Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


As Time Goes By

Normal, Illinois - 1958

It's a stormy night and there was a young boy sleeping in his bed. In the shadows was a man with a hat and coat on, and he sits on the bed, fixing the blanket, before the kid wakes up.

"Hey sport. Sorry 'bout that."

"Where are you goin'?"

"Work. I just wanted to check on you before I left."

"What's that pops?"

"One day, I'll tell you all about it. Now get some shut eye. I'll see you first thing in the morning." The father states, starting up a music box and turning out the light, before leaving.

"Goodnight son." He says, shutting the door, before heading into the town.

He reaches this door with some kind of symbol on it and knocks, being let in.

"Good evening sir."

He walks down a hall to where this woman is sitting and waiting.

"Josie. No one told me this initiation was a formal affair."

"Well, someone had to class up the joint right Henry?"

"Ain't that the truth."

"The hard part's over right? We made it?"

Just then a door opens and a man in a cloak, wearing that same symbol on the door that Henry walked in through, comes out.

"Ms. Sans?"

She heads over to the door, and takes a look at Henry before head in. Henry hangs his hat and jacket up and sits for a bit before there's screaming and everything from behind the door. He rushes in, goes through the curtain to see Josie attacking the men inside.

"Henry, do not let Abadon get it." One man says, handing Henry a box with the symbol all over it.

The other man who was still alive was trying to do an exorcism, but it wasn't working. Josie, grabs him by the throat.

"That's impossible. How-"

Josie...or well Abadon takes one look at Henry and screams, eyes turning black before she snaps the guy's neck in her hands. Henry rushes out of the room and into another full of chemicals and such, getting things together, making something, while Abadon is blowing open doors. Henry cuts his hand and draws this symbol on the door with blood and starts speaking a latin spell as the blood line starts to glow, Abadon just outside, trying to get in. Next thing that happens, there's a burst of light and he comes out of a closet into another room.

Present Time

Dean, Sam and I were just minding our own business when we see a man burst through the closet and into our motel room. We're all just speechless as we look at the strange man before us.

"Which one of you is John Winchester?"

The three of us give each other looks, before turning our attention back to the man.

"Please. Time is of the essence. Which of you is John Winchester?"

"Uh neither."

"That's impossible. That's absolutely...what did I do wrong?"

"Who the hell are you mister?"

"Not now, I'm thinking."

Dean gets frustrated and shoves the man up against the wall.

"Please. I can assure you there's no need for violence. One of you must know John Winchester."

"I'll tell you what. When one of us falls out of your closet, then you can ask the questions."

"Yes, my apologies. Is it absolutely essential sir that you keep your hands on me?"

Dean lets him go.

"Thank you. Gentlemen...Miss, in the absence of any and all other explanations, I'm afraid this has been a marvelous, tragic misunderstanding. I'll be on my way."

"Oh that's not happening."

"Things of grave importance, I do not have time to deal with the likes of you."

That's when Sam grabs him, I hand Dean handcuffs.

"You're not going anywhere 007....till we get some answers." Dean says as he tries to handcuff the guy to the chair. But he turns the tables quickly and ends up handcuffing Dean and Sam to the chair and dashing out of the room.

"What the hell?"

"How did he do that? Oh you've got to be kidding me! Brooke, the key...find the key."

"On it." I nod, looking through the bag where the handcuffs were. "Got it!" I declare, rushing over and unlocking the handcuffs.

In the meantime however, the man has made it outside and is confused at what he sees before him. He spots the Impala and walks around to the back to look at the license plate.

"2013. My god. Guess the Mayans were wrong." He states, walking over to the driver's side.

He looks around to make sure no one is paying attention and that's when he smashes the window out of the Impala with his elbow, unlocking it and getting in, where he proceeds to hot wire it. However Dean, Sam and myself stop him before he could take the car.

"Nice taste in wheels." Dean states, pointing his gun at him.

"Yours I presume?"

"Let's go buddy, out of the car and back inside."

With the help of Sam and Dean, we get him back into the room and sit him down on a chair where we proceed to see if he's a demon, lastly throwing holy water at him.

"And there with the holy water."

"He's clean."

"I could've told you that."

"Yeah, well you can start by telling us everything before I beat it out of you." Dean states.

"I'm quite certain this is all beyond your understanding, my alpha male, monkey friend. And violence will not help you comprehend this any easier."

"Let me tell you what I understand. Some asshat pops out of my closet after asking about my dad. Smashes up my ride, so why am I not getting violent again?"

"John Winchester is your father?"

Just then the room starts to shake.

"What's going on? What's happening?"

"Oh my god." The man states, getting out of his chair.

"What?" Dean and I say in unison.

"Run." He states and then the same woman he was dealing with before he came to our time, came through the closet.

"Henry. Silly man. You forgot to lock the door. Them spells were never your best subject were they? Why don't you be a doll and give me what I want and I promise to kill you and your friends here quickly."

"You know I can't do that."

"You're not a fighter Henry."

Dean then goes to shoot her but with the movement of her hands, she sends him and Sam flying across the room and into the walls.

"Who does this bitch think she is?" I growl, storming towards her, only to be pushed back just like Sam and Dean.

Henry goes to move, but she stops him as well.

"Josie. I know you're still in there, you must fight this."

"I'm afraid Josie's indisposed. It looks like it's just you and me."

And just then, Dean comes up and stabs her with the knife that can kill demons, but she doesn't die.

"It didn't work." I say in shock as I get to my feet.

"Well that is no way to treat a lady." She states, catching her breath.

"Run!" I yell, and I grab my bag which had my car keys in it. Dean and Sam leave one of their bags behind and we rush outside and to the cars. We start them quickly and tear ass out of there.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The guy inside the office screams at us. He turns around to be met by the woman.

"You okay lady? What the hell are you doing?" He asks as she grabs him.

"Show me what you've seen." She says after she breaths black smoke into him, and images of us are shown to her.

"Thank you. By the way, I'm checking out." She says, killing him.

I follow Dean to this side road below a bridge coming to a stop behind him. The man gets out and starts to throw up as we all get out of the cars.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"Yes I will be. It's just all the adventures I enjoy...are usually of the literary nature."

"Yeah, well now that you're done blowing chunks, you wanna tell us who Betty Crocker was?"

"Abadon. She's a demon."

"No kidding."

"Duh." I roll my eyes.

"Where'd she come from?"

"Where'd you come from?" Dean adds.

"She's from Hell. I'm from Normal, Illinois. 1958."

"Yeah right. Seriously? Dudes travelling through motel room closets? That's what we've come to?"

"If you could just take me to John, we could clear all this up I'm sure."

"I told you that's not gonna happen."

"Why not?"

"Because he's dead."

He looks at all three of us and I nod in disappointment.


"What's it to you?" Sam asks.

"Everything. I'm his father."

"That means....he's your grandfather." I say to Dean quietly.

To discuss this further, we all decide to go to a diner for some food, so we can talk over that. When we get there, Dean and Sam go get the food while I sit at the table with their grandfather. It was mostly quiet because he was looking at a picture of him and John that he had.

"Drivers license says he's Henry Winchester from Normal, Illinois. He knows dad's birthday, the exact place where he was born. Dude, that's our grandfather."

"Just saying, before we break out the warm and toasties, let's not forget that H.G. Wells over there, left dad high and dry when he was a kid."

"But maybe he didn't run our on dad. Not on purpose. Maybe he time-travelled here and...I don't know, got stuck."

"Yeah well either way, dad hated the son of a bitch."

"And dad made up for that how? By being father of the year?"

The food then comes to the counter, Dean and Sam grab it.

"Dad had his issues okay? But he was always there for us. Freaking hate time travel man." Dean states, before he and Sam return to the table, me being greeted with a kiss on the cheek, and I give him a smile in return.

"How're you doing?" Sam asks.

"I'll be fine. Afterall despite everything, I've just met my grandsons haven't I? Henry Winchester. It's a pleasure."

"Sam." Sam states, shaking his grandfather's hand.

"Hello Sam." Henry adds, holding out his hand for Dean to shake, but instead, Dean just gives him his food.


I kick Dean under the table for being so rude.

"Don't be so rude to your grandfather." I mutter. "Or it's no love for you from me. And that includes...." I add, giving him a look.

"This is Dean."


"I'm Brooke. Dean's girlfriend. It's nice to meet you sir." I shake his hand.

"Well this has been touching. How about we figure out a way to clean up your mess huh?"

"Abadon. Yes. She must be stopped."

"And how come she didn't die when I stabbed her?" Dean asks.

"Because demons can't be killed by run of the mill cutlery. At the very least you need an ancient demon killing knife of the Curds."

"That's what this is." Dean corrects him, showing it to him.

"Where'd you get that?"

"A demon gave it to me. We've been around this block so many times."

"Now that portal, or whatever it was you came through, is it still open?" Sam asks.

"I highly doubt it, why?"

"I'm just thinking, if we can't kill this Abadon-"

"-maybe we can shove her back where she came from. How did you do it?"

"It's a blood sigil. Blood leads to blood. Or their next of kin."

"But Abadon came through it also right? So can you create this blood sigil again?"

"My blood, and angel feather, tears of a dragon, a pinch of the sands of time. I would need those and at least a week for my soul to recharge but yes it's possible."

"You tapped into the power of your soul to get here? I thought only angels could do that."

"You should know this. What level are you two?"

"What level?"

"Level of knowledge. You're men of letters correct?"

"I'm a little rusty on my boy bands. Men of what?"

"Men of letters. Like your father who taught you our ways."

"Our father taught us to be hunters."

"You're not...are you..hunters? Well hunters are...hunters are apes. You're supposed're legacies."

"Legacies of what?"

We decide to take our food to go in order for him to show us what he's talking about. We get into our cars and head to this alleyway.

"What're we doing here?" I ask myself, as I turn my car off and get out.

We then follow Henry a ways into the alleyway coming to a door.

"What's going on here?"

"We're at a Comic Shop. What're we doing here?" I ask.


"Alright, well this was enlightening. Let's hit the road huh?"

"Give him a minute Dean."

"We just spend 4 hours driving okay? All he did was stare out the window and request Pat Boone on the radio. He had his time."

"It's just a facade. A way to rook our enemies into believe we are housed elsewhere."

"Okay, enough with the decoder talk. How about you tell us what this whole men of letters business is or you're on your own."

"It's none of your concern."

"Why because we're hunters? What do you have against us?"

"Aside from the unthinking, unwashed, shoot first and don't bother to ask questions later part, not much really."

"Well wait a second. We're also John's children. Aside from her, she's just his girlfriend."

"You two are more than that actually. My father and his father before him were both men of letters. As John and you two should have been. We're preceptors, beholders, chroniclers of all that which man does not understand. We share our findings with the few trusted hunters. The very elite. They do the rest."

"So you're like Yodas to our Jedis?" Dean asks.

Henry gives him a confused look.

"Letting your nerd come out Dean?" I give him an amused look.

"Nevermind, you'll get there."

"Okay, but if you guys were such a big deal, then why haven't we or anyone we know ever heard of you?" Sam asks.

"Abadon." Henry states before heading into the Comic Shop and we follow.

"Henry...why? Why'd she do it?"

"I think for this." He says, pulling out a box.

"Okay, what's that?"

"I wish I knew. Abadon attacked us the night of my final initiation. All secrets were to be revealed then."

"Let me get this straight. You travelled through time to protect something that don't know what, from a demon you know nothing about?"

He doesn't answer, just gives Dean a look and continues on.

"Good." Dean says and we follow yet again.

"Hand me your...walkie talkie."

"You mean my phone?" Sam asks.

"Even better."

Sam hands him his cellphone and Henry looks at it strangely.

"Operator, I need Delta 457."

"Who are you not calling?" Dean asks and I laugh a bit.

"Our emergency number."

"Yeah. Not anymore." Dean takes the phone and hands it back to Sam.

"They can't all be gone. There must be another elder out there who can help us figure out how to stop Abadon and what to do with the box."

"Go see if we can use that laptop." I nudge Dean.

He nods and walks up to the Gothic looking girl on her laptop.

"Hey uh...hi. Can we hijack your computer for a hot second?"

"Hehehe. Like you could fit a computer in this room." Henry laughs.

"Sure." The girl replies.

"Thanks. Sam."

"Yup. Alright um...give me a name, anybody who might have been there that night, one of the elders."

"Um...Ackers, David. Larry Ganem. Uh...Ted-"

"-okay, here it is. Um...August 12th, 1958-" Sam starts, and that's when I happen to notice the girl we borrowed the computer from was giving Dean a flirty look. He looked back and gave her a smile, and I roll my eyes. To show her he was off limits, I turned him to face me and I press my lips to his in a soft, yet passionate kiss that always gets him. I pull away to him having a dazed look on his face and the girl behind the counter as a pissed off look. All I can do is smirk, being satisfied.

"This 242 Gains Street. But there was no fire."

"Larry Ganem, David Ackers, Ted Bowen and Albert Magnus. All deceased."

"Albert Magnus."

"Friend of yours?" I ask, seeing as Dean is still in a daze from my kiss.

"Even better. If you bring me to where he's buried, I'll explain more."

"Well looks like we're making a trip to the graveyard."

And within hours, it had gotten dark and we had arrive at the graveyard, finding a place to park, and following Henry in.

"These were my friends. My mentors. Our last defence against the Abadaon's world."

"Well there's your buddy Albert Magnus."

"Albertus Magnus. He was hardly a buddy. He was the greatest alchemist of the middle ages."

"Okay, so why is he buried here?"

"He's not. This was the alias we used when we were going incognito. I believe someone planted his name in that article. So if a man of letters came looking for answers, he'd know something was amiss."

"So someone wanted you to come to this grave."

"Question is why?"

"What is this?" Dean asks, shining the flashlight onto the headstone with the same symbol that was on the door of the comic shop.

"Yeah, what is this Henry?" I ask.

"Our crest. The Aquarian Star. Representing great magic and power. They say it stood at the gates of Atlantis itself."

"So it's on all the tombstones except for this one, Larry Ganem."

"The Haitian symbol for speaking to the dead. This is the message. You three ever exhume a body?"

In the meantime at the Comic Shop, that girl was busy on her computer and that's when Abadon walks in.

"Love what you've done with the place."

"Wrong night. Carrie screenings on Sunday? I dig your costume though."

She then touches the girl's face.

"What're you doing?" She asks, and then just like back at the motel with the guy, she does the same to this girl.

"Show me what you've seen." Abadon states and images flash through her mind of us, and the research we were doing real quick, before leaving.

"Please don't hurt me." The girl cowers in fear.

Abadon just laughs, before she sees her shirt.

"I like your top."

It took some time, but Dean, Sam and myself had dug out the grave to the coffin.

"You wanna tell me how we got stuck doing this?" Dean asks as we lift the cover off of the coffin. "Hey, was uh...was Larry a World War One vet?"


"Well then who's the stiff?"

"No idea."

"Captain Thomas J. Carey III. That mean anything to you?" Sam asks and Henry shakes his head 'no'.

"Well somebody wanted you to see this. So maybe that somebody is Larry."

"So what, maybe he uh...survives the attack and hides out with this guy's identity?"

"Okay, what're we waiting for then? Cover this up, let's be on our way."

"After all that digging? You've got to be kidding me."

It took us forever to cover the grave back up. Henry was waiting in the car for us.

"Ugh, I'm so taking a shower when we find a motel." I brush the dirt off of my clothes.

We finally get one and head back to the cars, driving to a motel in town. When we get there, I immediately head into the bathroom to shower, washing all the dirt off of me and such, after Sam and Dean wash the dirt off of them, in a much simpler way. They then sit at the table and do some research while I come out of the bathroom and sit on the bed that Dean and I both would be sharing. I come out to Henry whistling.

"What is that? I know that tune." Dean asks.

"As time goes by. I hope so, it's from Casablanca."

"Right. Dad...used to whistle it from time to time." Sam remarks.

"You father saw Abbott and Costello Meet The Mummy at the drive in one night. Scared the beeswax out of him. So I got him this little music box that played that song to help him sleep at night. Worked like a charm."

"Wow. It's hard to believe that dad was ever scared of anything."

"Hey uh...according to county records, Tom Carey, lives in Lebanon, Kansas. And is a very happy 127 year old."

"127 years old?" I ask from the bed.

"Say we get some shut eye, head over first thing in the morning." Dean states, closing the laptop.

"I vote for that." I remark.

"Wait wait wait. Listen to this. According to Dad's journal, he once tortured a demon that said he made his bones working for Abadon. Who turns out, is a knight of hell."

"What does that even mean?"

"Knights of hell are hand picked by Lucifer himself. They are of the first fallen, the first born demons."

"So very pure, very strong."

"Legend has it that archangel's had killed all of them. Which as we have witnessed is not the case."

"Unless she's the last of her kind."

"Say that belonged to your father?" Henry asks about the journal.


"May I?"

Sam slides it over in front of him.

"It's a hunter's journal. I assume men of letters, you...used journals too?"

"I intended to. I sent away for one, the day before my initiation. As a matter of fact judging by my initials here, this one I believe."

"That was yours?"

"It must have arrived after....I beginning to gather I don't make it back from this time do I?"

"We don't know for sure. All we do know is that dad never saw you again."

"What did he think happened to me?"

"He thought you ran out on him."

"John was a legacy. I was supposed to teach him the way of the letters."

"Well he learned things a little differently."


"The hard way. Surviving a lonely childhood. Mistaking war. Only to get married and have his wife taken by a demon. And later killed by one himself. He had a map wrapped around every turn. But you know what? He kept going. And in the end he did a hell of a lot more good than he did bad."

"I'm sorry. I wish I had been there for him."

"Yeah, it's a little late for that now, don't you think?"

"It's a price we pay for upholding a great responsibility. We know that."

"Responsibility...was to your family. Not some glorified book club."

"I was a legacy, I had no choice."

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." Dean states, leaving.

Sam left the table too, leaving Henry sitting there by himself to look through the journal which he does. I had fallen asleep before Dean had gotten back, and Sam was passed out as well. Dean didn't bother changing when he came back, and just crawled onto the bed next to me, holding me close. I grumble in my sleep, but quickly relax into his arms, snuggling closer. So we were all passed out and Henry had finished looking through the journal. He took one look at all of us before leaving.

It's morning and Sam's awake, but Dean and I are fast asleep, still snuggled with me. That is until Sam wakes him up, which in return wakes me up.

"Hey...wake up."

"...what? What?"

"Henry, he's gone."

"Where is he?"

"No idea. He just left a note saying he was going to fix everything."

"Yeah and screw it all up."

I groan as I sit up, after Dean moves from the bed.

"Going to find him?" I ask.


"Ugh. And I was enjoying the snuggle time."


We all then get dressed for the day and in the meantime, Henry came to this type of store, walking in.

"Satnam. Welcome traveler. What can I help you with?"

"I could use a tear of a dragon and a pinch of the sands of time. But don't bother wrapping it up, I'll be using it right away."

"We don't carry those things here."

"In your window, hunter signs. I know who you are and what you are. Now give me what I need so I can be on my way."

The sound of a cocking gun goes off.

"I agree. You should be going stranger."

"I understand. You don't know me, so you're reluctant to sell to me. Fine. But please let me purchase some chamomile for my restless nights before I go. Baragado." He chants blowing some dust in her face, making her faint. "Sleep well."

"Now we know by fix everything." Dean states, coming in from outside.


"Broke into the trunk and stole an angel feather."


"I'm guessing he's going to whip up another one of those blood spells, Marty McFly himself back to the 1950s."

"To do what? Stop Abadon before she strikes?"

"Or grab dad and haul ass. Point is, he's doing it."

"But how? He still needs two ingredients for the spell. Unless...unless there's some place nearby that sells real hoodoo."

"I'll call Garth."



"Just hit the wires. One dead at Astro Comics."


"Yeah has to be."

"That girl." I state.

"Okay so she's close. I'll go find Henry, you and Brooke find Larry. Figure out how to kill this chick."

"Are you sure Dean?"

"Yeah. You go with Sam on this one alright?" He asks, kissing me quickly.

"Alright." I nod as he leaves. "Ready Sam?"

"Yeah." He nods, writing down the address of where Larry lives, and we get into my car and head there.

"This is a nice place."

We walk up to the front door and knock on it. An old woman answer.

"Hi, Larry here?"

"Yes, come in." She nods, letting us in. "Please make yourselves at home. Would you like some tea?" She asks.

"Yes please." I nod as we sit in the living room where Larry is.

"So, Henry is dead. I was so sure that...that he had survived."

"Yes, well I said. We found his journal and were hoping you could fill in the gaps and explain to us what had happened that night in 1958."

"Doesn't matter. They're gone. They're gone."

"But Abadon isn't." I add.

"Abadon was a hired gun. She killed us all that one night."

"Everyone but you."

"She blinded me. It's a miracle I survived."

"It's okay dear."

"But she did not get what she came for."

"The box. Listen, Abadon is here. And she wants this thing, so we need to know everything there is to know about it."

"In the box is a key to every object, scroll, spell, ever collected in 1,000 years under one roof. It is the supernatural motherload."

Dean in the meantime heads to the store that Henry was, just in time to see him chanting and ready to go back to 1958.

"Henry wait!"

"This is a risk I have to take."

"And what if you die huh? Who says you'll even survive the jump?"

"You cannot begin to understand how I felt after reading John's journal."

"Oh I think I can. See I've read that thing more times than you could imagine and it hurts everytime."

"Maybe so, but you didn't let him down, I did! Just like you said!"

"Well I was wrong."

"No! No you were right. And I'm going to go back and give him the life he deserves, not the one he was forced to live."

"And what if it's not meant to be?"

"Then it will be!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because it's the right thing to do. I can save him, and stop Abadon."


"By going back an hour before she attacks and making preparations."

"If you do that, then you change the past. Me and Sam might cease to exist!"

"I'm aware the time is a delicate mistress. But I'm willing on betting on this being for the best."

"I understand that this is not your idea of a happy ending okay? And that you're disappointed that me and Sam are mouth breathing hunters. But you know what? We stopped the Apocalypse."

"If this works the way I planned, there will never be an apocolypse to stop."

"So Abadon wants the key so she can get her hands on it." Sam states, after we hear about what's in the box and what it leads to.

"Can you imagine what she would do with that?"

"How do we stop her?" I ask.

"You don't. If you know where the key is, then take it to these coordinates. Throw it in, shut the door forever. Walk away."

"Won't everything just disappear? Be lost forever?" I ask.

"That is the price we have to pay for keeping it away from Abadon. You do have the key don't you?"

"No, but his boyfriend....he does."

"How rude. You haven't finished you tea Sam, and Brooke."

"No." I state, just as she knocks Sam out. "It's you."

"Surprise." She states, knocking me out too.

"Abadon." Larry states.

"The years have not been kind Larry." She states, killing him.

Once she's done with him and back in her old body, she takes Sam's phone and calls Dean.


"Hahaha. No. Much sexier. Try again."


"Good boy. Now listen up, I want to make a good old fashion horse trade. Henry and the key for your brother and your girlfriend. Or they die. Am I clear?"


"On the road to Larry's is a processing plant. Don't keep me waiting."

"Abadon has Sam?"

"And Brooke. She wants to trade you and the key for their lives."

"If I could just go back, stop this all from happening."

"And what if you can't? I can't take that risk. Not with Sammy and Brooke on the hook now."

"I can't abandon my son Dean. Not again. I need to do this, I'm sorry."

"Well I'm sorry too." Dean says, grabbing him.

After some struggle he gets him to the Impala and inside, and they head off to the processing plant where Abadon brought Sam and I. Of course she hijacked my car...the bitch. She tied us up and put us in the backseat of the car, still unconscious. By the time we got the the processing plant, we woke.

"Where are we?"

"You're at the processing plant, where I'm going to get Henry and the key. And you're not moving until he, your brother and your precious little boyfriend get here.

"I really don't know why you're doing this. Sam, Dean and I have nothing to with this."

"No you don't. But you're in my way of getting the box and I won't have that. Get in my way and I kill you."

Sam and look at each other, hoping that Dean gets to us in time.

"Sorry about that." Dean states when Henry finally wakes.

"No you're not. Wanted to do that since we met."

"Henry you need to understand something. When my dad died, I couldn't save him. No matter how bad I wanted to. I never want that to happen to Sam....or Brooke....ever. If there's a chance that I can save them, I'm gonna do it. He's my brother, he's the only family I got. And she's my girlfriend, the only one who understands everything."

They finally get the processing plant and walk inside, coming to where we are.

"Don't do it Dean."

"Too late for that now."

"That's the problem with you hunters. You're all short-sighted."

"Yeah well at least we're not extinct. Abadon! I'll send Henry over there with the box. You do the same with Sam and Brooke. No tricks."

"My only interest is Henry and the key. You three are free to go." She says, glancing at me, Sam and Dean.

Dean hits Henry on the back, signalling him to go. He doesn't go and Dean takes out his gun to get him to go.

"You can do this standing, or you can do it crawling. Your call."

Henry decides to go, and Abadon lets me and Sam go.

"Henry I'm sorry." Sam apologizes.

"Save it." He states, and we all continue the rest of the way.

"This is a bad idea." Sam says to Dean as we reach him.

"Shut your mouth, let's go." Dean remarks, cutting the ropes loose of Sam's wrists and then mine, and then we start to make our way out, only for the door to be Abadon.

"We had a deal!"

"Hahaha. Surprise. I lied." She laughs, before sticking her hand through Henry's gut.



"Hehehehehe." She laughs, taking her hand out.

"You're not the only one" Henry states and puts a gun under her chin and shoots her.


"I'm gonna do it. He's my brother, he's the only family I got."

"So what're you thinking?"

"Can you slow Abadon down? Cause if you can I can do the rest."

Present Day

"Woooo! What a blast. Now give me the box." She says, going into Henry's pocket and pulling out a deck of cards instead of the box.

She looks at the deck of cards in shock and awe, before throwing them down on the ground.

"WHERE IS IT?!?!?! Okay, we can do this the hard way." She adds, grabbing Henry and going to breath the black smoke into him, but it doesn't work. She growls and pushes Henry to the ground.

Sam rushes to Henry's aid and Abadon tries to move, but can't.

"Ahhhhh! Why am I stuck?!"

Little did she know, Henry carved a devil's trap into the bullet he shot into her head.

"Hehehe, you still didn't kill me."

"No, but you'll wish we did." Dean chops her head off. "That demon trap in your noggin. It's gonna keep you from smoking out. We're gonna cut you into little steaks and bury each strip under cement. You might not be dead, but you'll wish you were."

"You did it." Henry says, Dean and I going to his aid as well, kneeling down to his level.

"No you did it. For a bookworm, that wasn't bad Henry."

"I'm sorry I judged you so harshly for being hunters. I should've known better."

"About what?" I ask.

"You're also Winchesters. And you'll be one, one day." He says, adding the last part about me.

"As long as we're alive, there's always hope. I didn't know my son as a man. But having met you two, I know I would've been proud of him." And with that he dies.

We all frown, looking on at their now dead grandfather.

"I think he deserves to be to his friends." I say quietly.

"That is a good idea. Dean?" Sam asks.

".....yeah...." He nods.

Sam carries Henry's lifeless body to the car. I get into mine and Sam and Dean get into theirs and we drive back to the cemetery where Henry's friends were buried. We pick a spot and dig the hole, I get some wood and make a cross and carve the crest symbol on it and stick it in the ground. We then all work together and bury him, filling the hole back with the dirt we took out of it. I lace my fingers with Dean's and we all look on at the grave we just dug and filled, frowning.

"I get it now."


"What Cupid said. Of having busting ass to get Mom and Dad together. Winchesters and the Campbells, the brains and the brawn."

"Glad you see it. All I see in our family tree is a whole lot of dead. Hey I um...found this in Henry's wallet." Dean says taking out a picture.

"Dad looks happy."

"Kind of makes you wish he knew the truth huh? I mean all those years thinking his old man ditched, when the poor son of a bitch really came here and saved our bacon. Freaking time travel man."

"You think it would've made a difference?"


"Dad. If he'd had his own father around."

"What in how he raised us? Sammy he did the best he could."

"I know that, I do. They all did." Sam says, taking out the box.

"What're the chances that place is still standing?"

"Chance we gotta take I guess. I mean we are legacies...right?"

"So Henry said." I give a slight smile, and we stay a bit longer at the grave. I lean my head on Dean's shoulder, not being able to fight back the tears that have started to fall.