Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Freaks and Geeks

Conway Springs, Kansas

It's late, a red car is parked overlooking the river and these two teens are making out inside. A blue van pulls up on the road behind them and then someone walks by the car.

"What was that?" The girl asks as they break apart.

"There's no one out here but us Chrissy."

The shadow goes by the car again and he sees.


They then hear footsteps. He cleans the steam off the windows and the hood of the car flies up. He tries to start the car, but it won't turn over. He reaches back and grabs a knife.

"No. No. Don't leave me here. Aiden! Don't leave me here."

Just then the window gets broken and she's dragged out, Aiden cuts the head off the guy.

"You okay?" Another girl asks, walking up.

"That was close. Next time one of you can be the bait."

"It's him."

"One down, two to go."

Present Day

Sam, Dean and myself found a case in town and pulled up to the police station so we can find out specific information.

"So what are we looking at again?" Sam asks, I hand Sam the local paper.

"Two young women found under the freeway with their throats ripped out."

"Sounds vampy to me."

"Yeah maybe."

"So if you want to take a knee on this one, if you're not feeling up to it..." Dean trails off.


"You know, the trials, what Cas said? That you got what he can't cure."

"Which means what exactly?"

"I don't know, you tell me. You okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you okay?"


"Yeah. Cas dinged you up pretty good."


"And I just want to make sure you're okay."

"What, like my feelings?"

"If that's what you want to talk about, sure."

"Okay. I'll tell you what. Why don't I go get some herbal tea-"


"-and you can find some cowboy junkies on the dial-"

"Eat me Dean." Sam states, getting out of the car, I can't help but laugh a bit.

"And you know what, we'll just talk it out. Good talk." Dean continues as we both get out.

"Nay. Great talk. Very healthy." He keeps going as we head inside after Sam. We of course find the sheriff and present our badges.

"FBI. You're here about the lady killer murders aren't ya?"

"The Lady Killer murders?" Sam questions.

"Yeah, coined it myself."

"Congratulations. What can you tell us?"

"Well both victims were female, under 21, and here's the kicker, they were drained of all their blood."



"Exactly. We found that strange also. Then last night, things got even strange."

"Last night?"

"We set up a security cam on Fuller's Point for safety purposes. It's where our local young people like to go to make out. Last night, things got crazy."

He plays the security footage and we see the whole scene of the guy who's pulling a girl out of the car and his head gets chopped off.

"Hell of a thing isn't it?"

" ID any of these people?"

"Well not yet. Crime scene was empty when we got there. No vic, no nothing. I'm thinking it's some kind of cult or a drug thing. So I put a state-wide APB out on these three about an hour ago."

"You're gonna need to call that off. We're gonna need this footage."


"Sheriff, why do you think we're here? You just crossed streams with a federal investigation. Now I suggest you cooperate, call off your APB or you're gonna find yourself in a world of hurt."

"Uh..." He says before nodding in agreement and he gets the footage on a disc for us and Dean takes it, and then we leave.

"So what was that all about G-Man?" Sam asks.

"You remember Chrissy Chambers?"

"Uh yeah, the voltala case. They were working that truck stop by the freeway, her and her dad helped us shut them down."

"I remember them. Yeah." I nod.

"Yeah well he promised to go civilian so she wouldn't grow up to be a hunter. Guess who the star of this film is?"


"Come on. Maybe he doesn't know she's doing this."

"What, sneaking out in the middle of the night to go hunt monsters with the apple dumpling gang? Is that what kids are doing for kicks these days?"

"Okay, well maybe he knows and he's helping her out."

"What, get caught on candid camera? Let's just go find her before she gets into anymore trouble."

We get into the car and then head off to go find where she could be. In the meantime, she checks into a hotel with a fake driver's license with a fake age.

"You're 25?" The clerk questions.

She takes out extra cash and gives it to him.

"Actually I think I'm 40."

He gives her a key and she heads to the room, setting up everything with Aiden. He starts to get touchy with her.

"I told you, I have a boyfriend."

"Then how come I couldn't find him in your celly?"

"Because we only Skype."

"Right, and let me guess, he also lives in Canada?"

"You know, he does actually. A small town, called Kiss My Ass."

"Okay. But, you sure were giving off a different vibe in the car."

Just then their friend walks in.

"Good, you're back. Let's do this. Vamp was last seen by an ATM cam checking into this hotel. Tapped into hotel security cams and found him. room 215."

"Okay, let's do this."

"You transmitting?"

"You bet?"

"He alone?"

"Can't tell."

"Hey, how about we start a new tradition. And before each job, we give each other good luck kisses."

"How about I punch you in the throat instead?"

Those two leave while Chrissy watches the laptop screen. They go walking to the room.

"You know, you're not gonna get anywhere with Chrissy with those cheesy moves."

"How about you stop putting salt in my game, so mind your own business."


Aiden nods. They've found the room and he picks the lock and opens it. Sam, Dean and myself have finally found the motel she check in at, offering the clerk more money for the information on her. We find her room and I pick the lock and we open it, walking in. We hear the clicking of a gun and stop.

"Hey Chrissy." Dean states and we turn around to face her.

"What are you three doing here?"

"Saving your bacon that's what."

"Does it look like my bacon needs saving? Wait, how'd you find me. I paid cash everywhere."

"Only two hotels in a 20-mile radius and we paid cash too. Just more."

"Freaking clerk." She lowers the gun.

"Chrissy where's your dad?"

"Dead. Well, let's do this again, like never. Now go. We got this."


"We who?"

"And you got what?"

"A vampire."

"Sorry a what?" Dean questions as we walk over to her and the laptop, and we watch as Aiden and the girl enter the room to see the victim and then a vampire appears.

"Let's go." Dean states and he storms out. "Which room?!"


We all follow Dean out of the room and to room 215. He kicks the door open and the vamp jumps out the window and runs across the street, heading to where this blue van was.

"I got him." Chrissy states, leaving.

"Chrissy wait!" I run after her.

"Son of a bitch." Dean mutters and runs after me running after Chrissy.

"We need to call an ambulance." Sam states.

"Ambulance is on it's way." Aiden adds.

"She's in shock. I'll stabilize her. We'll keep her here for the paramedics."

Meanwhile outside, Dean bursts through a door and finds us. The guy is pleading with Chrissy to not shoot him, but she does anyway.

"Please. It's hurts so bad."

"How'd you drop him so quickly?"

"Darts filled with Dead Man's blood."

"Where's the blue van?"

"What blue van?"

"The blue van that he was bolting into. Never mind." Dean says, taking out a knife and heading for the guy.

"Wait, stop. This is not your kill."

"What? It's a vampire. We're hunters. We kill them."

"Exactly. What're you talking about?" Dean asks her.

Just then Sam and the others reach us.

"Three months ago this blood banger snuck into a house and killed 3 people in their sleep."

"What? No. I didn't do that."

"One was a woman. Never hurt anyone. The other two, a brother and a sister."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I came home from a friend's house and I found them. They were my family."

"This isn't happening. I didn't do anything. I swear. Please, help me."

And with that she chops his head off. Chrissy walks forward to comfort her.

"It's okay. It's over."

"I need to talk to you...privately." Dean says to Chrissy.

"You know this guy?" Aiden asks her.

"Yeah, we have a past."

"Alright, so you're gonna have to catch me up. What, did your dad uh...couldn't quit the life could he?"

"No he did. For a while it was amazing. We had dinner every night at a table. We watched TV. Went on walks. Even went to the mall."

"And then?"

"And then...past came a knocking. I woke up one morning and found him dead. His throat ripped out."

"Well I'm sorry."

"Me too. If it weren't for Josephine and Aiden, I don't know how I would've made it."

"So they both lost their families as well?"

"Yeah. Same vamps we're hunting together. A nest."

"Well look, I am sorry to rain on your parade, but you are way too young to be doing this."

"You're never too young to kill monsters. Especially the ones that kill your family."

"Hunting isn't all about killing and revenge. I thought we had this chat last time. Look, do you have any family that's still out there?"

"An aunt in Cincinnati, why?"

"Because you're packing a bag and we're taking you there."

"I think Victor's gonna have a problem with that."


"He took us in. Showed us everything we know."

"So what're we talking here? Some sort of kid's school for hunters?"

"Don't be such a dweeb okay? We're not the X-Men. Victor's helping us get revenge."

"Yeah well, I don't care what he is...he sucks. 'Cause you and your little crew here got caught. And if it wasn't for me, your faces would've been splattered all over the news."

"So what. Maybe it's time people knew the truth about what goes bump in the night."

"Oh and cause panic, create mayhem? Yeah, that's a great plan."

"Look, I don't need you to save me Dean. I'm not a little kid anymore." She states, walking away, back towards us, Dean follows.

"So? How'd the private talk go?" I ask.

"Yeah, what happened?" Sam adds.

"Teenagers, that's what."

"Did she tell you about Victor?"

"Well other than teaching kids how to hunt, he doesn't sound like too bad of a guy." I reply.

"That and...didn't we meet up with a Victor that one time in Spokane?"

"So you've met him before?" I ask.

"That's a long time ago. I haven't heard about him since."

"Alright so these kids are-"

"-dangerous and off their meds? Yeah, no kidding."

"So what? We go and talk with Victor?"

"Seems like a good idea." I nod.

The kids load up their car with the decapitated body and we decide to follow them so we can have a talk with Victor. We pull up to this nice looking house, and follow them inside.

"Not what I call a compound." Dean remarks.


"What's wrong?" Chrissy asks.

"Just not what I expected."

"And what was that?"

"Little more Lord of the Flies, little less Huxtables."

"Sorry to disappoint." A man states, coming down the stairs, and we're guessing that's Victor. Well more or less I guess it is. Sam and Dean already know him so.

"Victor Rogers."

"We met. Rougarou hunt in Washington. I'm Sam, this is Dean."

"Oh yes, the Winchesters. And who's this is I may ask. I don't believe I've seen her before."

"I'm Brooke. Dean's girlfriend. Nice to meet you Victor."

Josephine then comes over and huge Victor.

"Better now?"


"What do I always say?"

"Move on, but never forget."

"Good. Now don't you have a Trig test in the morning?"

She nods and heads upstairs.

"Oh I'm good Vic. No tests, I'm just gonna chill." Aiden states, coming into the room with an apple.

"Uh huh. Yeah keep dreaming, because I asked you to clean your room twice and you still haven't done it. Go on."

He heads upstairs to do that.

"And you." Victor says as Chrissy approaches him.

"Full report about the hunt on your desk in the morning. 'Kay, I'll be in my room."



We sit down on the couch as he gets us drinks.

"So, these kids go to school. Like school school. Real school?"

"Yes. And they're doing incredibly well considering all they've been through."

"Okay so how does this work? What...uh...after soccer practice and the bake sale, they uh...chop vampire's heads off?"

"Yeah. I think a balanced approach is best don't you?"

"But they're kids. They should be focusing on schoolwork and friends and enjoying their lives while they're young. Not out there hunting monsters." I state.

"When I found them, they were lost, confused, angry. I give them family and purpose. And you want to take all that away? Why?"

"So they don't get killed."

"They know the risks."

"But why take them?"

"Because the next generation of hunters have to be better."

"Better than what?"

"Better than us. Come on guys. I know your friends. Martin was insane, and somebody obviously dropped Garth on his head when he was a baby. And I know you two loved that Bobby guy, but he was a barely functional alcoholic."

"Watch it."

"No disrespect meant. But Josephine is an all-state athlete and National Merit Scholar. Aiden is so fast, he can pick your pocket before you can even blink. And Chrissy, oh she's just a natural born leader and hunter."

"So what?"

"So these kids are the cream of the crop. They are the Beatles, they are the dream team. Once they get their revenge, they'll be better hunters than any of us ever dreamed of. But if you excuse me, I've got to make sure they get everything done so if you would so kindly leave, it would be appreciated."

"Uh sure...of course." I nod as I stand, Sam and Dean following.

"This is crazy."

"No kidding."

"Is it? They've got a pretty good life." Sam states.

"Kids aren't supposed to hunt Sam."

"We did."

"Yeah, look what that did for us."

"Maybe they can hunt and have a real life."

"You know that's true."

"Why? 'Cause it didn't work for us?"

"Because it doesn't work for anybody."

"Okay, then what do you want to do? 'Cause Victor's not gonna stop this."

"They said they were hunting a nest right?"


"Then let's hunt it for them. That way until we figure out what to do with Victor, they stay safe."

"Alright, what's your move?"

"I wanna talk to that girl who was tied up at the hotel. Something didn't smell right about that. Why don't you stay here and look after the Brady Bunch."

He nods, while Dean and I get into the car and head off. Then a blue van pulls up with a guy in a hoodie. That night, Dean and I checked into the motel. For once we got the room to ourselves which was nice.

"So, finding that woman tomorrow then?" I say from the bathroom as I'm getting changed for bed.

"Yeah. Much better to get the rest that we can before heading out tomorrow."


I soon come out of the bathroom, ready for bed, and exhausted.

"I can't wait to get a good night's sleep for once. I'm exhausted." I say mid-yawn.

"I know. All the traveling around gets to you. You'd think with us doing it all our lives. Well Sam and I, we'd be used to it. And then you traveling with us, getting used to it."

"I know."

"Now scooch over and make room for me."

He just chuckles and does so. I turn off the light before walking over to the bed and getting under the blankets next to him. It isn't long before we both fall asleep, getting as much rest as we could for tomorrow.

The next morning, Sam woke up ready for the day, all the kids were up and ready to go for the morning.

"Sam. Just in time, grab a seat."


"Yeah. Chrissy's fav."

"My dad used to make them for me all the time. I think it was the only thing he knew how to cook."

Josephine is not only eating, but studying for her Trig test. Victor comes over and takes the book from her.


"Yeah, nerd."

"And you, manners."

"We're gonna be late."

And with that, they're gone.


"Whirlwind right?"


"It's always like that with kids. You got any?"

"Me? No."

"You want any?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"Trust me, the answer's yes." Victor says, handing him a picture to look at.

"These yours?"

"Yeah. Well until we went camping and a Wendigo ripped them to shreds."

"Sorry. Is that why you're doing this? Taking all these kids in?"

He nods.

"But you know what I realized Sam? It's that these kids, they don't have to live it the way we have. Crappy hotel rooms, always moving, no family, no life. It's not the only way."

In the meantime Dean and I head to the hospital to find the woman who was almost vampire chow and start to question.

"Like I told the cops already, I'm not sure Jimmy would do something like this."

"Jimmy Day, so you knew the guy that grabbed you?" Dean asks.

"Everyone in town knows Jimmy. He's a hero. We had a pray for him downtown when he came back from Afghanistan."

"Uh...sorry. When was this?" Dean asks.

"Few weeks ago."

"So uh...this Jimmy Day guy, he just grabbed you and took you to the hotel?"

"No. I came from work and I was in the parking lot when this blue van pulled up. This guy with a hoodie asked me directions. That's all I remember until I woke up tied to that bed."

"And was hoodie there too?"

"No, just Jimmy. And he was crying. Saying he was sorry and all."

"That he was sorry?"

"At first I thought he was gonna kill me. Then he just....he just seemed scared."

We excuse her since we got all the information that we need and we leave the hospital and go back to the car.

"So let me get this straight. Jimmy was freshly turned into a vampire. Josephine seemed to think that he killed her family months ago. This doesn't add up."

"No, it doesn't. Because he didn't kill her family. I'm starting to think the kids are given false information and other innocent people are getting killed."

"Think we need to tell Sam?"

"I think so." He nods.

Hours later in Victor's house, Sam is looking at pictures ont he mantle of the kids and Victor, until the door opens and the kids walk in.

"Hey, what happened to school?"

"Victor pulled us out." Aiden replies.


"Cause we found another target."


"Vamp that killed Chrissy's Dad. You ready? Okay. Pulled this from a security camera in a nearby gas station."

"Wait, how do we know this is definitely her?"

"Police sketch, witness accounts, and this."

"My dad's necklace. Mom gave it to him on their anniversary."

"Are you sure this is a video surveillance pic?"

"It's her!"

And just then Sam's phone rings, because Dean had called him to let him know what we found out.

"Excuse me."

"Hey, you there?" Dean questions.

"Yeah, how'd it go with the girl?"

"Strange. Might be that vampire wasn't lying. He was fresh made within the month. But Josephine's family was murdered three months ago."

"So who killed them then?"

"I don't know. I'd like to talk to whoever's driving that blue van. Other than that, you?"

"Sums it up. Victor says he has a surveillance photo of the vampire that killed Chrissy's father but Dean...I'm not so sure."

"Why's that?"

"There's no time stamp on it."

"Okay. So you think he's lying?"

"Well that or he's just wrong, it's hard to say."

"Yeah, never trust a guy that wears a sweater."

I can't help but snicker at the comment.

"You want us to head back there?"

"No no, I'm good. I'm gonna do some more digging."

"Alright, we're gonna talk to the hotel clerk, see what he knows." Dean says before hanging up and we get out of the car since we were in front of the hotel.

Sam in the meantime happens to look out the window and see the blue van out on the street. The kids have left, and it's only Sam and Victor in the house.

"Hey, where'd everybody go?"

"Tracking that vamp."

"Well I think we've got a problem a little bit closer to home. Look at this. See that blue van? My brother saw it outside the hotel yesterday. We think he's working with the vampire we popped."

"Looks like we're going hunting."

Dean and I have entered the hotel and approached the clerk.

"Ah, nice to see you two again."

"Yeah. We need to know who checked into room 215 yesterday." Dean states as he hands the clerk some extra cash.

"Some guy wearing a hoodie. It was hard to make out his face."

"Did he drive a blue van by any chance?" I ask.

"Do I look like a valet?"

I give him a look.

"He took one of those." The clerk motions to the brochures and Dean heads over.

"Which one?"

"One that says Lodge on it."

"Conway Springs Lodge?"

"Yup, big during the Summer season. But this time of the year it's closed."

"How far away from here is it?" I ask.

"It's a couple miles down the road."

"Thank you." I nod and then Dean and I head out. First we had to change before heading to the lodge.

Sam is currently investigating the blue van that was parked out front. He and Victor then head into the park across the street. After Dean and I changed, we find the lodge and pull up to it, and at this time it's raining. We both get our knifes out just in case there is a vamp. Dean approaches the door and opens it and we take out our flashlights and start investigating inside. That's when we see a girl sitting there, scared.

"Hey. Who the hell are you? Answer me!"

"Dean...can't you see she's scared? Tone it down. Hey...are you alright?"

"Please make it go away. It hurts so much."

"What is it?"

Dean goes over and turns on the lights and she flinches.

"No shut them off, they're too bright!"

"Not until you tell me what the hell's going on here."

"I don't know." She states and then her teeth go razor sharp. That's when I jump back.

"What's happening to me?"

"Come here." Dean says, going towards her and holding her against the bed, holding the knife to her throat.

"Has this ever happened to you before?"

"No. No, there's something wrong with me. That guy, he did something to me."

"What guy?"

"I don't know. This guy in a blue van. He grabbed me, he took me here. Oh my stomach. It hurts so much."

"Dean...Brooke." We hear Chrissy's voice and turn to see her, Aiden and Josephine with guns pointed towards us.

"Guys...don't." I plead.

Sam and Victor are currently in the park, searching for whoever drives the van. Sam finds him and he's hiding behind a tree. Once Sam gets there, Victor hits him from behind with the gun in his hand. The man comes out from behind the tree and bares his teeth which are razor sharp...a vampire. Dean and I however are trying to keep the kids from killing the freshly turned vampire.

"Put those away, we can talk."

"Why are you two with the vampire that killed my dad?"

"You're barking up the wrong tree. She didn't kill your pops."

"I don't want to hurt you Dean. Or your girlfriend. But I will if you don't move."

"Listen to us Chrissy, she's innocent."

"And how would you know that?" Josephine asks.

"Because she's fresh made. A day or two. Her dad was killed months ago. This whole thing stinks. The vamp that we killed last night, why was he swearing that he didn't do it?"

"Because he was a liar." Aiden remarks.

"Vampires don't beg for their lives, they attack. Look, last time I'm gonna ask you nicely. Take the damn guns off us or someone's gonna get hurt."

"Big talk."

"I know, it is, isn't it." Dean states, before grabbing the gun and unloading it.

"Do I have to do that to you two as well?" I ask, giving Chrissy and Josephine a look.

They decide to lower their guns.

"So let's say this isn't the vamp that killed my dad. She's still a monster and deserves to die."

"Not if we can save her."


"She hasn't fed yet. We can reverse this if we find her maker and gets it's blood."

"And why should we care about her?" Aiden asks.

"Like I said, hunting isn't always about killing something."

"Oh please. Preach us some other choir. We're not buying it."

"I've got this Dean." I walk in front of him to face Aiden.

"Look...kid. You know nothing about hunting. Dean and his brother have been doing it their whole lives. Now, do you want to kill an innocent girl?!?! If you do, her blood is on your hands."

"I want the bloodsucker who killed my dad to pay." Chrissy states.

"And we're gonna find out who that is. But let's not be so blood thirsty that just anyone will do."

"But Victor says it's her." Josephine remarks.

"And we say it ain't. So we're gonna pack her to go, and we're gonna ask Victor ourselves. Okay?"

Hours pass and it's now nightfall. Sam has been out of it for hours and wakes up tied to a chair in the living room of Victor's.

"Oh you're awake. Good. We don't have much time."

"For what?"

"Picture this." Victor says, tipping an end table.

"Kids arrive home victorious, only to find you dead in their living room. Seems that nest of vampires they were hunting were seeking revenge." He adds, tipping over the table now.

"And killed you. Thus, inspiring them to hunt even more. I'm sorry Sam, I can't have anyone poisoning my kids' minds."

"Other than yourself that is."

"I don't need to justify my actions to you or your self-righteous ass of a brother!"

"You mean like why you're working with a vampire? So what's he get out of this? Free roaming rights?"

"We are at war. A war that we are losing. That Leviathan fiasco was a wakeup call. We have to do what we can to survive. I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're not a father. You don't know what it's hear the cries of your children dying. But now I have a second make it all create the next generation of hunters. Stronger, faster, smarter."

At that time, we come back, walking in to see Sam tied to the chair and Victor with the vampire.

"Hey we're home." Dean calls out and then Victor points the gun at us. I look over and see Sam tied up.

"Sam?" I ask and he gives me a look.

"What is going on here?" Josephine asks.

"These three are not to be trusted. They're trying to destroy us."

"Do you know this vamp Victor?" Aiden asks.

"Of course he does, they're working together!" Sam exclaims.

"Is that true?"

"It's complicated."

"No, actually it's not." I state.

"See blue van here has been turning fresh vamps and setting them up for you kids as easy kills." Dean adds.

"But why?"

"Because they didn't kill our families." Chrissy states. "Did they?"


"Well then who did?"

"I did. And they all screamed..and begged for mercy. Especially the little-" The vamp starts to say.

"-enough Seth! You have to understand. I saw a way to make the future better. To get there I had to do something hard."

"He killed them off your orders?"

"You needed motivation. I scouted each and every one of you. And I knew it was the only way to get you to hunt."

"So you killed our families?"

"I know the deaths are tragic. But think, of all the future lives that will now be saved because you are now together."

"So these fake vampires were just a way for you to train us and fill our heads with lies?"

"Don't you see? This is bigger than all of us. We have to put things in perspective. Come with me. We can get past this."

He drops the gun and Chrissy stands in front of him. She looks over to the other two and shakes her head.

"That is unfortunate."

The vamp then goes and grabs Aiden and Dean and I raise our guns to him. But we can't shoot or something will happen.

"We're leaving." Victor states.

"That's not happening."

"I taught you everything you know. Don't make me hurt you."

"Not everything Victor." She says and motions to Josephine.

She goes to stab him, but he stops her. That only distracts him and Chrissy shoots the vamp in the eye and chest with dead man's blood darts, then pulls out a regular gun and points it at Victor.


"Think about this Chrissy." I add.

"If we want revenge for our families deaths, he gives it to us!"

"We don't kill people. You don't kill people."

"He's not a person, he's a monster."

"Chrissy, this ends bad no matter what we do." Sam says.


She gets the gun ready and Dean lowers his and walks a bit closer. "Chrissy...don't."

"This is for my dad." She pulls the trigger and it just clicks.

"For Josephine's family." She says and it just clicks again.

"For Aiden, for me." And she drops the bullets on the ground.

"So we're just gonna let him live?" Aiden asks.

"Yeah. All alone, with himself. No family, no friends, not so much of anything. Let's save that girl."

We nod and I go over to Sam and set him free from the ties. But just then, Victor gets up and pulls out a gun.

"Gun!" Josephine exclaims and with that he puts a bullet to his head and kills himself.

We had brought the girl in the house and everyone had gotten changed for the day once daylight broke. We got blood from the vamp that turned her and we had her drink it so she would be feeling like herself in no time.

"Proud of you." Dean says to Chrissy.

"Shut up before I punch you."

"So how's she doing?"

"Better now."

"Oh um..." Sam trails off, taking out the necklace that belong to Chrissy's dad.

"I think this is yours."

"Thank you."

"We'll wait outside." Sam states as he and I go outside.

"Okay...get ready. We'll be waiting in the car."

"What're you talking about?"

"Your aunt. Cincinnati. Normal life. We'll be there by lunch tomorrow."

"Look, I hate how we were put together, but...I can't deny that it feels right. And why should I let Victor ruin that too?"

"So what you're saying is that you like that boy over there and you want to stay?"

"What? Aiden? No. I mean...he's like my brother. It's nothing like that."

"Well you're all still minors."

"Not for long. Josephine will be 18 in a few months. And we'll have a life in each other here."

"And hunting?"

"We won't go looking for it, but if any monsters show up around here, they better look out."

"Okay. Good."

"Really? I thought I was gonna have to fight you way more on that."

"You're right, you're not a kid anymore. You can make your own decisions."

"You're alright for an old guy."

"I'm really not that old."

"You keep telling yourself that."

"Huh. Alright, well I'm gonna have a uh...a guy come and check on you once in a while okay? His name is Garth. Make sure you're alright and you've got what you need."


"Yeah. He's a little strange at first, but you'll come to love him."

He goes to fist pound with her, but she moves his hand down in favor of kissing his cheek. I happen to see and I can't help but smile.

"Take care Dean." She says before going back into the living room.

"Yeah, goodbye Dean." Aiden says.

"Aiden. Listen, there's something I want to tell you about Chrissy."

"I know I know. You'll kill me if I ever hurt her, blah blah blah."

"No no, no. She'll kill you. Good luck." Dean says before leaving, I can't help but laugh.

I lace my fingers with his before he, Sam and I head back to the Impala.

"This is good." Sam states.

"Is it?"

"Could've been a lot worse."

"Will be if we don't shut those gates of hell soon."

"What do they have to do with any of that?"

"They're hunters now. You don't just walk away from that. There's only one way out of that, you and I both know it ain't pretty."

"No, no it's not." I agree.

"Maybe they'll be different."

"Maybe if we shut that hell hole once and for all, they can have a real life." Dean says, before we both get into the car. He starts it as Sam gets in, and with that, we drive away.