Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Remember The Titans

A guy is driving down a road, clearly drunk because he's drinking, but he's also start to fall asleep at the wheel. Another man is walking down the road, when this car comes around the corner and is all over the road. The guy in the truck tries to stay awake, but can't, in result hitting the man who was walking on the side of the road, instantly killing him. He gets out of the truck to check on him and sees that he's dead, then gets back into his truck and drives away, leaving the scene of an accident, making it a hit and run. The next morning, he's cold and a bird is pecking at his insides. A cop pulls up and gets out, walking over to the body, declaring him dead after checking a pulse, then walks back to his car.

"Dispatch 734, you got your ears on?"

"Go ahead 734."

While he's explaining the situation, the man wakes up and regains consciousness and color, his wounds healing and then he walks away.

"What the hell?" The cop says as he finds him not there, following the footsteps in the snow as far as he could go.

Meanwhile Sam, Dean and myself are back at the Letters' lair. Sam is up for the day and gets a drink of water, but he tastes something weird. He spits the water back into the glass and it's red, blood mixing in with the water that was in his mouth. He kind of panics and goes over to the sink and spits some blood out, before looking in the mirror and washing the blood away in the sink. Dean and I come out of our bedroom, me in one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts and him in a bathrobe, shorts and t-shirt he pulled on when we woke up, after last night's activities. I make the both of us some coffee before we head out into the main area where Sam is, and we see him at the sink.

"What's up with you?" Dean asks.

"Nothing, why?"

Dean doesn't answer, but he goes over to the table and sits, and I follow. "Heard from Kevin?"

"Uh, no. Nothing yet."

"What's it been, like three weeks? What's taking that little brainiac so long? It's a book, read it."

"Just a guess, but translating an ancient language with zero help might be more difficult than we think."

"So no word from Cas, Kevin's taking his sweet little time, and you're acting cage-y. We need a lead before we start climbing these walls."

"Well that case, I can give you zombies." Sam says, dropping an article in front of him. I scooch close so I can read it too. "Guy gets hit by a car, left for dead overnight, guts spilled all out over the road, then gets up and walks away from it."

"Sounds like a zombie to me." I nod.

"Nothing about brain munching?" Dean asks.

"Remember Bobby's wife? She didn't munch on any brains."

"Well who's a witness?"

"Montana state trooper. Checked his pulse, saw his insides spilled out all over the place, announced him dead with a capital 'D'."

"I suppose I should go get changed then..." I move from my chair and start heading towards the bedroom. "...and here I though the morning wouldn't start out like this. Especially how I'm feeling after last night." I throw Dean a look before heading to the bedroom.

"See what you do?" Dean says jokingly of course before following me into the bedroom.

Sam goes to his and we all get changed into our suits for the questioning stuff we always do. I get changed into the usual, putting my hair up and putting glasses on. Once we're all ready, we leave the Letters' lair and get into the Impala, because we'd be coming back so I didn't need my car this time. We had a long drive from where we were to Montana. When we got to the police station, we went inside and asked to see the state trooper.

"Since when did the feds start tracking zombie activity?"

"We don't track it." I state.

"Because there's no such thing as zombies." Dean adds, even though there is such thing, but we have to deny it.

"Uh huh."

"Why don't you tell us what you saw?"

"Article said it all. Dead as dog poop. Guts pecked out, face frozen, people don't walk away from that. Zombies do."

"And nothing could've dragged him away?" I ask.

"One set of footprints, no drag marks."

"You didn't go after him?"

"That's grizzly country. You couldn't pay me enough to hike those woods. Not without a bazooka."

"Uh Jack? I got something here." The secretary says and we turn around. The trooper walks over and we follow.

"Came across the wire from Livingston."

"John Doe, presumably mauled by a grizzly. Holy crap that's him."

"That's the dead guy?"

"Dead my ass. That's a zombie."

"Uh you know what, Trooper? Why don't you stay here. We'll take care of this, we need someone to hold down the fort."

"You sure?"


"And when things go all Dawn of the Dead on us, you'll be our first call."

"Hey, aim for the head."

"Right." I nod and we leave, going to check out the body over in Livingston.

"No ID on this guy?"

"Fingerprints came up blank too."

Dean checks the guy's mouth for possible vampire and there's nothing so he shakes his head. the cloth gets moved and we see the huge gash in his side.

"What's going on down here?" Sam asks.

"Liver was eaten. Best guess, the bird got at it."


We then step out of the room to talk, making sure we're in view of the body.

"I gotta say, I am a little disappointed." Dean sighs.

"Yeah because you wanted to shoot zombies."

"Damn straight I wanted to shoot some zombies. Look man, this is as open and shut as it gets alright? Guy gets mack trucked, goes down for a nap, wakes up and takes a detour into Mama Bear's den in the story."

"Then why would he run? He was injured. That trooper could've helped him."

"Scared maybe?"

"I don't know, shady past?"

"Don't guys with a shady past have a fingerprint on file."

"True." I nod.

"Whatever it was, guy's dead now alright? You know what Bobby said. Wood chipper beats everything? Yeah. Well, so does grizzly bear."

"Uh guys?" I point at the window, since the guy is gone.

We rush to find him, catching him before he could run and we bring him back into the room, and I'm holding him down onto the table while Dean holds a gun to his head.

"You better start talking, what are you?! You say zombie, I swear."

"What? No I'm not anything."

"Look, two minutes ago you were room temperature. You're something!"

"Look, I don't know what I am okay? I don't know who I am. All I know is, all I do is die. So if you wanna shoot me, shoot me. Just promise me you'll finish the job, 'cause I can't take this anymore."

"Let him go." Sam says, and I do and Dean takes the gun away.

"Alright, get up."

"All you do is die? What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asks.

"Once a day for as long as I can remember. After a few hours, I'm back."

"What're you like a real life Kenny?"

"Who? No, my name's Shane."

"Alright well listen Shane, we're not gonna find out what the hell you are in here, so you're gonna come with us. We're gonna run a few tests, make sure everything's kosher."


"Necessary tests." I nod. "We just need to get you some clothes first before we sneak you out of here."

"I've got it. You two just sneak him out of here, I'll get the clothes." Sam nods.

It took us some time, but Sam found clothes and we make it back to the car with no problems. We check into a nearby motel and let him change in the bathroom before we do the tests. The first test was the silver knife and there was no reaction.

"Seriously? Is this FBI sanctioned?"

"Drink." Sam states, handing him the holy water, nothing happened.

"Alright so how long's this dying thing been going on?" Dean asks.

"Long as I can remember. But my memory only goes back a few years."

"Wait, so now you have amnesia? How do you know you're name?"

"My real name isn't Shane. It was given to me because...I don't know, people had to call me something."

"Okay so then what happened to you?"

"Got pulled off a mountain in Europe. I said that I got caught in an avalanche. I don't remember anything before the rescue. When I realized my condition, I couldn't be around other people so, I built a log cabin, learned to hunt, kept to myself. Seemed easier that way. Then a couple park crows got so nervous with me being so near to their crop. Shot me...twice. Figured it was time to move on."

"Right into the grill of that pickup."

"You think maybe I could clean up?"

"Yeah, knock yourself out. Well he's definitely something."

"Yeah, but what?" I ask.

"But maybe he's not he monster. Maybe he's the victim."

"You thinking curse?"

"Could be looking for a witch, yeah. You know what? He's parked here, he's safe, maybe we should just get another room until we figure this out."

"Alright but you're the one going in full cavity for the hex bag." Dean says as he heads out to get us our own room.

The rest of the day we just relaxed, researching stuff and whatever. We were still up late at night, trying to figure out what was going on with this guy, until we heard commotion in Shane's room.

"What the hell?"

"I don't know, but we better go check it out." Dean says as we grab our weapons.

When we open the door we see this woman in all black fighting with Shane. Dean jumps into action and gets knocked down. Sam gets flown out of the doorway and outside.

"Oh this bitch." I grumble, and storm in, going after her. I get a few good shots in, but she ends up throwing me across the room. Shanes goes back to fighting her and he takes the knife from her and gets her against the wall. Just as she's against the wall, Dean and I slowly get up.


"Now...I'm your worst enemy." She says, grabbing the knife and disappearing into smoke.

"Who the hell was that?" Dean asks.

"She...she said that she knew me."

"Yeah how?!"

"I don't know but uh...I could've sworn that she was...upset I didn't know her back."

"This is uh...this is a lot more than a curse man, you got like some tiger blood. Where'd you learn that kung fu?"

He then drops to his knees clutching his chest where his heart would be.

"Buddy you okay?"

"Yeah...I just need a minute. I've never been in a fight my whole life."

He then starts having an attack again.

"Whoa pal, hey, hey. Are you-hey whoa." Dean says as he collapses and starts convulsing.

"Is he having a heart attack?"

"Do we call 911?"

"And tell them what? That the dead guy we stole from the morgue is alive and having a coronary?"

"Yeah we can't tell them that Sam. And he's dead now." I point out as he's not moving.

"Let's move him to the bed then. Sam." Dean says and they move him to the bed. We never got any sleep really the rest of the night, because we kept a close eye on him to see when he would wake up from being dead.

"We need to think guys. What do we know of that has Jason Bourne fighting skills, dies a lot, and has a history with violent women?" Sam asks.

"I don't know, you?" Dean comes back with a smart ass answer.

I can't help but snicker. then there's a knock on the door.

"Who can that be?"

"I don't know. You stay here and watch him." Dean says, getting up from the bed, going over to the window and seeing a young woman there. He gets his gun ready and holds it against the door before opening it.

"Can I help you?"

"Agent Bonam?"

"And you are?"

"This is going to sound really strange, but...I'm looking for a corpse that went missing today. The coroner said that you were the last one to see it. I'm Hayley."

Sam and I then decide to get up and walk over to the door since there's no danger.

"This is Agent Jones and Agent Stiles."

"Why are you looking for a John Doe?"

"His name is Shane. At least that's what I call him. I'm the mother of his son."

Dean puts his gun away and goes to interact with the little boy, which makes me smile.

"Hey. Why don't you slap me some skin?"

"He's shy. It's okay Oliver."

That's when she looks into the room to see Shane laying on the bed.

"Oh. You weren't supposed to see."

"It's okay. Stay with the nice FBI agents Oliver." She says, leaving him with us while she walks inside and over to Shane on the bed.

We end up going outside so Hayley could talk to us while Oliver played on the swings, and we leave Shane inside to recover from his death.

"When I was younger, I had friends that wanted to climb this mountain in Europe. And I thought it sounded exciting so, I joined them."

"The avalanche." Sam states.

"He told you? What else did he say?"

"Just that he doesn't remember how he got there."

"My friends were gone. When I found him, his clothes were torn off, his eyes were frozen solid, but he was still alive. I just knew there was something off about him. The way that he would-"

"-die everyday?" Dean finishes her sentence.

"Yeah. I thought it was from exposure or shock, maybe it was unconscious or both in bad shape. Now I know I couldn't have made it down the mountain if weren't for him. And when we got to the bottom we realized that it had become something else and we spent the night together. And while we were you know...he had a heart attack."

"Awkward." Dean states.

I give him a look. "Really Dean? Please go on Hayley."

"So I called 911, and they couldn't save him. And I had to go down to ID the body."

"He popped up again. Alive."

"I freaked out and I ran. 9 months later I had Oliver. I hired a private investigator. I really tried to find him, but when they gave up, I gave up. Until a couple of months ago."

"What made you look again?"

"The worst thing."

Just then Shane comes out of the room and we turn around.


"Hello Shane. Oliver, come here honey. I thought it was time you two meet. This is Oliver."

They then go over to the swings and bond while Sam, Dean and I look on, after Sam does some research.

"Find anything?" Dean asks when Sam comes back out.

"Yeah, anything solid?" I add.

"Well uh...looks like we were right about that curse thing. From what I can tell, we're looking at a Titan."

"Titan, what is that, like a god?"

"More like a proto-god. The gods before the gods. They ruled over Greece before Zeus and the rest of the Olympian gods overthrew them."

"Kay, so who is this guy?"

"Best I can tell, Prometheus."




"But didn't he steal fire or something?"

"Yup, he Ocean's 11'd Olympus and stole the flames of Olympia."

"For what? Kicks?"

"For us actually. Zeus decided to revoke humanity's ability to make fire, so we couldn't cook, couldn't stay warm, couldn't see in the dark."

"Sounds like a monster's paradise, and this guy made it right for us?"

"Yeah and in return, Zeus decided to strap him to that mountain and make him relive death every day."

"Damn. Every day for how long? No wonder the guy's hard drive is fried. Did you figure out who uh...Xena wannabe was?"

"I'm guessing Artemis. Zeus' daughter. She's been known to carry around weapons like that dagger. They're nasty, they'll kill immortals dead."

"Alright. Well we've never battled a god curse before. Hope we can break it."

Dean and Sam after a while head inside with Shane to tell him and show him who and what he is. I stay outside with Hayley to play with Oliver.

"This is an eagle chowing down on your intestines. You don't remember that?"


"Okay look. I hate to break it to you, but you are Prometheus."

"Well the best thing for me is to get as far away from them as I can."

"Wait, I'm sorry. You just discovered you have a seven year old son and you want to walk away?"

"And I'm a god. And this god and his daughter are hunting me. What chance do I have?"

"Okay. We're gonna help you. But we need a plan first. And we can't come up with one here."

"Where are we going?"

"Someplace safe."

Just then Hayley and I come in with her carrying Oliver in her arms.

"What's wrong?" Dean asks.

"There was an accident." I state as we walk in.

"He fell." Hayley adds, laying Oliver on the bed.

"Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"No. Don't."

"He's dying. Isn't he?" Shane states.

"I was going to tell you, I just wanted you to have a chance to adjust."

"Wait a second, he has your curse?"

"What curse?"

"I think we can explain it more if you come with us?"


"Lebanon, Kansas."


"We'll explain when we get there."

Lebanon, Kansas

It was a long drive back to the Letters' lair and when we got there, Dean let them put Oliver in our room on the bed.

"Just put him right here. This curse was put on you. Why the kid?"

"I don't know."

"You keep saying curse, what curse?" Hayley asks.

"How long has this been happening?" Sam asks her about Oliver.

"Since he turned seven a few months ago. Started with the dying and then he stopped talking."

"Wait, seven? Age seven marks one of the first Greek rights of manhood."

"So what're you saying, the curse is hardwired into his programming? How do you know that?"

"Look at me. I'm sorry that I ran out on you all those years ago, I was scared. I didn't understand what was going on. But we have a child and whatever you have he has. I need to know how to stop it. What curse?"

We end up leaving the kid in the bedroom to revive himself while we go out into the library part of the lair and explain everything to Hayley.

"Okay so Ollie's dad is a Greek god who has been cursed to die every day by Zeus. And you guys are...Ghostbusters. Am I getting this right?"

"Well due to the fact that your son is currently albeit temporarily, dead, I'm gonna let that one slide."

"You have to realize this sounds crazy."

"It's true. Didn't believe it myself at first, but it's the only thing that makes sense."

"Look, the faster you wrap your brain around this, the faster we can solve the problem."

"Solve the problem, I'm just not even sure I understand the problem."

"Alright, so the way we usually handle this is we summon the bastard and we work him over until he undoes whatever it is he did." Dean explains.

"Summon...Zeus." Hayley states, unsure.


"And if he doesn't want to undo it?" She asks.

"Then we take him out." Sam replies.

"And hopefully the curse dies along with him." Dean adds.

"This can't be happening."

Just then we hear Oliver coughing and he's revived.

"This..I can handle." Hayley states, going off to tend to Oliver.

"Listen, you can run and hide, and die for all eternity, it's your choice. But Sam, Brooke and I are gonna go after Zeus. With or without you."

"I'm in."

"Alright, let's do all the research we can then." I state, going over to the bookshelves and looking for all the books we would need. When I have them, I put them on the table. We then dig in for however long we needed to research.

"Here we go." Dean states.

"What you got?" Sam asks, and we all look up and over at Dean.

"Dragon penis."

"What?" I give him a weird look.

"Ancient Greek hunter by the name of uh...Dracopoulos. As far as I can tell, he was a bad ass. Who's name is deadly in Greek."

"No no no no no, I got that. Thanks I guess."

Then Hayley comes back into the room.

"Hey. How's the kid?"

"He's fine. Oh please, keep going." She motions to our research and sits down.

"Right. So uh..Dracopoulos tangled with Zeus back in the day and the Men of Letters translated in this journal."

"The Men of Letters?" Shane questions.

"It's a secret society. This is actually their lair."

"They're apparently legacies." I add.

"No big deal."

"Okay, so it says here he summoned Zeus into a trap and found out how to kill him."

"What's that?"

"Wood. From a tree struck by lightning."

"Right. So it says we need two things for the summon. Frozen energy from the hand of Zeus and the bone of a worshiper."

"Alright you get on the web, see if there's any Greeks here that are still worshiping the old gods."

"On it."

"What about the wood? Is that easy to find?" Shane asks.

"With a little bit of luck."

"Wha-this journal just ends."

"What do you mean?"

"How do we know if Drac or whatever survived? How do we know Zeus didn't get to him?"

"We don't know." I shrug.

"How do we know this is going to work?"

"We don't know for sure, but these books they're uh...they're pretty good."

"So we're hanging our lives on the writings of a dead man. Who is named after genitalia?"

"It's a loose translation."


"Alright listen to this. Greek pagans two towns over. Best part, they have a Obit page, with cemeteries."

"Alright. You two are on grave duty. We'll handle the B and E." Dean says about Sam and Shane and then him, me and Hayley.

"We'll be in touch."

"Hey." Dean says, tossing Sam the keys to the Impala.

"B and E, you mean breaking and entering?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"What for?"

"Well the book calls for fulgurite. It's a little hard to come by. Last time we needed it, we stole from a one percenter."

"You do know that fulgurite is available in crystal shops all over right?"


"Yeah, the new age people they use it to make cheap jewelry."


"Looks like no breaking and entering." I say amusedly.

Come nightfall, Sam and Shane are two towns over and start digging a grave of a dead god worshiper.

"Why are you doing this Sam?"

"We need a bone, so I dig."

"No I mean for us. This isn't your problem. Risking your life."

"Why'd you risk yours to steal that fire?"

"Good question. Wish I could remember."

"Trust me on this, it was worth it. You pretty much uh...saved the whole world."

"Yeah I guess. But none of that...none of that means anything unless I can save my son."

Dean, Hayley, me and Oliver in the meantime are in her minivan and Dean's driving.

"Listen, I know this sounds all a little haphazard alright, but trust me when I say me, Sammy and Brooke have dealt with a lot worse and we come out on top."

"I believe you. It's just all this. I'm about to ask Zeus, the Greek god, to help cure my son."

"Then you gotta remember it's not about asking for his help okay? He's not your friend. It's about getting him to do what's right."

We then meet Sam and Shane there and we get the spell ready.

"Stay calm."

The lights then start to flicker and lightning appears and there's Zeus.

"Oh come now. Can't we do this civilized?"

"Well it depends on you. All we need is to break a curse you put on a little kid. So how about you say yes and we all go home?"

"Nice to see you again Prometheus. All cleaned up. I've been looking for you."

"It's gone too far Zeus. Break the curse."

"It's your child who has the affliction. Interesting."

"So what's it gonna be? The easy way or we can do this the hard way."

"Break the trap dear man and I'll break the curse."

"No dice. Fix the kid."

"Going once.."

"Don't be that guy."

"...going twice..."

"Hey you can rot here for all I care."

"Yes and the child will continue to suffer."

"Let's roll."

"But Dean-" I try to stop him.

"He needs me. And you know it."

"No!" Hayley states, rubbing out the trap, setting him free.

"Hayley!" I exclaim.

"No!" Dean adds.

"He'll save my son."

"What do you say?" Zeus asks, then sending a line of electricity through us and it knocks us off our feet.

"Shall we try this the hard way? Bring forth the child. Please."

Dean then looks at Sam and I, Sam and I nod as we all start to get to our feet. We try sneaking up on him, but a force pushes us against the wall.

"Balls!" Dean remarks.

"I trust you've met my daughter."

"Artemis." I state.

"Hayley don't do it!"

"This is the son of Prometheus. And he's cursed to suffer death every day. I must admit. I could never have conceived such a horrible fate for such a beautiful child. Just goes to show, we must all leave room for a happy accident."

"What does that mean? I don't understand."

"Tell me. Has Prometheus experienced the child's death yet?"

She nods.

"How did he take it? Did he hurt?"

She nods.

"Good." Zeus states and points to Shane and he drops to his knees unable to breathe.

"Imagine a thousand children. All dying in unison. Only then would you understand my pain. But we can't always have what we want. So, one will have to do."

"No.." Hayley says and then she's unable to breathe as well.

"I have a special job for you my little friend. Artemis?"

She steps forward and in front of us.

"Move." She states and we're let free of the invisible force and then we're led away through halls with her trailing behind us.

"So do you know who this is Dean, walking us to our deaths?" Sam asks.

"Don't know, don't care."

"It's our god Artemis. The goddess of hunters."

"That's fascinating."

"She's who we pray to for courage when hunting the Gorgon or the minotaur. Course she's not really worship worthy anymore, uh...having lost her step and all."

And just then we're pushed against the wall.

"Sam...really?" I groan.

"The hell I have."

"Really Sam? Trash talking a god? Seriously?"

Meanwhile, Shane still can't breathe.

"So, let's see if we can make up for seven years of lost time." Zeus says before lightning appears in his hand and he plunges it into Shane's stomach.

"You're still at full power. Really? Then why did it take you seven years to track down Prometheus?" Sam asks Artemis.

"He was hiding."

"Hiding from you. So the god of hunters couldn't find the shack in Montana. Maybe you didn't want to find him."

"Good Sammy, you're doing great." Dean says sarcastically as we're hit with more of her powerful hold.

"Your dad's gonna kill that kid you know?"

"Don't worry. He'll come back, unlike you."

"He was in love with you, you know. He told us."

"You lie."

"Okay, sure. Yeah, believe whatever you want."

Zeus is still starting to beat Shane up, punching him this time.

"No no no no no. Don't pass out on me just yet. I'm only just getting started."

We can hear Shane's screams from where we are from where he is.

"What did he say to you?"

"This wasn't the first time he escaped that mountain. And that you let him go free as long as you hide your little tryst from the old man."

"Like hell he said...his brain is mush."

"Oh yeah? Then how did I know? Have you spilled anyone? Of course not. You were afraid that big daddy would find out that you fell for a person he hates most in this world. Of course when he saw the zombie article, you kind of forced your hand, you had to come hunt him down no matter how much it hurt. You know, go ahead. Kill us. Let your father slaughter that boy. Over and over again."

"You like being an immortal don't you? Well sure you die every day, but nothing can keep you dead. It's almost like taking a little nap. All of your cares and worries disappear for a little while. Well, it's sleepy time my dear boy."

"This has to stop father." Artemis says, pointing her arrow at him as we come back into the room.

"Stop? I'm only just getting started."

"You've done enough."

"I am doing this for us. For our kind. He is the reason we're here and not ruling the world. He's the reason they have forgotten all about us."

"Let them go. All of them."

"I am your father, and you will obey me."

"You were once my father. Now you're someone else."

She shoots the arrow, but with his powers, Zeus pulls Shane up and in the way, the arrow piercing him instead.

"I never get tired of watching you die. Your boy is going on the mountain."

Shane then pushes the arrow through, killing Zeus. Artemis walks over and takes her arrow out of both of them, dropping it to the ground. She grabs her father's hands and looks up at Hayley and Oliver, then both she and Zeus disappear, leaving Shane behind and permanently dead.

"We should burn the body so he doesn't have to go through this anymore. So neither one of you three have to." I say with a frown.

All Hayley can do is nod and then Sam and Dean help lift Shane up and we head out to the impala. Dean, Hayley, Oliver and I get into the minivan and Sam gets into the Impala and we head to a discreet location to burn Shane's body. We set him up on piles of sticks, laying flat. We cover the wrapped body in gas and then Dean lights his lighter and sets the wood on fire before it goes up in flames.

"I'm sorry."

Dean and I both console her as we watch Shane burn. Sam is back farther away with Oliver.

"You know what? How about we go get some ice cream sundaes?"

"No. I'd like to stay."

After the body is burned, we bury it and we send Hayley and Oliver on their way. Dean, Sam and I get back into the Impala together and head back to the Letters lair.

"Well, here's to that crazy little wild card called love." Dean says, handing us burgers since we stopped somewhere on the way back.

"How'd you know Artemis had the hots for Prometheus anyway?"

"Intuition? Um...luck."

"Yeah well whatever it was, it worked. Pretty much. At least the kid's alright."

"Thank god." I nod.

"You know, I'm starting to think...maybe I was being naive."

"What're you talking about?"

"Naive? How?"

"When I said I could just will myself coming out of these trials unscathed."

"No no no. Stop the solemn, emo crap alright? That''re not gonna die like Prometheus."

"How do you know Dean? Bobby, Rufus, now Prometheus. You think any of them chose death? No. The life chose for them."

"Yeah well you promise okay? You promised to live a long, Clark Griswald life full of prostate exams and colonoscopies, alright? You’re not welching on that deal. Not on my watch. If you die, it’s gonna be because of something normal.”

"Heart attack?"

"Exactly. Yeah eat your burger."

It took some time to get back, but when we did, we all just went to bed. I sit down on the bed and start to take everything off, my jewelry and stuff. Dean sits on the bed next to me.

"Cas, you got your ears on?" He asks, and I stop what I'm doing and look at him, watching and listening to what he has to say to Cas who we haven't seen since saving Samandriel.

"Listen, you know I am not one for praying, cuz in my book it’s the same as begging. But this is about Sam, so I need you to hear me. We are going into this deal blind and I don’t know what’s ahead or what it’s gonna bring for Sam. Now he’s covering pretty good, but I know that he is hurting. And this one was supposed to be on me. So for what we’ve been through, I’m asking you, you keep a look out for my little brother, OK?"

I frown and scooch closer, wrapping my arms around his right one and leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Where the hell are you man?"