can't enjoy a world I need to save Dean. I can enjoy it when this is all over with. But right now there's nothing more important than this." Kevin refers to the broken tablet.

"So sit and relax Dean. I'm sure Cas will be back soon. Please? For me?" I ask.

"For you." He nods, sitting at the table with me.

Sam in the meantime is sitting outside in the rain, thinking, watching happy couples walk by. Cas shows up out of nowhere and scares the daylights out of him.

"Watching humanity. Never gets old does it?"

While Cas was trying to convince Sam to go with him because he thinks we need Sam for help, Dean, Kevin and myself are all still at Garth's hideaway. Dean has just finished off a bag of chips....the pig. We hear flapping of wings and look over to see Cas....and Sam.

"I've got all we need."

"It's about time."

"Sam?" I ask.

"What's he doing here?"

"Don't worry Dean. Once we save Alfie I'm out."

"Once we save him. Don't hurt yourself Sam. Cas, Brooke and I can handle it."

"Not according to Cas."

"I told you we didn't need him."

"We need everything Dean. And I need both of you, as you say, to stow your crap. Can you do that?"

I look between Sam and Dean as they stare intently at each other, before looking down at my phone which I had taken out to amuse myself. Cas gives Kevin all the ingredients and he spends the rest of the time, making that demon killing recipe. Except this time, it's made into dynamite sticks instead of the capsule that Sam used the last time.

"One for each of you." Cas states as he hands Sam, Dean and myself a demon dynamite stick. "Now let's go get Samandriel back, before it's too late."

"Keep working on that Kevin. I know you'll get it eventually." I encourage him, before following Sam, Dean, and Cas out.


We leave the boat and get into the Impala, heading off to the factory we found out to be where Samandriel's being held. We park around back so we're not spotted, and get out.

"So there are four main points of warding. North, South, East and West. Four Anokian symbols. Like this..." Cas explains, drawing the symbol on Sam's hand. " need to destroy before I can enter."

"Okay so what, we go in, take care of the hell mooks and you extract the angel?" Dean asks.

"Yes. After killing so many, I need to save at least this one."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Okay, let's do this." Dean states, taking out Ruby's knife that he keeps.

"Wait here..." Cas stops us, handing me and Sam the angel killing knives. "...this doesn't just work on angels. It kills demons too."

"Thanks Cas." Sam and I say to him, before the three of us head inside.

We locate one demon outside, because he has the keys and we need to get in. We come up with a plan. Sam will attract the demon's attention, then he'll see me, and then Sam will kill him. So Sam whistles to get his attention. He heads in our direction and then I step out of the shadows.

"Well hello." I grin.

His eyes turn black and he starts to head for me, but Sam comes up behind him and stabs him, killing him.

"Well not our most original work but..."

Sam grabs the keys and tosses the to Dean, who unlocks the door. Sam and I head up the stairs and we all walk in. We spot the first Anokian symbol and Sam destroys it. Then we split up, but stay relatively close, looking for the other three symbols to destroy those. We can hear Samandriel screaming too as he's being drilled for more information, literally.

"Vo ma pa ra les. Vo ma pa ra les."

"What is it?"

"That was tablet talk. Protecting the word of god seems to be hard wired into these dingbats."

Dean finds another symbol and destroys that, while avoiding one of the demons. Sam finds one himself and goes to destroy it, only being caught afterwards. He kills that one and gets attacked by another. I hear his struggles and run in that direction, and so does Dean. We make it there just in time and Dean kills that demon.


"Come on."

Before we could walk away, I got grabbed. I did struggle for a bit, Dean and Sam went to help, but I got out of the hold the demon had on me and tripped him, stabbing him the back and killing him.

"God I hate demons." I huff. "Now we can go."

We don't really hear Samandriel's screams because he's not screaming loud. But he was still being drilled for the information.

"Za lay fa."

"Demon tablet. Tell me one I don't know. Huh?"

"Alfie." Dean states when we hear the screaming again.

That's when we stop and hear rapid footsteps from all around us and Sam sees the shadows of more demons.

"Time to clean house." I state, getting the stick of demon killing dynamite out.

Sam strikes his against the wall and throws it around the corner, Dean strikes his against the ground and throws his towards the demons coming in his direction, and I do the same, striking the tip and throwing it in the demons I saw coming in the opposite direction. And just within seconds the sticks explode and all 8 demons are killed, sent back to hell.

"But Mr. Crowley. Not that this isn't important but, perhaps we should be making preparations to leave. We seem to be under attack."

"Did you say something?"

"There it is, the last symbol." I state.

"I've got it." Dean nods, taking out the spray can and destroying that symbol. "Alright, any time now Cas."

Cas appears, but he doesn't look too good.

"Cas!" I exclaim, going to his side.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"Must be the sigils. I'm not at full power."

"Sam, Brooke, help me musk this crud."

"No wait! There's no time! Samandriel won't last much longer."

"Cas...take this." Sam hands him the knife he gave him earlier.

Dean tries to open the door and Cas starts going crazy.

"Cas...what's wrong?"

"Dean hurry up."

"I'm trying."

Cas then starts backing up into the wall, cowering in fear.

"Cas..." I say, going to his side.

"Alright, plan B." Dean states, not being able to open the door by the handle. The next thing he does and ram into it with his shoulder, hoping to knock it down. Then Sam joins in, hoping to help.

"As you were saying." Crowley says to Samandriel.

"Va na sa we."

"Cas...anytime now."

"I think he's out of it Dean. I don't know what's wrong." I reply in concern.


"Ar do za fay."

"Spit it out you heavenly pile of filth!"

"Va day ra."

"Holy mother of sin."

"What? What is it?"

"There's an angel tablet."

And with that he disappears, right before Dean and Sam get the door busted open. Dean goes after the doctor, and two demons enter the room, stopping Sam and I while Cas goes over to Samandriel.

"Bring it on....wimpy." I instigate, knife at the ready.

The demon swings at me first, but I duck and sweep his feet out from under him. Next thing I know, I hear glass shatter and Dean's on the ground.

"Dean!" I exclaim, getting distracted for a moment and the demon gets back up and hits me across the face.

"Not so wimpy afterall." I say, wiping the blood from my lip. "Alright, let's play hardball."

The demon starts swinging at me and I duck every move. I knee him in the gut a few times before kicking him hard, making him hit the wall. I then throw the knife at him, killing him. And at the same time, Dean helps Sam kill the demon that was fighting him. Then Dean goes back over to the doctor, ready to kill him.

"Wait, I know things."

"Cas! Go!"

"Good good, there's so much you don't know. You need me."

"Yeah. Yeah I don't think so." Dean retorts, stabbing him and killing that demon as well.

"Now let's go meet Cas." I add, running out of the room.

Cas in the meantime is outside with and sound.

"You're safe now. I'm taking you home."

"No you can't take me back there Castiel."

"Why not?"

"You don't understand. I told Crowley things...things he shouldn't have known. He got to our coding, secrets....secrets I didn't even know we had."

"What secrets?"

"Heaven, Naomi."

"Who's Naomi?"

"Who's...listen to me. Listen to me closely, I've been there, I know! They're controlling us Castiel!"

"What do you mean?"

"Kill him!"

"What does he mean, they're controlling us?"


"Who is controlling us? Why did I see your face? Why was I so afraid? What did you do to me?"

"This is a direct order. Kill him!"

And just like that, Cas kills him.

"What did I just do?"

"You killed a traitor."

"Samandriel...was good. And I was trying to atone to-"

"Samandriel was broken. He revealed the existence of what I would die to protect. What any of us would die to protect. The angel tablet Castiel. Crowley knows."

"I just murdered one of our own to protect a tablet."

"If the demon tablet can conceal demons in hell, what do you think the angel table could do to us? You're a hero Castiel. You've done heaven a great service."

"And that's what I tell Sam and Dean?"

When we reach Cas and Samandriel, neither one are moving.

"Oh no."

"Cas! What the hell happened?" Sam exclaims.

"You tell the Winchesters and Brooke that Samandriel had been compromised."

"He was compromised."

"He came at you and you acted in self defense."

"He came at me. I killed him in self defense."

"Say you must return his body to heaven, and then bring him to me."

"Cas you okay?" Dean asks, and we see blood coming from the corner of his eye.

"My vessel must have been damaged in the may-lay. I have to go. Samandriel's remains belong in heaven."

"I need to see just how far Crowley dug into him. Do you understand?"

"Yes I understand."

"Cas wait."

"Thank you, all three of you. For everything you've done."

"Cas!" Dean exclaims and he's gone just like that.

"That was odd. It was like he was out of it or something."

"Yeah, I mean what was up with that?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. But come on, let's get going before more demons show up, if any."

Sam and I nod, getting into the car. Once Dean gets in and starts it, we make the long trip back to the safe house. We got there early morning when it was dark out and we crashed as soon as we walked in. Woke up the next morning and Sam had started to draw that Anokian symbol on the front door.

"Okay, that should do it. Cas can't see or hear us now."

"Okay. What the hell?"

"My exact words." I agree.

"I know."

"I told you two something was off with him since he got back from Purgatory."

"Yeah, and now it's showing."

"So what, you think someone's messing with him or something?"

"Seems so." I nod.



"Why would the angels have him kill another angel?"

"You'd be surprised."

"You know what man, Brooke and I got this. You go."


"Don't you have a girl to get back to?"

"Yeah, I guess I do. Um...since when are you on the Amelia bandwagon?"

"I don't know. I think it's because if Brooke and I were in that situation, I'd go to her. But I am sick of all the fighting." Dean states, going over to the fridge and grabbing a beer. "And you know, maybe I'm a...little bit jealous. I can never seperate myself from the job like you could. Brooke and I are in this together, we don't get the normal life that you and Amelia can get. Hell, maybe it's time for at least one of us to be happy."

"You being such a big hugger and all? She does make me happy. And she could be waiting for me if I went back. I'd be a very lucky man if she was. But now with everything staring down at us, with all that's left to be done, I don't know."



"Well I do know this. Whatever you decide...decide. Both feet in or both feet out. Anything in between is what gets you dead."

"Yeah I keep hearing that. I'm gonna take a walk, clear my head." Sam says, heading outside.

After some time, Dean decides to take out his phone.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"Calling Benny."

"Not gonna help him?"

"No. It pains me to say that I won't. But Sam's right about him. I have to end it. Can't work with him anymore."

"Dean you don't have to..."

"Yes I do." He says as he dials Benny's number.

"Dean. I thank you mightily bud. I'm a hard way here. How close are you?"

"I'm sorry man. I um...I'm not gonna make it."

"You mean now or..."

"Listen Benny. Everything you've done for me...I'll never forget. But uh...this is it."

"End of the line?"

"End of the line."

I frown, hearing the hurt in his voice.

"Yeah well I never liked these cellphones anyway."

"You stay good alright?"

"You too Dean. And uh...thanks for the ride."

"Yeah man. Adios." Dean hangs up and he stands there for some time not talking.

"Dean?" I call out to him, but he doesn't respond.

I frown again and walk over from where I was standing. I grab his hand to get his attention and that's what gets it and he looks at me, and I can see the pain in his expression. I frown again and wrap my arms around him in a hug. He hugs back, tightly and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"That was the hardest thing to do I know. He was a brother to you like Sam. Hard to let go of someone you create a bond with. Everything will be alright though, I promise."

The rest of the day went by fast, Dean barely said a word all day. Nightfall came and we sat down on the couch to watch TV as Sam was finishing up making dinner for us. That's right Sam chose family over Amelia. He came over with three bowls and three bottls of beer for all of us and he sat down on the couch next to me and Dean, the three of us silent as we ate, drank and watched TV.