Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Trial and Error

Currently at the safe boat where Kevin is staying with Garth, the alarm goes off, waking Kevin up. He gets up, crosses another day off of his calendar, makes coffee and gets to work cracking the tablet. That cycle keeps repeating, day after day after day, nonstop.

"Holy crap. Holy crap." Kevin says in shock and then his nose starts bleeding. "Holy crap." He says again before collapsing.

Meanwhile, back at our hideout, Dean and I are setting up our room, that we'll get to ourselves finally. He takes out a picture from his wallet and looks at it.

"Hey mom." He says before setting it down on the desk. I can't help but smile.

"Wow. Not bad." Sam says from the doorway.

"Not bad? I haven't had my own room with Brooke ever. We're making this awesome. Got my kickass vinyl, we've got this...killer mattress." Dean says, sitting on it. "Memory foam. It remembers me."

I can't help but laugh as I continue setting up the room.

"And it's clean too. There's no funky smell, there's no creepy motel stains." Dean adds, and Sam throws a gum wrapper at the trash bin, but misses, leaving it on the floor.



"I'm gonna go fix us some grub." Dean says as he leaves the room and heads to the kitchen.

"I have to say Sam, this has to be the best thing that could happen to us. He definitely seems a lot happier.

Sam nods and once I get finished with my stuff, I head out and sit with Sam at the table as he's reading through some of the books.

"Whatcha reading?" Dean asks as he comes into the room with three plates of burgers.

"Sort of uh...everything."

"Good. Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this and it ain't gonna be me."

"You made these?"

"We have a real kitchen now."

"I know, I just didn't think you knew what a kitchen was."

"I'm nesting. Eat."

"Well it sure does look delicious." I grin, taking a bite of mine. Sam takes a bite of his and Dean looks at both of us with a cheesy smile on his face.

"Huh? Yeah."

"Wow." Sam states.

"This is really good." I add. "Maybe you should cook more often."

"You're welcome." Dean says and just as he goes to take a bite of his burger, his phone goes off.

"Yo. Why? Kevin? Kevin?"

"Something wrong?"


"Oh no."

Then we all get up, taking our burgers with us. We pull on our jackets and such and leave, heading off to the safe boat Kevin's on. When we get there, we have our guns ready, walking in.

"Kevin, it's us." Sam calls out.

We then reach a closed door and Dean opens it to find Kevin vomiting.

"Found him."

"You look like hammered crap." Dean states the obvious.


"Are you sleeping?" Sam asks.

"Not really?"

"Are you eating?" Dean asks.

"Hotdogs mostly."

"Sure, yeah, breakfast of champions. Look I'm gonna feel dirty saying this, but you might want a salad and a shower."

"I know, and I've been getting bad headaches, nosebleeds and I think maybe I had a small stroke. But it was worth it."

"How?" I ask.

"I figured out how to close the gates of Hell."

"What?" I say with a excited look on my face.

"Y-come here you smelly son of a bitch." Dean goes over and hugs him, despite the smell.

"This is amazing."

"Okay okay, so what does this mean? What're we looking at?"

"It's a spell."


"And it's just a few words of Anokian but the spell has to be spoken after you finish each of the three trials."


"Like Law and Order?"

"More like Hercules. The tablet says whosoever chooses to undertake these tasks, should fear not danger, nor death, nor...a word I think means getting your spine ripped out through your mouth for all eternity."

"Good times."

"Basically God built a series of tests and when you've done all three, you can slam the gates."

"So God wants us to take the SATs?"

"I guess. He works in mysterious ways."

"Yeah. Mysterious, douchey ways. Alright where do we start?"

"I've only been able to crack one of the tests so far. And it's..gross. You've got to kill a hound of hell and bathe in it's blood."



"Awesome?" Sam and I say at the same time.

"Yeah. Hey if this means icing all demons, I got no problem gutting some devil dog and letting Calgon take me away."

"Where are you gonna find one?"

"Well Hell Hounds like to collect on crossroad deals, so all we got to do is track down some loser who signed over his special sauce 10 years ago, get between him and Clifford the Big Dead Dog. Easy."

"Doesn't sound easy."

"It's not."

"Look get on the net and see what you can dig up, I'm gonna go for a supply run. 'Cause we need Goofer Dust and kid needs to eat something that's not ground up hooves and pig's anuses. Not that there's anything wrong with that."

"Ugh, now I can't eat hotdogs. Thanks Dean." I shake my head and sit down at the table. "Uh want me to get the laptop before he leaves?" I ask Sam.


I nod and head out after Dean, getting the laptop before he heads off for a supply run. I head back inside and I hand the computer

"Okay, I feel a lot better."

"Kevin, buddy you've got to slow down."


"He's right Kevin. You're just moving way too fast and working yourself up."

"Get some shut eye, take a day off, open a window."

"No. You said nuking Hell. That's how I get out, that's how I go home."

"Right, it is but, you can't live like this."

"You think I want to? I hate it here. I can't leave because every demon on the planet wants to peel my face off. I can't talk to anyone except you guys or Garth when he swings by or my mom. When she calls all she does is cry. I just...I need this to be over."

"I know, we do. But trust me on this, this whole...saving the world thing, it's a marathon not a sprint. You've got to take better care of yourself."

"He's right Kevin." I nod.

Just then Dean walks in with everything.

"Hey, did you know that there are like 6,000 kinds of tomatoes? Did you find anything?"

"Yeah. Demon signs 10 years ago all centered on Shoshone, Idaho."

"Okay, well big time mojo means big time freak. So anybody have a horseshoe shoved up his ass?"

"That's one way of putting it. Meet the Cassitys. Small time farmers who struck oil on their land in February of 03', which is weird because geological surveys-"

"Yeah you had me at weird. Alright, we thinking deal?"

"Best lead we got."

"Let's go visit the Beverly Hillbillies. You stay here, work on step number two and if you come across anything about Hell Hounds, drop a dime okay? Because between the claws and the teeth and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be...real bitches. I got you a present. The blue ones are for the headaches, and the green ones are for pep. Don't OD." Dean says to Kevin, giving him pills.


"You sure about that?" Sam stops Dean before we leave.

"Sam we are on the one yard line, it is time to play through the pain."

Shoshone, Idaho

We pull up to this really nice place with a farm. I get out of my car and go over to Dean and Sam, leaning in the window.

"Alright, keep an eye out. Anyone with a Hell Hound on their ass are gonna be showing signs. Hallucinating, freaking out, the usual."

"And if we find someone?"

"You get them clear, I spike Fido. Crowd goes wild."

I back away from the car so Dean can get out. We find someone working underneath a tractor and approach them.

"Hey pal who runs this joint?"

The person comes out from under the tractor and it's a girl.

"You're looking at her."

"You...own the ranch?"

"Nope. Just manage the property. You guys here about the job?"

"How'd you guess?"

"We get our share of drifters. Ever worked a farm before?"

"Well I don't know about these two, but I have." I nod.


"We're quick learners."

"Ellie, who we got here?"

"I'm Dean. This is Sam and Brooke."

"Carl Granval. Pleasure."

"Pleasure. So, you're not a Cassity."

"My wife is. Her and her family own the place. I'm just one of those uh...what you call em'...trophy husbands. So we hiring them?"

"Not sure yet."

"Oh come on. They seem like swell people."

"He's right, we're swell."

We end up moving the cars and Ellie shows us where we'll be sleeping.

"You bed down in here. Breakfast is at 5, dinner is at 8, and in between you're mine. Questions?"

"I miss my room." Dean mutters.

"No questions." I say.

"We're good." Sam adds.

"Okay. Job is yours if you want it. But I got to warn you, it's crap work."

"Crap work?"

"Follow me." She says, leading us into the barn where the horses are.

"This is what you'll be doing. Cleaning the stalls. Good luck." She says, handing us gloves.

"I guess it is literally crap work." I state, putting the gloves on and grabbing a pitchfork rake and we start to clean out the stalls.

Dean then goes over to one of the horses, staring at it in the face. "I hate you."

"Oh Dean be nice. I love horses. Most beautiful animals ever."

"I don't care, do I look like a hippie?"

"Organic food is better for the cattle."

"My land, my animals, my money, my way. End of story."

"Wow. Bitch much?"

"She's a real piece of work huh?" Dean says as Ellie walks into the stables.

"Well what're we gonna do? She's the boss."


She just smiles and walks to the other end of the stables.

"So what're we thinking?" Sam asks.

"Deal wise?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"Well Ellie's the help so that rules her out."

"And Carl doesn't really seem like the 'sell your soul' type. So Alice?"

"Ding ding ding."

"Should we talk to her?"

"Why? So she can lie to us and call the cops? No. No, we're gonna have to go stalker on this one you two."

Later that night, Carl and Alice were having dinner when they heard howling and the horses freaking out. Alice gets up to check on the horses, leaving Carl all by himself, and we're watching nearby. We end up following Alice, going stalker as we watch. Carl however gets attacked by a Hell Hound and killed. We heard the attack and went running, finding Carl dead. Ellie too saw him dead and she called the police. They came out almost instantly.

"God almighty."

"Sorry Ellie. Carl seemed like a good guy."

"The best."

"Can you tell us what happened?" I ask the sheriff.

"And you are?"

"Just curious."

"They're new, they work here." Ellie tells the sheriff.

"Carl died bad, let's leave it at that. They've been re-introducing wolves around these parts, but I've never saw-"

"-this wasn't a wolf. I gotta make some phone calls. The whole family's flying in for this." Ellie says, walking away.

"All the Cassitys under one roof. Good luck."

"Son of a bitch." Dean mutters.

"So what're we thinking?"

"I think Carl signed a deal, and now he's dog food. Hell Hound's gone, and we were too busy chasing a pile of jack to stop it. Well let's grab our stuff and get out of here." Dean walks away, and then we do too. Sam however goes to the stables and Alice is there with one of the horses.

"You okay Mrs. Cassity?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I really am, and I know I shouldn't be because I loved Carl. I think, I just can't remember why."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Carl grew up around here, we went to school together. He was always swooning over me, but I never...I used to make fun of him."

"When did you two get together?"

"Valentine's Day 2003. I was at this party, Carl was there, it was like I was seeing him for the first time. Suddenly he was cute, smart and funny. It was magic. Carl and I were happy for 10 years. But now he's dead and I'm not sad, angry, I'm just...fine."

Dean and I were getting our things together when Sam comes into the room from talking with Alice.

"Hey, we uh...we have any graveyard dirt?" Dean asks.

"We should, why?"


"Yeah. No. Dean, no! We're not summoning a Crossroads Demon."

"I actually agree with him Dean. Crossroad Demons are bad news."

"Plan A bombed. So welcome to Plan B. We get some red-eyed bitch in a trap, and we hold a knife in her until she calls us a pooch. Special delivery."

"Yeah, except when we're dialing a pale, he won't send one hell hound. He'll send a hundred. It's not a plan Dean, it's suicide."

"You got a better idea?"

"Yeah we stay here. I just talked to Alice in the barn. Carl didn't sell his soul for oil. He sold it for Alice."

"His wife?"

"He loved her, she barely noticed him so he made a deal. And now that time's up, it's like she barely even knew the guy."

"You think our demon signed up more than one schmuck while he was in town?"

"It seems that way."

"And it wouldn't be the first time. Look, this family's rich 'cause someone booked a one way ticket downstairs. And as of tomorrow, they're all gonna be right here."

"And you want to scope them out."

"I want to kill a hell hound and not die. How bout you?"

"I don't want die." I speak up.

"Two days and then we do it my way." Dean says as he starts to unpack his bag. I do the same, heading into the bathroom to get changed for bed.

The next day, we're outside when a car pulls up and a older man gets out.

"Noah Cassity. He's 71, worth a billion and just married wife number five. 20 year old lingerie model."


"'Cause they have so much in common?" Dean asks.

"Alice is his oldest. And that's Cindy, the middle girl. She had a single on the Country chart a few years ago. Then she started hitting the bottle, and...well, her last album was a bunch of holiday songs for dogs. My favorites were, Jingle Bark Rock, and Don't Pee On This Tree Happy Arbor Day."


"So, she's the devil."

"Pretty much. There's the baby. Margie. She ran away just before Alice and Carl tied the knot. Lives in Paris."

"How do you know all this?" Sam asks.

"I've been working on this farm since I was 13. And I've got eyes. Okay, tonight is an all hands on deck situation. I'm gonna need one of two of you inside, serving dinner and pouring drinks, a lot of drinks."

"I suppose I'll be one of the two working the inside." I offer.

"Okay, well have fun Sammy, I won't wait up." Dean offers Sam himself.

"And somebody's gonna man the grill."

"What kind of grill?"

"What kind do you think Dean? Come on Sam, I wanna make sure I'm dressed appropriately for this." I say as I start to head back to our room.

Come nightfall, we were ready. Sam and I were inside while Dean was outside with the grill, cooking the food.

"Impressed?" He asks Ellie when she checks on him.

"I do like a man who can handle his meat." She says before going back inside.

Sam and I in the meantime were doing the pouring of drinks and Sam was pouring Cindy hers.

"Really? Keep it coming Ken doll."

He pours more into the glass which ends up being the rest and not that much.

"You're the best Ellie."

"Al, I am so sorry about Carl. I mean, he was the love of your life." Margie says to Alice.


"Please, she can do better."

"Maybe Alice should marry a child. Take after her father."

"Evaga's not a child."

"Right. She's a prostitute who looks likes a child."

"Are you done? Alice is in mourning."

"Oh I'm sorry Margie, I didn't see you there. You're too far up on your high horse. Hehe. Oh yes. You are right. We should all take a minute and say a few words about Carl. You first. Was he a good lay?"


"Oh you didn't know? Yeah, daddy caught them going at it in the barn."

"Al, it was before you two got together. I mean Carl, he loved you."

"Yeah, that was back when Margie was fat and Cin was sober. A long time ago."

"Get cancer and die old man."

"You first sweetie."

"Are they always like this?" Sam asks Ellie when we go into the kitchen.

"Yeah that's crazy out there. They all hate each other?"

"More or less."

"How can you work here?"

"I love the property, I love the animals, and I get to know the people."

"I can't remember the last time we all sat down and had a meal together."

"Was back at the old crappy house when daddy invited that traveling salesman to dinner."


"He was so charming."

"What was his name? Kenny."



"We have to let Dean know. Come on." Sam ushers me outside where Dean's by the grill.

"Dean. We know who the demon is who signed off everyone's soul."




"That's what they said. Apparently he swung through town 10 years ago to the day."

"So now you think Team Crumpet's made these deals and now he's collecting?"

"Or he just sent his dog, told it to go fetch. Dude's king of hell. Grab a few souls, that's gotta be paygrade."

"I guess. Any idea who's starting the line?"

"I have no idea. It's brutal in there."

"It is. They all hate each other."

Just then Dean's phone goes off and he answers it, putting it on speaker.

"Hey Kev, what's up?"

"Dean, good news. Uh..I think..kind of."

"Don't over sell it."

"Sorry. Um...I found something on the tablet about hell hounds. Does this mean anything to you? The die creatures may be seen only by the damned or through an object scorched with holy fire."

"Like with holy oil?"

"It's gotta be. We could use a window."

"Or glasses."

"I think we still got some Jesus juice in the trunk. Alright Brooke and I will take care of the x-ray specs, you stay here. Do not let JR and the gang out of your sight."

"Hey Kevin,'re doing great man, get some sleep."

Sam heads back inside while Dean and I do some digging for glasses and he finds a few pairs.

"Oh look, Daddy's drunk and armed. Must be Christmas."

Sam then leaves and follows them, running to catch up.

"Hey. Hey hey hey hey. Where are you going?"

"Wherever I damn well please. Wolf that killed my son in law, he's a maneater and has to be put down."

"Doing this for Carl." Margie adds.

"Just hold on a second."

"No, go now."

"I'll come with you."

"You know anything 'bout hunting boy?"

"A little bit yeah."

"Let's do it."

Dean and I in the meantime get the holy oil and wave the glasses over it, and he puts a pair on, looking for any sight of a hell hound.

"See anything?"

"No. But there's Ellie. Put the fire out." He says to me and I quickly stomp on it and put it out before she walks up.

"I like it. The whole Clark Kent look."

"Ellie, hey."

"Hey. So..." She trails off, getting touchy with him, refusing to even acknowledge me standing right there.

"...I think you're really hot. You want to go to my room and...have sex?"

"Straight forward much?" I say in my head, giving her a raise eyebrow and a death glare.


"I...sorry. I don't usually do this. I guess I'm just filling my odes."

"I can't."

All I can do is smirk.

"What? Okay. Um...embarrassing."

"You think. Especially when his girlfriend is standing right here." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Oh...I guess I'm gonna-"

"-go, yeah." I give her the 'shooing' motion.

"Sorry." She says before walking away.

"The nerve of her. When I'm standing right here. Really? Ugh. Where's my pair of glasses?" I hold my hand out, and Dean gives them to me, and I put them in my pocket. "Let's find this thing and kill it so we can be on our way." I grumble before walking off myself.

Sam however is in the woods with the old man and Margie, hunting the 'wolf' that attacked Carl. Little did they know, a hell hound was trailing them. Sam heard a noise and went off in a different direction. He doesn't find anything and almost gets shot by the old man.

"Watch yourself boy. Where's Margie?"

"I thought she was with you."

Then there's a scream and they take off running, only to see Margie getting torn apart. Sam shoots the hell hound and it goes running, leaving Margie already dead.

"Oh my god."

"Go back to the house."


"Go! Move!"


And then they run back to the house. Sam sits everyone in the living room to explain to them what's happening, after getting Dean and I. Dean hands him his glasses and we walk into the living room to explain to the family what's going on.

"What was that thing?"

"It was a hell hound."

"A dog from hell that kills people who sold their soul." I add.

"As in selling your soul to a demon and the dog comes and rips it out." Dean continues.


"Crowley. Poncy guy, bout yea big, mountain of dicks. We know he was here 10 years ago making dreams come true. Now if you didn't sign, great, that freak out there won't touch you. But if you did, we need to know and we need to know now. So hands up."

"So wait, the British guy was a demon? And now there's a hell hound after us? Are you insane?"

"They're obviously insane."

"Listen you blonde bimbo...." I snap.

"...don't play dumb." Sam adds.

"Yeah, I'm not playing. I didn't sell my damn soul."

"Well somebody did and the sooner that idiot owns up, the sooner the rest of you can go. Alright, seal them in."


"Look, I'm gonna spread Goofer Dust around the doors, the windows, that'll keep the hell hound out. For a while."

"What is long?"

"Long enough for me to stab it in it's throat."

"No way. No way, you can't do this. You can't-"

"-yes I can. You wanna know why? Because it's what we do. And buddy we're the best. See I gut old yeller out there and maybe just maybe you walk away. I don't, you're meat. So sit down, shut up! And put these on." Dean holds out handcuffs, while I put the Goofer Dust around every entry the hell hound can get in through.

"Who are you people?" Alice asks Sam.

"We're here to help."

"Like you helped Margie?"

"When the hell hound gets close, you might start seeing things, hearing things. It's gonna look like you took the brown hasset and it's trying to kill you. Handcuffs are so you won't hurt yourselves."

"And when one of you starts bugging out, we'll know who's tapped to be puppy chow." Dean says as we leave, finishing up with the Goofer Dust.

"So, what's our plan?"

"You camp here and find out who hoards their soul. We're gonna go scout the grounds, see if I can hank Huckleberry Hound before he makes his next move."

"Wait, you two aren't going alone. I'm coming with you."


"Uh, they're on lockdown. And you two need backup."

"No we don't."

"Yes you do."

"No, we need you to be safe Sam. Okay? That's what we need."

"What? What am I....when are we ever safe?"

"This is different."


"Because of the three trials crap. God's little obstacle course. We've been down roads like this before man. With Yellow Eyes, Lucifer, Dick freaking Roman. We all know where this ends. One of us dies. Or worse."

"So what? You just up and decide it's gonna be you?"

"I'm a grunt Sam. You’re not. You’ve always been the brains of this operation."


"And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don’t. But I tell you what I do know is that I’m gonna die with a gun in my hand. Cuz that’s what I have waiting for me, and that’s all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life. Become a Man of Letters, whatever. You with a wife and kids and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra. That is my perfect ending. If I don't die, I want the same for us." He motions to me and him. "So I'm gonna do these trials, so we can shut the gates of hell and finally have normal lives. End of story. You're staying here and we're going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call one of us. If you try to follow us, I'll put a bullet in your damn leg. Let's go Brooke." Dean says walking out first, and I follow.

It's raining when we get outside and we put the glasses on to see any hounds. That's when we hear music faintly playing from the barn.

"Where's that coming from?" I ask.

"The barn. Come on." He says and I follow. The music gets louder as we get into the barn and we remove our glasses since we won't need them.

"You sold your soul, just admit it."

"The hell would you think-"

"-because you're a walking corpse and you're married to a centerfold. I did the math."

"She has money and I'm rich, do it again. You sing like crap so explain the music career."

"Hellooo, auto-tune!"

"Alright. That's enough."

"Oh is it? Four eyes. Is it enough?"

"Don't know why you even think one of us made a deal."

"Because you struck oil where there was no oil. That didn't seem weird to you?"

"Margie. Margie used to say that...that if we were rich, we'll be happy."


Dean and I find the room where the music is coming from, coming up to this door where the music got even louder. Dean carefully opens the door and we walk in to see Ellie drinking, and dancing alone to the music in her room. Dean goes over and shuts the music off.

"Just in time."

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm good, and I bet you're great." She kisses him. "Yup, great."

I go to come after her but Dean stops me.

"Okay...listen. Whatever happens, whatever you hear, you need to stay in here with that door locked. Sit tight okay? This is gonna sound crazy but, there is something evil out there."

"I know."

"You know?"

"It's coming for me."

Inside the house, Alic is currently trying to get out of her handcuffs, making sure Sam isn't looking.

"I need to take a leak."

"Hold it."

"Yeah at my age, not really an option. So you either let me go or you get me a bottle."

"Ugh. You're disgusting."

Sam goes to the window and then sees the Hell Hound. And just then, Alice gets free and runs out the door to her car, Sam in tow.


"Please. Just let me go. Please. Please don't hurt my family."

"I'm not. I'm trying to help."

Just then the hell hound growls and barks and they stop.

"Get in the house. Get inside. Go! Go!"

Then the hound is gone just like that.

"What do you mean it's coming for you?"

She sighs and sits on the end of the bed.

"When I was a kid, my parents took a job here. This was before the Cassitys had money. But it was the best you could do. So I grew up on this farm."

"That's how you met Crowley."

"They had this big dinner. And after, I saw him kissing Margie. I ran, I didn't know what to do. But Crowley found me. We talked. He seemed so nice."

"Best conmen always do."

"He asked me if I had one wish, what would it be. So I told him."

"And he made you sign over your soul."

"He didn't make me do anything. My mom she had Parkinsons, early stages. And I knew how that story would end. So I took the deal. Mom is retired down in Phoenix now. Plays golf every day."

"That was a stupid move Ellie."

"I did it for my mom Dean. What would you do for your mom?"

"You had to know this was coming."

"No, how?"

"Crowley didn't tell you about the 10 year ticking clock?"

"What? I knew that when I died I wasn't going to heaven. But he never said anything about that or...monsters."

"What a douchebag. He probably didn't say jack to Carl or Margo either."

"Margie made a deal?"

"That's what kissing Crowley was. She sold her soul to him." I explain.

"So she's-"

"-she's gone."

"Oh god. I...a few years ago Carl got drunk. He said he did some kind of magic at a crossroads. Summon a demon. I put two and two together and when I saw what that thing did to him...I just never knew about Margie. I thought I was next."

"And you didn't run?"

"Where would I run? All I wanted was one last meal, some good tunes and maybe..." She gives him a look. "I don't wanna die."

And just then we hear the hell hound howl. Ellie looks over at Dean and she gasps in fear.

"Dean, what's happening?"

"Ellie, whatever you're seeing it's not real. It means the hell hound is close. Look, you need to stay inside this circle okay?" Dean says, taking out the Goofer Dust and making a circle. "Now."


"No matter what happens you stay inside that circle. You understand me? Brooke let's go."

I move from the bed and follow him out into the barn. He puts his glasses on and so do I and we make our way out, through some doors.

"Where is it Dean?"

We then hear a growl and it appears in front of us in the doorway leading outside.

"Oh so you're Crowley's bitch. I guess pets really do look like their owners."

The hell hound then darts behind some bales of hay and such, hiding from us.

"What're you waiting for? Come and get it!"

There's a noise behind us so we look around and the hound attacks both of us, knocking us into opposite directions, clearly cutting open our skin. Dean's glasses go flying and so does the knife.

"Dean?" I call out.

"It's alright, I'm fine. I just got Crowley's bitch in front of me."

"I can see from the breath and footprints. It got me Dean, I'm scratched too." I groan in pain.

And before the hound could attack Dean, Sam appears and starts to shoot it, and it backs off. He quickly gets the knife and stabs the thing and slices it down, black blood pouring out all over him.

"Ew." I groan in pain at the cut on my stomach, but I do manage to get up.

"Dean?" I call out to him again, walking over, and I help him up the best I can. "How about we go see Ellie, see if she can treat these cuts."

"Yeah." Dean groans himself as I help him up.


"Yeah, coming."

We all get up and head back to Ellie's room where she gladly helps treat the cuts. She helps me first, followed by Dean.

"You both need to go to a hospital."

"We've had worse."

"Yeah, the've had worse."

"So what now?"

"Now we make a hex bag. And you start running. If Crowley can't find you, then he won't be able to sick another mutt on you."

"So I'm not going to hell?"

"Not on our watch. Can you give us a minute?"



"Dean, even if she can dodge Crowley, as soon as Ellie dies, her soul is earmarked for Hell."

"Not if we shut it down first." Dean says, taking out he paper with the spell on it.

"The spell's not gonna work for you Dean."

"Ka na am dar." Dean says and nothing happens. "Doesn't matter. We'll track down another hell hound and I'll kill it."


"Sam, I didn't pass the test."

"But I did. And I'm doing the rest of them."

"My ass you are."

"Closing the gates. It's a suicide mission for you."


"I wanna slam Hell shut too okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live. And so should you. You have friends up here, family, Brooke. Hell, you even got your own room now to share with her. You were right okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't. I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you too it."

"Sam be smart."

"I am smart. And so are you. You're not a grunt Dean, you're a genius. When it comes to lore, you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen, better than me, better than dad. I believe in you Dean. So please, please...believe in me too."

He hands him the paper with the spell, and Sam recites it.

"Ka na am dar." And Sam drops to the floor.

"Sam? Sammy?"

"Sam what's wrong?" I ask.

Sam's arm then starts to glow.

"Sam! You okay?"

"I'm good, I'm okay. I can do this."