Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


What's Up Tiger Mommy?

So let's do a recap of the events that happened so far. So first of all, Dean came back from Purgatory, Benny hitching a ride and getting his body back. Sam got jumped by Dean when Sam and I arrived at our safe house, making sure he wasn't. Dean did the same to himself. They shared a hug, Dean and I shared our first kiss in a year since he's been gone. Sam said he wasn't hunting anymore, Kevin went missing and we set out on a road trip to find him. In the end we did and found out that there's a spell that can close the gates of hell forever. Crowley showed up with a possessed Channing...Kevin's girlfriend. We narrowly escaped with our lives and as we were driving away, Crowley snapped Channing's neck in retaliation. We head to the next town and lay low for a while, figuring out how we're getting that tablet...word of god back in our hands.

Chicago, Illinois

An old man and a young woman are walking through the halls of this building, a safe area, a vault to hold their things for whenever they choose to need to grab them.

"So sorry to have kept you waiting Mr. Villy. It's just-it's been so long since you checked in with us. We had to dig through our archives."

"Don't worry about me dear, I've got plenty of time."

"Which box was it again?"


"I'm sorry, say one? As in box number one?"

"If memory serves."

She smiles and goes over to the vaults, opening the number one vault, pulling out a locked box.

"During our last renovation we had to replace the safe boxes. And we put yours inside a new one." She explains, opening the box to reveal another box.

"Ahhh." Mr. Villy says, taking the key that's with the box of his and opening it while the woman takes the safe box and puts it back into the vault.

Mr. Villy then takes out of his small box, a semi-large bone that had some magic dust like stuff come off it and she gasps.

"I'm...sorry sir, that a...bone?"

"Not just any bone my dear. An extremely valuable one."

"Well, I'm happy we were able to keep it safe for you all these years. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

"Why yes, now that I think about it. I'd like to make a withdrawal."

They smile at each other and next thing that happens is that she screams and blood splatters across the vaults.

Present Day

It's about mid afternoon and we're all sitting at a little place for lunch, talking about the tablet, what we're gonna do, etc. That's when Kevin brings up his mother and the concern he has for her safety after what happened to Channing.

"Are you kidding me?" Dean asks, mouth full of food. "You're kidding me."

"Dean...really? Talking with your mouth full? That hasn't changed I see." I state, jokingly of course.

"What? Is it too much to ask to swing by and check on my mom."

"I don't think it is."

"Swing by? It's a day's drive in the opposite direction. You know that right?"


"Yes I understand."

"Then what's the problem?"

"Channing's broken neck is my problem! As in I'd rather not see my mother twisted into a corkscrew."

"Kid's got a point Dean." Sam states.

"Stay out of this. Kevin your mom is fine." Dean adds.

"How can you possibly know that?"

"Because Crowley needs her to be. Okay? He's probably got the place stacked with bodyguards right now, protecting her. So that when you do show up, they'll pounce on you both."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"In Dean's case, yeah." I nod.

"She's bait man. Plain and simple. And you want to go right up and bite the hook? Look, we have got Crowley by the shortened curlies okay? All we need to do is find the tablet, whip up the spell and boom. Sunshine and sandy beaches."

"Dean? My mom's all alone. She's surrounded by demons. Can you really not understand why I want to make sure she's okay?"

Dean thinks about it before looking at me and Sam and we give him a look.

"Son of a bitch." He states, throwing his sandwich down. "Fine, let's go." He adds, throwing his hands up before getting up.

We throw our trash away and get into our cars and embark on the day long trip to see if Kevin's mom is alright. I made sure I had plenty of coffee to keep me up so that when we're driving at night, I don't fall asleep at the wheel. I mean it's not like I'm in the car with Sam and Dean and I can sleep on the way there. I'm driving by myself and following behind them.

Neighbor, Michigan

A day later and we're parked a ways from Kevin's mother's house. I of course get out of my car and stay low as I go over to the others in Dean's car. I get into the back and sit next to Kevin as we stake out the place. Sam looking at the house with binoculars.

"Tiger mom, nine o'clock." Sam states.

Kevin reaches forward and grabs the binoculars. "Where?" He asks, using them himself to check on her.

"Left window."

"She seems okay. Sad...but okay."

"Check out the mailman." Dean states.

"Yeah that's Carl. So what?"

"Well Carl's filled your mom's mailbox three times since we've been sitting here."

"He's a demon?" Kevin asks.

"Unfortunately." I nod.

"And see the gardener? Think that plant needs anymore water?"

"So what's the plan?" I ask. "Gank the demons?"

"Always on the money Brooke. Let's go. We'll take care of the gardener first."

I nod and we all get out of the car. Dean and I sneak to the backyard of Kevin's mother's and shut off the water and take the hose from the spicket, and then we hide. We wait until the gardener notices. As soon as he gets down the steps, I cause the distraction.

"Hi, remember me?" I wave innocently.

"Brooke. How nice to see you." His eyes switch to black with a sly grin on his face.

"Wish I could say the same for you. Time to go back to hell."

"You really think you can do that all by yourself?"

"Well not really..." I trail off.

"...she has help." Dean states and comes out of hiding and stabs him with Ruby's knife.

Then we move on and get to a spot where we can watch for the mailman, Carl. When we see him, I throw something that makes a loud BANG. He stops, and walks up the front yard and comes into the backyard. Dean's standing there with me and we have a smile on our faces and wave. Sam comes out of hiding and stabs him in the chest, sending the demon back to hell.

"Now, let's reunite you with you mother Kevin." I tell him and he nods.

We walk around to the front and hide while Kevin knocks on the door. She opens it and is shocked to see him standing there.

"Hi mom."

"Kevin? Kevin?" She says, almost ready to cry and goes to hug him, but Sam and Dean both come out of hiding and splash her with holy water.

"Way to ruin a moment."

"She's clean." Dean states and Kevin hugs her.

"You smell that?" Sam asks.

We sniff the air and we rush in, going around Kevin and his mother. We go in and look around. Sam gets to the kitchen and a demon is trying to exit the body of a woman when they see Sam. Clearly if she's in the house, she's a friend of Kevin's mom. But Sam starts the Latin and the demon goes back into the body. Dean, me, Kevin and his mother all get to the kitchen in time to see the black cloud go back into the woman's body.

"Give me the knife...quick." I tell Dean and he does so.

I quickly go over and stab her, making sure the demon has left before removing the knife.

"Eunice!" Kevin's mom screams.

"That's not Eunice." Dean states.

"Let's go into a different room Mrs. Tran, we'll explain." I reassure her.

She nods, and we go into the living room, to explain to her what's been going on and everything.

"Mrs. Tran, your friend was possessed by a demon." Sam tells her plain and simple.

"Have you ever seen the Exorcist?" Kevin asks her.

"Is that what you've been doing all year? Watching television? Did you really have to kill her?"

"Demon would've warned Crowley where we were if we didn't." Dean states.

"And Crowley is the one who kidnapped you?" Kevin's mother asks Kevin.

"Yeah. He needs me to translate a stupid tablet. So he can take over the universe."

"Which is why we need to get it to slam the gates of hell forever with Crowley inside." Dean adds.

"So that things like that, don't ever happen again." Sam continues.

"Prophet of the lord huh? It does have a nice ring to it. I'll get packed."

"We're gonna need a safe house since Crowley's been at the cabin." Dean states as we all stand up.

"Right." I nod.

"Safe house? I thought we were going to get the tablet."

"Well we are. You're taking a trip to a demon free zone."

"And risk Kevin falling into the hands of this Crowley again? I don't think so."

"Mrs. Tran with all due respect, Dean's right. Crowley..he's not just a killer. He trades and torments. If he can find a way to seperate your soul from you, he'll take that soul to hell and roast it until there's nothing left but black smoke." Sam explains. "Look, it's best if you let us handle this."

"We care about your safety Mrs. Tran." I add.

"I understand. But it's not my soul I'm worried about. It's my son's."

"Kevin, you want to back us up here? Came all the way down here to pull her out of the fire and now she wants to jump right back in."

"Like I can tell her what to do?"

"True. She is his mother afterall." I nod. "Just let her come with us. There are ways to protect her from demons while she's with us." I add.

"Brooke is right. But coming with us does have conditions. Hex bags to stay off the bad guy's radar and're gonna have to get inked up."

"Do what now?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah. Uh.." Sam trails off, showing him the anti-possession tattoo he got on his chest. " too shortstop. Keeps demons out."

"Anti-possession." I explain. "Basically it does keep demons out. They can't possess you in any way. They made me get one too. And just in case I got a necklace made of it as well. Double protection." I add, showing them where my tattoo of the anti-possession symbol was and my necklace.

"Fine." Mrs. Tran says.


"What? Like it's my first tattoo." She states proudly and walks away to pack her things.

Kevin stands there in shock, I raise my eyebrows a bit, and Dean has a grin on his face. We stand around and wait for her to find her things.

"So I guess she's had a tattoo before. Who knew you mom was so cool Kevin." I laugh.

"I'm impressed." Dean states.

"Just as impressed as you were when I got the tattoo?"



"Just kidding...impressed." He chuckles.

After a while, Mrs. Tran comes down with her things and we head to the nearest tattoo parlor. Dean tells the tattoo artists what they want and they go to work. Kevin is whimpering while his mother is sitting there calm as can be. She reaches over and holds his hand.

"You smell that guys?"

"Burning flesh?" Sam asks.

"Hot ink?" I ask.

"Revenge. So close. Hey, how'd you do that reverse exorcism thing?"

"Just said the verse backwards."


It's another day or so and we're in a completely different state.

Laramie, Wyoming

We're at a bus station and scouting the area for any demon. We walk back to Kevin and his mother and we nod, they stand up.

"So place is clean as far as I can tell." Sam states.

"Yup, not a demon in sight."

"Alright, positive thoughts." Dean says, taking a key from Kevin and going over to one of the lockers nearby.

He unlocks it and finds a bag inside. I diaper bag to be exactly.

"You hid the word of god in a diaper bag?"

"Hey, anything to keep it safe right?" I ask.

"No." Kevin shakes his head.

"What? Someone stole it?"

Dean opens it and searches, finding nothing. Dean gives him a sarcastic smile.

"Shut up." Dean says angered and throws the bag back into the locker.

"Maybe we should get some answers on these lockers. We may need to change into formal attire."

"Right Sammy. I'll get changed and then I'll go get someone who knows about the lockers, see if anyone broke into it." I state. "I'll be back." I add, kissing Dean briefly before walking off.

"Mmmm. Man, Sammy you should get a girlfriend like her."

"Yeah I'll ask her if she has a friend. Remember Dean I have Amelia."

"Oh right right."

" know..."



Meanwhile, I find someone who could help.

"Hi, me and my partners had some questions about the lockers. Do you mind coming over and helping us?"

"Yeah sure no problem."

"Thank you." I say, walking back to everyone. "See we had a very valuable item in the locker and it seems to not be there and it's been replaced with a diaper bag."

"Been nothing but trouble with these lockers. Got broken into a damn near every day for a while. Could never figure out who it was, till yesterday."

"So you know who did it?"

"Sure. Was Clem Smedley. Guy who worked the desk before me."

"Please tell me he's down in County right now."

"Yup. Waiting for arraignment."


"Thank you sir." I add.

"You know where we're heading right?"


"Right you are."

"Keep the suits on?"

"Keep the suits on."

"Well let's go then."

We leave the bus station and back out to our cars where we head to the County jail. We make sure Kevin and his mother are safe in the car while the three of us head in. We show our badges and are brought into a room to talk with Smedley.

"Sharp guy that Jerry. He'd be a fine replacement for me."

"Right, well, in one of those lockers there was a tablet. Do you know where it is?"

"Can I even acknowledge that without my lawyer here?"

"Uh...look. I'm sure we can work out a little something something with the locals if you just cooperate."

"What kind of something, something?"

Then we start to negotiate.

"So here's what I'm thinking. Full immunity from all charges. Both past, present and future."

That's when Dean removes his tie and wraps it around the guy's neck, shoves him against the wall and holds a knife to his neck.

"Dean! What are you doing?!"

"Don't worry Brooke, I won't hurt him. Just want answers."

"Do you feel that?"

That's when the guy starts to talk.

"How about you just tell me."


"Pawn shop. First and Main."

Dean nods and lets him go, removing the tie.

"Let's go."

We suddenly leave and head back out to the cars.

"Dean what was that in there? I honestly thought you were gonna kill him."

"Now I wouldn't kill an innocent person...unless they were possessed."

"Right..." I say warily before getting into my own car. From there we head off to the pawn shop. When we pull up there's this really expensive looking car out front and it's pretty sweet.



Then we head in, introduce ourselves and show our badges, putting them away.

"We're looking for a tablet."

"About yea big, got some hieroglyphic crap on it."

"Sold to you by a thief called Clem. Ring a bell?"


"Hey Lyle? I've had a really really bad day today so I'm not in the mood to dilly dally. If you wanna do this the rough way, I'm happy to oblige."

"Sure we can do it that way. If you wanna get famous." He points out the security cameras.

"That your car outside?" Mrs. Tran asks.

"What's it to you mail order?"

"Hey! Pal..."

"I got it. I noticed you're driving with expired tags. Maybe because you just acquired it in a trade. And I'm guessing that means you haven't registered it yet. Which means you haven't paid the tax. Is that correct?"

"None of your business."

"Kevin...average blue book on a 2010 Ferrari, F430 Spider?"


"And the five percent Wyoming tax?"


"$10,000. Something tells me you're the type that might bawk at a tax bill that big."

"What is this? An FBI audit?"

"No, but my brother who just happens to work for the Wyoming Tax Accessors office could arrange that, if he thought something was happening here. So what's it going to be? The tablet or that piece of euro trash crap you call a car?"

Turns out he chose the tablet and he gave us the pawn slip of who has it.

"Thank you for your time. Lyle." I smile before we all head out and get into the cars, heading off to where the pawn slip says the owner is. It ends up being a motel, room 126 to be exact. We knock but there's no answer.

"Sure this is the right place?"

"It's what the pawn slip says."

"Kevin." We hear a voice and turn to see someone in a suit, top hat and cane.

"Who's this chucklehead?"

"Oh relax, I'm not going to steal your prophet. Ah, and you must be Kevin's mother. Beau and it is my absolute pleasure." He says, kissing her hand. "And um Kevin. Imagine my luck. Here I was working so hard looking for you, that I never stopped to think you might be looking for me. I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"An invitation dear man. To a very exclusive auction."

"Let me guess. Where you'll be selling the tablet?"

"Well when we acquire an item as hot as the word of god, it's smart to unload it as fast as possible. And we are in such desperate need for a headliner in tonight's gala."

"Well I hope you have four extra tickets for your little eBay party, because prophet's with us."

"Oh, if you're worried about the safety of the prophet, rest assured we have a strict no casting, no cursing, no supernaturally flicking the three of you against a wall just for the fun of it policy."

"Is that right. How'd you manage that?"

"Well I am the right hand of a god afterall. Plutus specifically."

"Is that even a planet anymore?" Dean asks amusedly.

"It's the god of greed. And my Liege has warded these premises against hell, heaven and beyond. Quite necessary with some of the players we see and incidentally, quite possibly the safest place your precious prophet could be. Well since time is of the essence, I'll just go ahead and add a plus four to the prophet's invitation."

He then tosses it in the air and magically disappears.

"Well thank you Mr. Peanut!"

"Mr. Peanut? Oh Dean." I laugh.

"Alright, what do we have to bid? Come on, we can't just show up there empty handed."

"Dean all we have to our name is a few extra gold cards."

"Well we're gonna have to get creative."

That's when Dean looks at the Impala.

"Huh. Well..."

"No. Say it and I will kill you, your children and your grandchildren."

"Okay okay, um...wait a second. They...these auctions, they display the items to the bidders beforehand right?"

"Yeah? So?"

"So all we got to do is get Kevin close enough to memorize the spell."

"What do you think brainiac, you think you can swing it?"

"Of course he can swing it. If the bumper stickers on my Previa mean anything."

"He didn't mean it baby." Dean says to his car.

"That may be your baby number one, but you know who's your baby number two." I grin, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my lips to his, in an attempt to calm him down at least.

Sam looks away before getting into the car. Kevin and his mother get into the car as well.

"Better?" I ask after I pull away with a smile on my face.

"Better." He nods.

"Good. Now let's go."

"Let's just stop somewhere and change. Don't want to go there in this monkey suit."

"Of course Dean."

We stop at a gas station and change in the bathrooms. Then we're off to the auction. When we get there, we make sure to leave all our weapons in the car, then we walk inside. When we do get inside there's a metal detector. Kevin walks through, followed by Sam, Mrs. Tran and then me. Dean was the last one in and they shut the door behind him. When he walked through the detector, it went off.

"Dean you didn't." I give him a look and he gives me an innocent look back.

"Now now Dean. System only works when everyone participates."

He goes over to the box and empties all the weapons he has, including the knife.

"I'll be back for this."

Now we're able to walk around and look at all the items up for auction.

"How the hell are we supposed to know who's who?"

"Pretty simple Dean. They're all monsters."

"Hey, hey." Dean gets our attention and we see the tablet. However it's covered so no one can read it.

"Damn. There goes your idea Sam."


"Guess we're not as original as we thought."

"It's okay, it's okay. We just gotta come up with a Plan B."

"And what pray tell could have possibly been Plan A?" We hear Crowley's voice and we turn around to see him.

"Bringing the prophet to the most dangerous place on earth? Memorize the tablet and then vamoose? Hello boys...ladies."

"Crowley." I acknowledge.

"Kevin. What a pleasure to see you. Sorry about your little...playdate. Well to make an omelet, sometimes you got to break some spines. Who is this lovely young thing? Must be your sister."

Mrs. Tran reaches out and punches him right in the face. "Stay away from my son."

"Charming. Defiling her corpse has just made number one on my to do list."

Dean goes to step forward.

"Ah ah ah ah. I don't mind a little love tap. Anything more and the guards just may throw you out and that would be a shame."

"He's right Dean, it's not worth it."

"Listen to moose, squirrel."

Then this guy in a track suit comes walking in and past us into another room.

"Ah, here comes our host."

"That's Pulus? What is he god of the candy aisle?"

"Gentlemen, ladies, the auction is starting."

"Good luck with the bidding."

"Nice right hook." Sam compliments Mrs. Tran.

I head in with Sam and them while Dean gets stopped to talk. After a few moments, he joins us, sitting down between me and Sam. We all gather all the money, the cards we have hoping it can help us get the tablet.

"Welcome to this one in a lifetime event. The first name in magical and alchemical esoterica. Our prices may be high, but our quality is unmatched. And we stand by our product..."

"Don't know why you're so keen on that hunk of stone. Just tells you how to blast back a few demons. Well can't get rid of all of my black eyed boys Samantha."

"Yeah we'll see. Alright so what do you got for plan b?"

"Uh...well we got around cards, about $2,000 and a Cosgo membership."

"...the amulet of Hesperus. Let's start the bidding with...3 tons of Dwarvan gold?"

"Dwarvan gold? Our money isn't gonna cut it."

"Plan C?"

"Big time."

"Any other bids? Any other bids?"

"I'm gonna use the restroom."


Dean then gets up to find the restroom, leaving Sam, Kevin, his mother and myself in the auction room.

"How long does it take a man to go to the bathroom?"

"Knowing Dean, he's up to no good."


"Our next item up for bid, the hammer of Thor."

"Finger bone from the frost giant Emir."

"No, I'm sorry."

"5/8ths of a virgin."

"Eww." I cover my mouth.


"Plan C tanked." Dean states when he sits back down.

"Maybe you should try Plan D for Dumbass."

"Shut it Crowley." I growl.

"Our next item, the word of god. Capital G. Very old, very rare."

"Three billion dollars." Crowley offers.



"The Mona Lisa." A kid in a Wiener Hut outfit offers.

"The real Mona Lisa. Where she's topless." Crowley offers.

"Vatican City."


"Palin and a bridge to nowhere, no thanks."

"Alright the moon."

"You're betting the moon?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, claimed it for hell. I think a man named Buzz gets to go into space after making a deal."

"Ah, I'm sorry gentlemen, it seems our reserved price has not been met. So, in order to stimulate the bidding, we're going to add an item to this lot. Kevin Tran, prophet of the lord."

"NO!" Mrs. Tran exclaims.

"Mr. Tran is the only person who can read this tablet, which makes them a perfect matching set."

"So out of your league."

"So, do I hear a bid of..."

"No, stop! I'll give you whatever you want. I have a 401K, my house."

"Good effort Ms. Tran. But I'm afraid this is a little out of your price range."

"My soul."

"Mom don't!" Kevin exclaims.

"I bid my soul."

"Mrs. Tran..." I look at her in disbelief.

"Are you sure? That's a big move." Dean asks.


"If it's souls that you're after, I can give you a million souls."

"Hey fly boy, are you gonna get in on this?"

"We guard the souls in heaven. We don't horse trade them."

"So we have a deal."

"It's not about the quantity chief. It's about the sacrifice. This little lady's soul is the most valuable thing she has. It's everything. Are you willing to offer everything Mr. Crowley?"

"Tick tock."

"Fine. You win. I own...soul."

"Hahahahaha. Mr. Crowley, you don't have a soul."

"What now bitch." I give him a mocking smile.

"Congrats sweetheart."

"Thank you. Thank you."

With that, Crowley leaves. The rest of the group leaves and it's only me, Dean, Sam and Mrs. Tran.

"Losing my it going to hurt?"


"Will I die?"

"No. You'll just wish you were dead."

Then Beau comes in.

"It's time."

"Are you okay?" I ask Mrs. Tran.

"Yeah. Can I just have a minute?"

"Of course." I nod. Dean, Sam and myself leave.

"This sucks."

"You're telling me. We're about to close the gates of hell forever. We got off cheap."

We go into another room where they hold all the items. Mr. Villy retrieves the hammer of Thor. Beau comes in with Mrs. Tran.

"Where's the kid?"

A snap of a finger and Kevin's brought in.

"What're you gonna do with her soul?"

"Whatever I want. I might sell it. Or maybe I'll just tuck it away with my other precious objects. Let them keep me warm at night. Mmmmm."


"Whenever you're ready dear."

She walks forward, holding her arm out.

"Wait." Dean stops her and sees the anti-possession tattoo burned off her skin.

"What..." I stare in shock.

"Hello boys." The voice of Crowley comes through her and her eyes turn red.

"Crowley." He then sends them flying in opposite directions.

"Dean! Sam!" I exclaim. "You son of a bitch." I growl and storm towards him.

I however get thrown against a wall myself when he turns to face me.

"No, you can't. My warning spells."

"Your girl Friday showed me a few loopholes. And all it cost me was an island in the South Pacific. I love a bargain. Beau then stabs the guy and Crowley, takes the stake out and throws it into one of the bodyguards.

"Can't do all my tricks, but I can do enough." Crowley says, taking the tablet.

"Get out of her!" Kevin exclaims.

"Dean..." I crawl over to him, grimacing.

"I'm alright. Are you?" He says, grabbing the knife from the collection box where he had to leave it.

"I'm fine." I nod.

"If I had a nickel for everytime someone screamed that."

Sam then gets up and tackles Crowley to the ground.

"Come on." Dean says and helps me up as we stand before Crowley.

"You're going down you son of a bitch." I threaten.

"Getting in touch with your feminine side huh Crowley?"

"Something like that."

"Well come and get em."

"One out of two ain't bad." Crowley states after looking at Kevin and then bolting.

"Watch the kid Sam. Brooke, let's go." Dean tells us and I follow Dean with running through the halls to catch Crowley.

Dean eventually grabs him and holds the knife to his neck.

"Mom!" Kevin exclaims, coming into the room.

Crowley pushes Dean away and then starts to exit Kevin's mom like all demons do. He emerges in a doorway.

"Well that was exciting."

"Brooke, the tablet." Dean states.

"Ah ah, I wouldn't do that. Unless you want your little girlfriend's neck snapped too."

"Dean." I look at him and shake my head.

"Good luck closing the gates to hell...without this." Crowley states, picking the tablet up.

"This may be surprising but mommy dearest has a lot wrapped around her head. Want to know who your real father is? Scandalous."


"I know we're not mates Kevin. But one word of advice. Run. Run far and run fast. Because the Winchesters and Brooke, well...they have a habit of using people up and watching them die bloody. Toodles." Crowley finishes as he walks right out the front door.

"Dean, I would've grabbed the tablet, but I didn't want to die. And the last thing we need is me dying and you making a deal to bring me back like you did Sam. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. We were just so close. Come on. Let's get us all safe."

I nod and we head back and into the auction room. Kevin's mom is silent.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Probably the effects of being possessed. She should be fine."

"Listen Kevin. What your mom went through, it's hell. Trust me, I know. But she seems tough, she'll pull it together."

"You tried to kill her."

"Kid in this life..."

"...shut up. I don't want to hear anymore of your crappy speeches. I just want to talk to my mom. Alone."


Sam, Dean and myself leave the room and talk outside of it.

"Dean were you really going to uh-"

"What? Slit soccer mom's throat?"

"Unfortunately." I sigh.

"Wish I had."


"It was Crowley, Sam. No matter what meat suit he's in, I should've knifed him. I mean yeah, it would've sucked and I would've hated myself. But what's one more nightmare right? It seem a little quiet in there to you?"

"Oh no."

That's when we go in and find no Kevin or his mom.



"He's gone."

"You've got to be kidding me!"



"He left a note? At least he did that."

"What's it say?"

"Uh that they bolted. That we shouldn't come looking. Since we lost the tablet, Kevin figures we don't need him."

"Yeah, but Crowley still does. What's that kid thinking?!"

"Apparently not much."

"He thinks people I don't need anymore, end up dead."

"Dean that...that..."

"...that's not true. And you know that babe." I finish for Sam.

"Dean?" I ask, since he dazed off into space.

"Huh? Let's just go. I'd rather not be here all night." He states, heading out of the room before us.