Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Everybody Hates Hitler

Vitsyebsk, Belarus - 1944

There was a Nazi encampment, where one of the soldiers had just arrived. And started speaking with one of the guards.

"Du bist zu spät."

"Tadeln Sie mich nicht. Es war der Schuhmacher Tochter."

"Glückspilz. Holen Sie sich das klatschen."

The guard takes his break, lighting a cigarette. Something with heavy feet approaches him, the guard looks up, drops his cigarette and then screams as he gets thrown through the window of the guard box. The replacement guard hits the alarm and everyone scrambles, while one guy is brewing a thing for a spell. They barricade the doors, to make sure whatever caused the alarm to go off, doesn't get in.

"Die Sache wird nicht gehen -"

"Es brach durch die Leitung am Osttor."

One of the other men grabs this red book that was being written in and puts it in a case.

"Kommandant - es riss Richter in der Hälfte!"

"Mein Gott - Was ist das?" The man that hid the book said as there was a low growling.

"It'' kommt, um dich zu töten, Soldat. Ich schlage vor, Sie bereit sind Ihre Waffe." The commander suggests.

"Alle von euch. Zerstöre es oder stirb."

The three men tip the table and ready their guns, to shoot at will.

"Verdammt noch mal, Zauberer Abraham -" The commander states before lighting a match and lighting a candle.

The thumping of heavy feet stops at the door and all men look on in some fear.

"Cloaking Flamme entzünden ich Ihnen."

Whatever was outside the door comes in and they start shooting at it, but it's no use as it kills one man.

"Das Feuer aus dem Blut hinterlassen kein Mensch geboren. Nun schwanden mich in der Nacht."

The other men then start shooting at the creature, the commander not reacting much at all as he's focused on the spell.

"O Feuer der Macht und Verschleierung." He states as one of the soliders gets killed and then takes a quick glance at the case with the book in it.

"Sagen Sie Ihrem Meister ist noch lange nicht vorbei!" And with that, in a burst of fire, the commander is gone and the place gets engulfed in flames.

Lebanon, Kansas

Sam, Dean and myself pull up to this bunker, this underground area. There's a door leading to it, it's what the key we have unlocks that holds all the supernatural stuff. The spells, books, scrolls, everything. I pull up next to them and we walk towards the door.

"When was the last time somebody's been in this place?"

"Well it looks like not for very long time. Years." I state.

"65-70 years ago?"

Then Dean takes the box and opens it, taking the key out and unlocks the door. We turn our flashlights on and walk inside.

"Wow, this is amazing. All this old stuff."

"Son of a bitch." Dean adds.

"Look at this. Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve center."

"Henry did say they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters." Dean says as he notices a table with chess pieces and everything. "Wow halfway through their coffee and a game of chess. Looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick."

"Maybe the alarm called into the Men of Letters."

Dean then goes over to a box and opens it, seeing an old on and off switch. He turns it on and the lights come on and we turn off the flashlights. He flips another switch and lights come on in another room.

"Son of a bitch." Sam says and we all stop in the doorway of the room, which was an entire library.

"Sammy I think we found the batcave."

Most of the day we explored everything there could be. Thankfully there were beds in this place or I really don't know how we would be able to sleep. And they were in seperate rooms so Dean and I could have our time alone, unlike a motel room which makes it uncomfortable for Sam when we have our "nights".

"So much has happened these past few days." I sigh as I sit down on the bed, taking my boots off.

"It has. But now we're away from everything. In our own little space. No one can find us."

"And it's better than the safehouse. Even though that's roomy and it's got windows. But nonetheless, I'm with you, that's all that matters."

"That's right. And yesterday, I don't know what I would do if Abadon had killed you or Sam. I wouldn't have sent you with Sam if I had known."

"I know. But you didn't know that Abadon would be there waiting for us. She could've been anywhere, just happened to be there. You saved us Dean, before it was too late. I'm grateful for that. There's something I do want to tell you though. When all of this is over, when Kevin finds out how to seal hell's gates forever, I want us to have a normal life together. Maybe even start a family. But that's a long term thing. We'll just have to see what happens when and if Kevin figures out how to seal the gates of hell."

"Right. And for the record, don't tell Sammy this. But I wouldn't mind starting a family with you. That's how much I care."

"I know. You don't show your true emotions around Sam all the time. Being all macho and everything." I laugh. "One of the many things I love about you."

"And one of the many things I love about you is that you take no crap from anybody. Just like us. And when you're kicking ass....oh is it a turn on."

"Ohh really? I never knew that." I smirk.

"It really is. Don't meet too many women that can kick ass like you. Then again you're a hunter, and that's hot in itself but-" He gets cut off by my lips crashing down on his.

He's taken offguard by this for a moment as he then starts to kiss back. I break the kiss for a moment.

"I believe I can give you what you haven't had in a while...since you behaved yesterday." I smirk. "But believe me, I want it just as much as you do right now." I say in his ear.

And that was enough to flip the switch on in his brain as he pressed his lips back to mine hard and he moved us so that I was laying back against the pillow and he was hovering over me, lips still to mine and hands wandering. I stop his wandering hands just for a moment, running my hands over his shoulders and taking the outer shirt he wore over his t-shirts off. Once I have it over his shoulders and halfway off his body he does the rest and tosses it to the side. No sooner after that, my hands found their way to the bottom of his shirt and I started to tug it up, my fingers grazing the skin underneath. I pull the shirt up and he breaks the kiss only for him to pull it off and toss that to the side as well, not caring where it landed. He presses his lips immediately back to mine as my fingers move along all the exposed skin of his. He then brought me up so I'm sitting in his lap, and he starts to tug on my shirt, so that the amount of clothing on us both would be even somewhat. I allow him to move the shirt up and when his fingers graze along my skin I shiver a bit. We break the kiss so that my shirt could be removed and he tosses that as well. I still had my necklaces on, so I took those off and put them on the bedside table, before he went to pressing kisses to my neck and his hands resting on my sides.

I can't help but to arch into him everytime he hits the spot on my neck that drives me crazy. He's got me too distracted to even try and retaliate for his actions and he knows that. So while he has me distracted, his hands move down to the waistline of my jeans and starts to work on them. He moves away from my neck so he can focus on pulling the jeans off and once they're off they're tossed to the side like everything else. He then leans down and starts to kiss the skin all the way back up to my lips. My hands move along the waist of his jeans as well and he takes that as the sign to remove his as well and he does with my help. It isn't long after that until the rest of our clothing comes off and we're under the blankets for the rest of the night.

The following morning, we did sleep in a bit, and decided to take a shower after our night last night. The shower ended up going well, no funny business or anything. After the shower, Dean grabbed one of the robes and pulled it on, tying it. I however got dressed for the day. Dean, always has to be irresistible. We then head out to the library area where Sam was already up and looking things up.

"Morning." Dean and I greet him.


"The uh...water pressure in the Letters shower room is marvelous."

"Yeah, I still can't figure out how we even have water or electricity."

"Yeah well I am putting that under the 'ain't broke' column. Listen little brother, let's not go all geek on this stuff okay?"


"Yeah, don't get me wrong, this stuff is awesome." Dean says as he picks up one of the swords sitting on one of the bookcases. "And it looks like they ran a real tight outfit here, but I'm just saying. You know, don't uh...don't think they knew some big secrets that we don't know." He adds, starting to play with the sword.

"Dean, they were a secret society."

"Which means that they made crap up. And wore fezzes and sashes and swung around scimitars. They probably didn't even sharp-it's very sharp." Dean adds, putting the sword back.

"I would think so."

"Dean look, I think we might have something here. Something that could help us, help humanity. Henry certainly thought so. I mean you know damn well we could use a break. What if we finally got one? You gonna take off the dead guy robe?"

"He would....if..." I trail off, a smiling forming on my face.

Meanwhile at a local library, this old man walks in.

"Well well, so late. Didn't expect you in at all."

"Had to transfer the bus lines today."

"Right. Your sinister friend."

"You don't believe me, I'm being followed. Nobody ever does. So yes, I would like to see uh...manuscript FD113."

"Oh my, you're going to catalog that whole collection for us aren't you?"

"If I have to."

He's brought to a cubicle and brought the box which held what he was looking for. He's given rubber gloves to put on and he does so, opening the case to see this red book. He takes it out and reads through it, flipping through the pages. And mutters something in Jewish. He then brings it to the front desk immediately.

"This book, we need to protect it. This thing they put on me, he's too close, I can't take this ledger with me."

"Of course you can't. It's part of the special reference section. Where it will be perfectly safe."

"I still have 10 minutes yes?"

"8 minutes before all materials must be returned to the main desk."

"I hope they pay you good to keep that bug up your ass." Of course this is said in Hebrew.

The man at the front desk gets a weird look on his face. The old man however leaves the library, with the book. He managed to sneak it out of the library. And this man is following him of course, like he said. He quickly enters a campus pub and takes out his phone card and calling someone while the man is outside the pub watching him.

"Now listen to me carefully. I got no time left. I found it! I found it. When you follow me here, you're gonna need this number. Q-" He says, giving whoever he left a message for the number and hangs up, walking over to the windows.

"Why so shy? Come in! Come in out of the cold. You'll have a cup of coffee with your old enemy. You Nazi piece of rubbish!" He exclaims as he starts to smoke. "You Nazi pig!" He exclaims again before he's engulfed in flames.

Two Weeks Later

We're still in the bunker, and Dean's come back from getting us all food and such.

"Hey." He declares as he comes in.

"Hey. So? How's Kevin doing?"

"Yeah did he figure out the tablet yet?" I ask.

"No not yet. Still in his corner, hacking out his Davinci Code. Nothing actionable yet. Garth says hi by the way." Dean says, grabbing us all beers. "Anything from Cas?"

"Not for me." I shake my head.

"Nope, not a peep. Why? You?"

"No, he's uh...he's not answering."

"Right. Well, I have been trying to chart out the Letters network of hunters, their allies, affiliate of groups they worked with we got files on."

"Aren't they from 1958?"

"Yeah, true. Um...most are dead or defunked. Others, I'm not so sure. And this one, you should definitely check out." Sam says, taking a folder and placing it in front of Dean.

"Interesting stuff." I nod.

"The Judah Initiative?"

"European team. They were actually during World War II."

"Really? Hunters fighting in a war, that's cool."

"Well not exactly hunters. Not exactly fighting."

"Rabbis. Rabbis? Really?"


"The Letters file on them is sketchy, but apparently they were hardcore saboteurs. So we ran a search on the initiatives entire roster and we got a hit. One rabbi Issac Bass. He was 17 years old when he joined the initiative and 85 years old when he died...two weeks ago. In a college town back east. He was capped."


"Yeah. He was there doing research and according to eyewitnesses, he spontaneously combusted."

"So this is a case."


"Just got back." Dean sighs.

We finish up our beers before heading to our rooms and changing into our FBI suits. We left my car at the hideout while we all went in the Impala, the first spot being the library the old man visited before the pub. We drop Sam off before Dean and I head to the pub ourselves.

"So you worked with the late rabbi Bass?" The man at the desk asks Sam.

"I was a research associate of rabbi Bass yes. I'm trying to complete his last paper for publication. I'd just like to review what he was after here?"

"Well that would be a lot of material. He was here open to close for almost a week."

"Wow, about just the stuff he was looking at, you know the day he uh...caught fire?"

"That'll shorten the list a bit."

In the meantime, Dean and I were interviewing some college girls at the pub.

"He was a really nice old kook."

"Really nice."

"Kook? How so?"

"You know, he'd talk...a us, to himself, to anyone who'd listen. He was always talking about this secret war that nobody knew was going on."

"Conspiracy stuff. He was obsessed with Nazis."

"But he said they were special Nazis. You know, necromancers."


"Yeah, you know from that world of whatever craft my little brother's always playing."

"Nazi necromancers."

"It's sad isn't it? That old people have to go so crazy?"

"I know it is sad."

"Right." I nod.

Dean nods as well and he looks up and across the pub at this man who was giving him a look.


"You uh...sorry. You both saw the accident?"

"I can still hear his screams."

"It was like the fire was alive. Like it was attacking him."

"It was like watching the most awful movie and the most terrible thing you could ever see."

"It was like that."

"Right." I nod.


Sam in the meantime was in a cubicle and was brought the box FD113 that rabbi Bass was looking at. He opens it to find a bird watching book.

Dean and I however got done talking to the two girls and he told me to follow him as he approached the man across the pub.

"Special agents Bolan."

"Really? Wow. I thought you were like a head hunter or something."

"This is the second, maybe third time I've been seeing you today. Why are you following us gingerbread?"

"Oh so didn't have thing back there huh?"

"Back where...what now?"

"I'm sorry man, I thought....I thought we had a thing back at the quad. You know a little eye magic moment. I saw you here and I figured I'd wait until you were done with your meeting and maybe we might uh..."

I give them both a weird look.

"Yeah uh..okay. But no. Uh no moment. This is a federal investigation."

"Is that supposed to make you less interesting? You know I'm sorry man. I hope I didn't freak you out or anything."

" I'm not freaked out. It's just know...federal thing so...uh...okay citizen. As you were."

"You have a good night."

" have a...okay." Dean fumbles his words, and bumps into a table before leaving. I give an amused look before following him out as he answers his cell. "Yeah."

"Hey. So I uh...looked in the rabbis research. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Um...bird watching."

"Huh. Well uh, the two very hot co-captains of the women's volleyball team agree that the rabbi's death was very unnatural."

I raise my eyebrow and smack Dean on the arm, a bit hard because of that little comment about the girls.

"Ow...I think we still got a case."

"Did she hit you again?" Sam asks amusedly.


"Brooke. You made the comment about the two girls being hot and then she smacked you didn't she?"

"Yes I did Sam. He deserved it."

"Of course. And that would explain why I have something stuck to my shoe."

"You're being followed?"

"I think so."

"Who's being followed? Sam?" I ask, and Dean nods.

"That's weird, I thought we were being followed earlier. Turned out to be a gay thing."


"Nothing. You need a hand?"

"Yes, please. Got someplace quiet?"

"Visitor's parking. The boonies. We'll park in the back, 30 minutes."

"Two hot volleyball co-captains? Excuse me? I know you have urges Dean, but seriously...when I'm right there? I don't mind if I'm not there, because I don't know about it. When I'm right next to you, choose your words more carefully. Two weeks ago, you got lucky with me again. Looks like I'm cutting you off for a bit."

"Aw come on!"

"Suffer the consequences Dean. Now let's go get Sam."

It's nightfall by the time we park the car to meet Sam. Once we park, we get out. I go with Sam while Dean hides. Sam and I approach the car, and I go to hand him the keys and pretend to drop them by accident. We both get down to pick the keys up. I grab them and hand them to Sam. Dean finds who's watching.

"Hey pal."

The guy stands up and turns around and he's much more taller and muscular. And he throws Dean out of the bushes, we hear him scream and he hits the side of a van, breaking the glass.


"Oh my god." I cover my mouth.

Then that muscular guy comes out of the bushes.

"What is that?" I widen my eyes.

"Go help Dean, I got this."

"But Sam-"

"Go!" He exclaims as he quickly opens the trunk of the Impala.

"Dean, are you okay?" I ask as he rolling around on the ground in pain.

Sam gets a knife out of the trunk and digs it into the arm of the man, but nothing happens. The man grabs Sam by the throat, ready to kill him.


"Stop." Another man says, and Sam's let go.

"Ow, my spleen." Dean grimaces.

"What...the that?" Sam asks the man who walked up.

"He's a golem. Well he's my golem."


"Come back to my place, I'll explain."

"Uh....yeah. Guys?" Sam gets our attention as I help Dean up.

"Yeah yeah, I heard. We'll go." I nod.

It's a bit of a drive but we pull up to the guy's house, and we all walk up to the front door, while he unlocks it. He goes to walk in first but the golem stops him and walks in first.

"The rabbi who was murdered, Issac Bass, he was my grandfather. That's why we're here. When you guys started to follow up on his case, we started following you."

"So wait, what you're saying is that you and me, we uh...didn't have a moment?" Dean asks, and I give him a weird look.

"No man, I was tailing you."

"Told you I was being followed. He was my gay thing. It was really good. You really had me there. Smooth."

"Yeah well smooth is just about all I got." The guy says, turning back to look at the golem. "What?" He asks and the golem growls. "Yeah that's right, keep walking. You chia pet."

"So that's a golem?"

"Never seen one in my life."

"Yes. Shaped from clay and brought to life by rabbis to protect the Jewish people in times of...I don't know, general crapiness."

"And he's yours?"

"Hardly. My grandfather left him to me. I'm the last surviving decendant of this thing, this...initiative."

"The Judah Initiative."

"Right, and he-" He gets cut off by the golem, growling real low and loud behind us, making us jump.

"Jeezus." I put a hand over my heart.

"Who are they to know about the men of Judah?"

"It's okay. We, are the good guys."

"We're hunters. Sam and Dean Winchester. And Brooke, who's involved with Dean. We know about the initiative because our grandfather...Dean and I...was a man of letters." Sam explains.

"Yes. The rabbis knew the Men of Letters." He states as he continues to walk the perimeter of the house. Little did we know, we were being watching from outside.

Then we're brought drinks and we thank him.

"So your grandfather was in all this supernatural stuff too?"

"Yeah, grandparents, mom, dad, truckload of cousins. The whole family was lousy for it but we...never had a golem."

"Right. Yeah we grew up in it."

"I never really grew up in it, I've just been involved in it for a couple years." I remark.

"But you didn't?" Sam asks the guy.

"My grandfather's adventures, the initiative, the golem, the war, they were the stories he told me when I was a kid. Thought it was make believe. So did my parents. Fantasies to make me cope with all of the horrible stuff I'd seen. But every once in a while, crazy old grandpa Bass would come back from one of his trips, hand me a $20 savings bond and say 'one day you'll inherit the mantle'. Sure enough, a few days after he died, then this big box shows up at my apartment. He always said I'd know what to do. Which was crap because when I opened that box, this big, naked, potato face lunatic wakes up and goes crazy."

"I didn't go crazy."

"You trashed my entertainment center. My waterbed."

"This boy knows nothing. Observes none of the mitzvahs, labors on sabbath, dines on swine-"

"Everybody loves bacon."

"He's got a point, unless you're a vegetarian." I agree.

"He's no rabbi." The golem states, before speaking Hebrew.

"Oh don't start with that stuff again."

And he says it again.

"Enough! Please! Quiet time."

"Alright what was that? What was he saying?"

"It's Hebrew for something like take charge. But I have no idea what he means. Look I grew up in Short Hills, I cheated my way through Hebrew school, I never really listened to my grandfather what he was saying."

"So he just sends you this golem and expects you to work it out?"

"I didn't get much chance to prepare I guess. My parents they did everything they could to prevent him from screwing me up with all his crazy talk. After the war my grandfather spent the rest of his life trying to track something down he called the Thule Society."

"The Thule Society, right. They were Nazis."

"Nazi necromancers."


"Necromancer-" Sam states.

"-witches, dark magic, etc." I finish.

"Okay. All I know about The Thule is that they were this twisted, secret fraternity hell bent on world domination that sponsored the early days of the Nazi party. My grandfather said the Judah Initiative started to fight them."

"Thule murdered your grandfather boy. Find them so I can do my work." The golem states as he breaks a side table and we all jump.

"Hey, hey! We're renting here. Renting. Look, I think my golem's right. My grandfather...he left me this message on my machine the day he died. And he said that...he had found something that The Thule were willing to kill him for. Said he was hiding it here in plain sight. He left me this weird, I don't know, equation. It's not a phone number or an address or coordinates. QL673W38." He hands up the piece of paper he has the number written down on.

"What is that, a combination?" Dean asks.

"I know what this is. A call number." I say as I study it further. "Library congress. Their filing system they used in college libraries."

"QL673...that's sciences. Uh...birds I'm guessing. Let's go."

"Okay, looks like we're going to the library."

"But isn't it closed?"

"Yeah." I nod, as I get up well and head out the door.

When we get to the library, Dean and Sam do the job of breaking in while I keep watch for anyone. Once it's unlocked we walk inside.

"What do you two just break in wherever you go?"

"Well our dad wanted us to have a solid career to fall back on, just in case this...hunter thing didn't pan out." Dean responds.

"Yeah so if I'm right, I think your grandfather switched manuscripts once he got it out of the archives. I'll be right back." Sam says, heading up the stairs and we just chill there waiting.

Sam makes it upstairs, looking for where the bird book would be and that's where he finds the red ledger. He then gets shot in the neck with a dart and starts getting dizzy and his neck starts turning colors. He then goes to leave quickly.

"I owe you thanks. The rabbi led me this far. But you took me all the way. Now, give me the ledger."

Sam kicks the book cart into him and starts to run.

"Help." Sam says as he stumbles on the stairs. We look up to see him holdnig his neck, having all he could do to walk.


"Son of a bitch." I grumble.

"Stay here." Dean states to the golem and Aaron.

We reach Sam who has fallen on the flat part of the stairs and that's when we see his neck turning purple, blue, red, all shades of that while his face pales.

"Dean, what's going on?"


And then Aaron gets shot as well.


"CRAP! Hey big guy, they're both gonna die unless we get who cast the spell."

The golem then runs up the stairs and into the library. He gets shot, but the spell has no effect, considering he's made of clay. He reaches through the book case and pulls him through so he hits the shelves. We hear the noise and we ready our guns, seeing the golem bring the necromancer out, dragging him down the stairs.

"Well I'll be damned."

"Long live The Thule."

And with that, the golem snaps his neck, killing him and the spells go away on Sam and Aaron.

"Or not." Dean states.

Aaron however had passed out and we kept him in the backseat of the Impala while we buried the body of the necromancer and burned it.


"The Men of Letters healed you. They saved your life."

"What are they doing?"

"Burying the necromancer."

"Ugh, it's like a bag of legos." Dean states as we drop the body into the hole we dug. "Golem destroyed this guy."


"No kidding."

"So uh...Thule Society, necromancers aside, what's our contingency plan on that?"

"You mean how do we 'Oh no' Mr. Bill over there?"

"I mean, I'd like to think we could if we had to. Unless you think Aaron can get a handle on him."

Aaron watches as we soak the body in gasoline and then Dean throws a match into the hole, the body igniting.

"Oh my god. These guys are psychopaths."

Once the fire does go out, we fill the hole with the dirt we dug up. We get back into the Impala and head back to Aaron's place for the night.

"So, is there a place we can sleep?" I ask when we get back.

"Yeah there's a couple guest bedrooms upstairs."

"Thanks." I nod, pulling Dean upstairs with me. "No funny business tonight. We're in someone else's home, plus you're still cut off anyway from the hot girls comment."

The next morning, Dean went out and got coffee and everything for all of us. Sam, Aaron and myself were doing some research on the ledger and stuff and whatever else we needed to look up.

"What did you all find out?"

"I think it's a log book from a Nazi compound in Belarus. It was run by the Thule."

"This is the red ledger. It was lost in the fire that destroyed the compound. My grandfather was convinced it had been found after the war."

"Well it describes the horrible experiments performed on the campus population. Magical experiments."

"More horrible than words."

"You were there weren't you?" I ask.

"At the camp." Sam adds.

"I was made to tear that hell down. I broke its walls....its men. The commandant burned the place down to ashes around me."

"Okay um..what does it mean when you tell Aaron to take charge?"

"The boy would know....if he could consult the pages."

"Pages? What pages?" Dean asks.

"When I was bar mitzvahed my grandfather gave me this little old book. It was in Hebrew. It was like a...owner's manual for a golem."

"Okay great, get that then."

"I...I can't exactly. When I went to high school, I sort of drifted. Started getting off the academic track and uh..I kind of...I kind of smoked it."

"The boy smoked the pages."

"They were these thin velamy pages, I mean it was perfect for rolling. Look, they were driving instructions for a clay man okay? It was nonsense. Okay, alright look, I'm sorry okay? Why can't you just tell me what I don't know?!"

"It's not my place to guide the rabbi. To teach the teacher, it's not my place! You own me!" He exclaims, walking away.

"That's not super comforting, gotta say."

"No." I shake my head.

"So, as far as I can tell, these experiments, the Thule were murdering Jews, Gypsies, just about everybody and anybody. Then trying to magically re-animate them. They were trying to figure out a way to bring their own dead back to life. Which I'm guessing they figured out, 'cause the last page. The roster of every dead Thule re-animated."

"This is why they killed my grandfather?"

"Anything in there how to kill it?"

"Apparently they experimented with that too. Um...headshot, but if you don't burn the body within 10 hours, it re-animates again."

"Nazi bastards."

In the meantime, this car pulls up to the library, the driver gets out and opens the door and this other man gets out. They head up to the section of the library where the ledger was found by us. His driver then states that the necromancer has been murdered.

"He was kill here, but not by man."

He then goes around and finds the spot where the book was missing, left on the shelf was clay.


"Clay. The initiative's last rabbi. Now the golem kills him."

"No no no. Garth. Not tool's society. Thule. T-h-u-l-e. Yeah. Alright call me if you find anything. All of Garth's contacts are stumped. Nobody has ever heard of the Thule Society. Whoever these people are, they've been flying beneath the hunter radar. Anything?"

"No." I shake my head.

"Nothing solid. I mean the lore is all over the place. According to one legend, it can be shut down if you erase one of the letters off it's forehead."

"I didn't see any letters on clay face."


"Exactly so, another one is there's a scroll in their mouth which you're supposed to rip out."

"Wouldn't that give us some sort of a list or something?"

"Classically they're not supposed to speak. We do know that he took on an entire camp full of heavily armed German soldiers and Thule necromancers and one-"

"-one badass Hummel figurine."

"Yeah so we have no idea what to put back in the box."


"So that's your plan? Taking out my golem?" Aaron asks, clearly having overhead us.

"It's not a plan."

"We would just feel a lot better if we knew how, that's all."

"What makes you think you have any right to make that decision?"

"Believe me, if we need the right, we will take it."

"Look, he may be a pain in the ass but he's my responsibility."

"Look the golem was built to go to war. You're not trained for that. How're you gonna take that on?"

"I don't know."

Just then the door gets kicked in. Sam gets the book and hides it. We go to grab our guns but get stopped and knocked to the ground. We're held at gunpoint. Then the golem comes in, grabs one of the men and starts to strangle him.

"Enough! There you are, you grim piece of work. After all these years."


"Clay Adams ergeben Ihre Bindung zu mir!"

And that stops the golem from moving altogether.

"What the-"

"I command you by the covenant of the makes Clay of Adam, surrender your bond unto me."

He then spits out a scroll like Sam said could be in his mouth.

"So you are the golem's rabbi. Heh, you woke him but didn't take possession of him. You hide your name on this scroll boy. That's how you-" He speaks the last part in Hebrew.

"I didn't know what he meant."

He then hits Aaron across the face. He nods to the bald guy and he starts to search for the ledger.

"Now which of you is going to tell me where I can find a certain red ledger?"

"How about you screw yourself Nazi bastard?"

"Can we put this Nazi thing aside for the moment and just talk about this like-"

"-Nazi necromancer dicks? Pass."

"So I take it you're the commandant. The one that authorized all those experiments."

"Invented...those experiments thank you."

"So what about you? I mean you're not...undead. So what'd you do? You cast a forever 21 spell on yourself? Like your little friend at the library?"

"His hand was Torvault. And you will suffer for that."

The guy then finds the ledge.

"Yeah well I gotta say. Spell or no spell, he broke easy so..."

"I'm sorry so...let me tell you what I see. A magic Jew at my feet, not a master in sight, and finally our secret is secret once again. Which reminds me of a story. A Jew, two genti's, a woman and a golem walk into a bar, and it doesn't end with them coming out."

Aaron gets up with a hunk of wood and hits the commandant with it. We take that chance to get our guns while Aaron takes care of everything. We shoot the men who had us at gunpoint, while the bald guy grabs Aaron and flees once he reaches the door, letting go. Eckart gets up, we point our guns at him.

"Fools! You can kill me, but you'll never kill all the Thule."

I roll my eyes and then we shoot him in the head.

"Well that's a start. You okay?"


Nightfall came, and the golem was still frozen, mouth agape. We get back from where we went, burying the commandant and setting him ablaze

"Well now we know. Paper beats golem, fire beats undead Nazi freaks."

"So, what do you say Aaron? We got a place we can keep him."

"No, I mean, Eckart might be dead, but you heard him. The Thule are still out there. Hidden, active. It's my grandfather. He left me something important. Something only I can do." Aaron says, wrapping up the scroll and putting it back in the golem's mouth and he comes back to life.

"Looks like I'm the Judah Initiative now."

The golem then again says 'take control' in Hebrew.

"I thought I did?"


It took us most of the night to get back to the bunker. But we got there and got some shut eye before looking at more of the stuff.

"What're you doing?" Dean asks as Sam gets out a card and comes back to the table.

"Ordering. Making a card entry for our copies from the Thule's red ledger for our collection."

"So uh...what? Aaron's a JI and you're a Man of Letters now is that it?" Dean asks, getting different liquor and pouring him and Sam some. I don't drink the hard stuff so I don't take any. "Good." He states, sitting down at the table, putting his feet up onto it and relaxing.